Guillem De La Calle Vicente


Sant Joan De Les Abadesses, Cataluna, Spain

Cross the Line

I just watched the movie and my heart is still pounding and I'm still on edge. The movie has a frenetic pace and the 90 minutes literally fly by.

Another outstanding performance by Mario Casas. Gone are the days when he was only good to take off his shirt and be the attraction for teenage girls.

If you like Thrillers, this movie will not disappoint you. It is not the movie of the century, but it fulfills its function of entertaining.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x13 Lights Out

Crying with Holy and Terry's dance. It's one of the best chapters of the series, no doubt.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x11 Valloweaster

For some reason I had a feeling that Rosa was going to win this time, just as next year it will be Hitchcock and Scully.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x09 Dillman

Boyle already deserved the recognition he has been given in this chapter.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x08 The Takeback

The episodes with Judy are highly comical.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x07 Ding Dong

Shocked that Wuntch really died... :O

Holt very clever with the fake memorial hahahaha


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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x06 Trying

I was heartbroken with the last scene :(

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x05 Debbie

I said it and I'll say it again, they should integrate Pimento into the 99 team, especially now that Debbie is no longer with us.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x04 The Jimmy Jab Games II

I love how they always throw in an "I love you so much" from Jake to Amy.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x03 Pimemento

Pimento should be integrated in team 99, he is very funny.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x01 Manhunter

I count the steps in my head, like a normal person hehe.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x18 Suicide Squad (2)


I thought one thing was going to happen and then suddenly.....

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x15 Return of the King

I love Gina, although I didn't feel her as she was in this chapter.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x14 Ticking Clocks

I love seeing Sean Astin in different series.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x13 The Bimbo

I need more episodes involving Kevin and Holt, Holt of all time is one of my favorites and I love episodes that get more intimate with his characters, so to see Kevin defending his husband....

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x12 Casecation

Holt calling Kevin to help with the debate haha seriously they are perfect for each other. love them.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x11 The Therapist

Jake pretending to have multiple personalities hahaha for a moment there I thought the real patient was going to walk in at any moment haha.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x10 Gintars

Nikolaj is so adorable. I need more episodes with him.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x09 The Golden Child

Idiot! I laughed a lot with Jake singing his heart out to Amy's mother and the team of infiltrators. I want a work environment like this. Jake and Amy are still a great couple. It's great getting to know their families, and if one is Lin-Manuel Miranda, all the better. The references, the amount of accomplishments, the dance scene... you can tell they wrote the chapter with him in mind.

Lin-Manuel Miranda is not only fantastic as... everything (actor, writer, composer, singer, philanthropist...), especially as a person from what I can see, but he's also a big fan of the show and was one of the 4-5 biggest supporters when it was cancelled, and now he's here, it's like a gift to the fans that I appreciate.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x08 He Said, She Said
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x07 The Honeypot

Fuck, I almost spit out all my drink from laughing so hard at the last scene. Six seasons in and this show never stops making you laugh, it's unbelievable. ouch the barrel museum! After 6 seasons they're still pulling out highlights like that and Holt's "flirting" with the spy xD.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x06 The Crime Scene

They're all out of their minds xD When this is over I'm going to miss them, damn it.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x05 A Tale of Two Bandits

Ouhhh Gina being removed from the intro and the epic walk.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x04 Four Movements

Ughh, too much Gina in the whole chapter.
But I admit that the moment of telling the famous guy that he can't come in while Scully has been brutal XD.

So... she's really gone? Let it be that she is.

Hey, they need to get back to solving crimes! I don't think it's been a few episodes since they've done that.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x02 Hitchcock & Scully

The curious case of Hitchcock and Scully

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x21 White Whale

Peralta has found his boyfriend instinct :D
I think we all need a little...

Amy jumping off the roof. Like a boss XD

"Did you also study Entrepreneurship??"
"Yes, and I also have a pilot's license, so what?"
Daaaaamn, Rosa. Classy.

"You're going to have to lift the car and drag it away."
"And how do we get the cookies out?"
"REALLY that's your only problem with my plan?"
Terry fan. FAN.

Oh, that's good.
I needed this.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x19 Bachelor/ette Party

"What is the first activity of the evening?"
"I had thought to start by discussing the etymology of the word single."
HER BEST FRIEND, OF COURSE. Although I feel bad for the other 2 XD

And the scavenger hunt, WHAT a LOAD for goodness sake.
I mean, it tastes bad for Charles, but... no shit.
And it makes me feel worse when we see how hard he worked, but for a bachelor party? Really?

Seeing Amy backing up I WATCHED the fall. I was expecting her to fall on her ass though. It was a little more violent than I expected..... Au.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x18 Gray Star Mutual

Damn, the scream at the beginning xD

Girlfriend on the run 2.0. DALES, AMY!!!

And god, Pimento is going SO much.... It's glorious.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x17 DFW

That pre-credits scene. This series is getting so over the top. And I love it.

"What happened to Becky?"
"The girl you were dating that you never told us the name of, so we started calling her Becky."
"Becky and I broke up."
Classy Rosa is classy.

And the sister was cool... according to me. She reminds me slightly of Gina, especially when she blurted out about her astrologer.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x16 NutriBoom

"You see, managing Amy is not a chore, it's a pleasure. Because an Amy is a tool" Holt with Amy

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