

Emerald Isle

Invasion: 2x05 A Voice from the Other Side

I love Mitsuki, but uh... I'm gonna need her to stop poking the bear. How they can think this is a good idea is beyond me.

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The 100: 1x04 Murphy's Law

what they did to murphy in this episode is awful. and what happened to charlotte makes me so sad. the adults in her life failed her and sent her and a bunch of other kids to the ground to manage themselves while also dealing with trauma, either from being locked up and threatened to be floated or watching others being floated.

this episode makes the show feel more realistic because of the tragedy and difficult decisions the characters faced. and characters processing the consequences of their bad decisions, even though they didn't realize what their decisions would cause.

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The Batman

i'm not going to rate it, because clearly i was not the intended audience for this movie. cinematically it is gold. pattinson's batman is also the most accurate to source material i've seen -

but this movie was so damn slow. i was so bored. it just felt unnecessarily long for no reason just so they could squeeze in all of the cinematic shots, and then the plot didn't make up for the wait.

this one wasn't for me.

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Squid Game

this was such an interesting take on a horror genre series and it was so so good right up until the last episode. the great big reveal at the end was meh and then the main character goes and makes a dumb decision that goes against what he's been fighting for literally the entire show. (when he decides to play the game again instead of getting on that plane and being there for his daughter like he's been saying he would the whole series.)

the major switch up in the final episode made the series feel like it wasn't cohesive. it just didn't fit and that made it a little disappointing, especially after the way this show plays on your emotions and really gets you invested into each of the character's personal stories.

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Motherland: Fort Salem

It's a tragedy that more people don't know about this show already. This has to be one of the best shows to come out in the last five years or so.

Over the past few years most of the 'good' shows (ie - shows that have been running for a long time) have ended and there's been a huge void with nothing to replace them - but I think Motherland has the potential to be one of those shows.

Right from the beginning, the storytelling is clear and captivating, there's a rich foundational history with much more to discover, and new elements are introduced at the right time so there's no confusion about how things work.

The actresses are all doing a phenomenal job. I love Raelle's character and her raw badassery, Abigail is exactly the type of person I'd want to have on my team in a fight, and Tally is so genuinely good and kind that you can't help but love her.

I'm really excited for the future of this show and the cast.

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Foundation: 1x06 Death and the Maiden

Ok the main character needs to come back right now. This is starting to feel like they didn't give us enough information before so they made her go away so they had a reason to spend the last five episodes going unnecessarily into detail about everyone else.

Really hoping that the next episode isn't another side quest into another character's life and we can get Gaal back. They've made the Hari murder a mystery and haven't done much to explain or further the plot after getting me hooked on that plotline and now I'm starting to lose interest in the series altogether.

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Supernatural: 1x21 Salvation

this was a strange episode and i have so many questions. why did john send the boys? didn't he previously say he didn't want them around the demon? did he just change his mind all of a sudden? how does meg know who john's friends are? why can't john just call everyone and warn them? group text? snapchat? little heads up would be nice, just sayin'

nothing about this episode made much sense, but it was still entertaining as always watching sam and dean kick some ass.

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Supernatural: 6x22 The Man Who Knew Too Much

Forgive my lack of acting skills but how the hell does Jared play doe-eyed perfect bby Sam and also evil, soulless, villain Sam? He goes from golden retriever to hellhound real fast lol.

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Red Dot

Yep I had to quit when they were torturing and killing the dog. There should be a warning on this crap when they're torturing animals. Gross.

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The Walking Dead: 4x15 Us

Shout by Shay

This episode was important because it reinforces a lot of what we already know about Glenn. He's self-less in the face of death and danger and will always put his own neck out there to help someone else. We saw this in season 1, episode 1 and we're seeing in this episode that, despite everything he's been through and everything that has changed, he's still that same person.

Great episode.

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The Mist

Well, not the ending I expected. I can't imagine how much that would suck.

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Supernatural: 5x12 Swap Meat

"Crystal I would looove to have the sex with you."

Haha, gets me every time!

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I'm going to be the odd one out here. I actually prefer Aliens over Alien. Where Alien is a scifi horror movie, a little slower paced, very focused on the eerie horrifying factor, Aliens is full on action-horror. Some think the action is over-the-top, and I'd say that's a fair assessment.

But I also really like that. I like seeing them fight back against the aliens. I'm a huge fan of action-horror and really enjoy how fast-paced this movie is. The plot of Alien is vastly superior, but there's something really satisfying about Aliens that makes it one of my favorites in the Alien franchise.

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Invasion: 2x06 Pressure Points

Shout by Shay

Why is everyone acting like there aren't aliens running around? Playing music, lighting candles, laughing... in an evacuation zone. Feels like it's only a matter of time before these kids get killed.

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Invasion: 2x04 The Tunnel

Really enjoyed this episode. I'm not too much of a fan of the kids. It's really gone downhill in my opinion since Caspar entered that coma, but I loved the new twist on the aliens. This is the first real bit of terror since season one and I'm hoping it will continue in that vein. I wanna see some aliens destroying shit.

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Invasion: 2x01 Something's Changed

I really love episodes with Mitsuki. I'm so intrigued by her storyline and her abilities to communicate with the aliens.

This was a pretty good premier for season 2. We're introduced to some new possibilities about the aliens and I have more questions than ever. I'm really hoping this season answers some of those questions and reveals how some of these storylines are connected.

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Resident Evil

i forgot how much i loved resident evil. this was always one of my favorite shows growing up. i had a crazy obsession with zombies and milla jovovich was such a badass.

is it great in a technical sense? no. the acting is dramatic and yet still emotionally flat. the plot is your average hero vs. undefeatable enemy. it's nothing exceptional.

but it does bring back so many great memories and for that it will always be one of my favorite zombie films.

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One Piece: 1x07 Grand Duel! Zoro the Swordsman vs Cabaji the Acrobat!

lol pirate trainees? i need a spinoff with every single detail.

this show is so ridiculous you just have to love it.

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Supernatural: 1x18 Something Wicked

man, the burden that was placed on dean at such a young age... the mindset of having to look after his brother and being responsible for him... he was basically forced to parent his younger brother while he was still a child himself. hunting and taking care of people is all he's ever known.

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Supernatural: 1x17 Hell House

there are some iconic moments in this episode, like the spoon scene and the first meeting with the ghostfacers (who reappear again and again in future episodes,) but other than that everything about this episode was mediocre.

on the other hand, watching them take photos with old flip phones and sam's slightly more advanced blackberry brings back memories haha!

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Supernatural: 1x12 Faith

this is easily one of my favorite episodes of the show. there's something about the idea of magic and reapers that really makes this episode ominous. i have to be happy dean was healed but at the same time i'm firmly with the boys in wanting to stop this shenanery.

as a side note, i miss geeky research sam so much.

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Shane Gillis: Beautiful Dogs

Ah, r-slurs and rape jokes. Classic.

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Foundation: 2x01 In Seldon's Shadow

The relationship between the Cleons has changed so much post-dna-scramble. I can’t help but feel some satisfaction watching everything fall apart around them.

This was a pretty good premier. A bit slow, but a strong set-up for the rest of the season.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x16 Leave a Light On

What a tragedy. I loved Alex but this episode makes him out to be such an ass. How am I supposed to like this guy after what he's doing to Jo? Knowing what she's been through, basically divorcing her by letter, getting back with Izzie for the kids? He outright said if it was just about Izzie or Jo he'd choose Jo. That's not right for Izzie either! What a dick!

They could have made him exit in literally any other way without tossing the legacy of his character into a dumpster fire.

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The Requin

How are you gonna call it a shark movie when the sharks don't come in until 75% of the way through?

The acting and bad special effects ruined this one way before I saw a dorsal fin. I've been binge watching shark movies for the past week and this is by far one of the worst ones I've seen yet.

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LEGO Masters: 3x03 Brickin' Bull Ride Rodeo

Shout by Shay

Pretty funny episode. A little disappointed though because the team with the ballerina wasn't shown on the bull. I went back 3-4 times on hulu to make sure but it wasn't there.

Really excited to see what the new team can do though. They must be pretty good to be joining this late in the season.

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Grey's Anatomy: 4x09 Crash Into Me (1)

This episode has been one train wreck after another after another. Wow.

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THE DAYS: 1x01 The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Is Submerged

Such a great first episode. The filmography on this is really great. It's hard to talk about this as a drama series when it's based on such tragic real-life events. So many major disasters happening back to back to back, it's no wonder it caused so much damage.

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Pressure Cooker: 1x04 Traitors

Great episode. They deserved that win. The duck looked so good!

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Grey's Anatomy: 3x13 Great Expectations

ok hold on... a few episodes ago they were all breaking up at the same time and now they're all proposing at the same time??? what is going on??

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