

São Paulo, Brazil

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore


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Desperate Housewives: 2x17 Could I Leave You?

Andrew once again making people nauseous. This baseless hatred he feels for his mother is exhausting and frustrating. Considering everything he’s done and said to Bree, claiming he’s going to tell everyone about some “repressed memories” in which he was sexually abused by her as a child was the cruelest of all. I feel really disgusted. Bree’s flaw as a mother so far has been her reluctance to accept him as gay and that is something she can work on, but otherwise there’s nothing to complain about her. I hope Andrew gets screwed.

I’m so sorry to see Bree sinking further. It was funny to see her locked in the store for having passed out drunk, but at the same time it was sad. A classy woman like Bree Van De Kamp losing control of her life like that. The conversation she had with that young man from the AA meeting after being rescued was sad. I hope he helps her, and that she can see that she really has a problem. Being in denial is worse.

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Desperate Housewives: 2x16 There Is No Other Way

Andrew doesn't even have an ounce of sensitivity. The plan he came up with is pathetic, asking Justin to punch him hard, to frame his mother and get emancipation. He wants to make it look like he can face responsibilities. When he has to face the first trouble, he's going to run to Bree, just like he did last season when he ran over Juanita. I'm SO sorry that Bree is going through all this, because she doesn't deserve it. The problem she's facing with alcohol isn't enough anymore, Andrew still has to make some hell and make things even worse. The slap he got for offending her was too little. But I LOVE how she responds when she's affronted. I just find it sad that she took the initiative to go to AA meetings, but she continues to drink the wine in secret.

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Desperate Housewives: 2x15 Thank You So Much

Bree's arc mixed with Lynette is very impactful. From the beginning of the series we can see Bree drinking wine in every episode – if there are exceptions, they are few. Not just socially. She was already prone to addiction. Everything that happened to her only accelerated that process. Rex dying suddenly. Murder charges. Engaged to George. Discovery that he is the killer. George's suicide. And the problems at home, with Andrew who's always making her a hell... I feel very sorry for her situation.

And I think it's pretty heavy how this problem is exposed. It was horrible what happened to the kids, going out alone, walking for so long... Something much worse could have happened. But the best part of it all was how Lynette reacted. If last season she was possessed and took offense because of that situation with one of the twins being beaten, in this one she was much more empathetic and even tried to show that she wasn't talking nonsense. Bree needs help and it's good to know she has friends who will be there for her in this process...

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Desperate Housewives: 2x12 We're Gonna Be All Right

Clumsy Susan is a charm and I love everything she does in this episode to get Doctor Ron's attention. I find it funny when she fakes a bunch of symptoms and makes him all worried, while she just thinks about the best way to ask him out. The scene in the MRI machine, with her calling the doctor out, and the technician replying that Ron had left to talk to his girlfriend, WOW. Not to mention the confusion with her undressing to take the exam without any need... And yet, she caught the boy's attention. Go Susan! Ron is a catch!

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Desperate Housewives: 2x11 One More Kiss

Andrew seems to enjoy being mean and cruel. And it's no use for him to say that all this anger he feels comes from Bree's reaction to his homosexuality, because they haven't gotten along since the Pilot. He's almost a psychopath, he seems to like to see his mother suffer and to cause her suffering. I can't stand him saying he's going to report her for killing George! He has no morals to do that since he ran over and left Mama Solis lying in the middle of the street to die. That day, he came home crying, asking “Mommy” for help, right?

Andrew being an asshole doesn't excuse how disappointing it is to see Bree being homophobic. I hope she evolves, if Andrew allows it... After all, with what he intends and the things he says...

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Desperate Housewives: 2x10 Coming Home

Andrew already has a bad relationship with Bree, so it was obvious that he would have a very unusual reaction to finding out what George did to Rex. Even more so because he REALLY wasn't fooled by George, and because of him Bree sent him back to camp. Anyway, I think it's horrible when he reveals to Justin that he hates his mother and that he expects her to make a mistake to destroy her. This gets even more worrying when she decides to open up about the crime she committed: failing to help. His creepy smile gives you goosebumps. In fact, Andrew doesn't have any morals to even try to blackmail Bree with it. Has he forgotten that he is at least 70% to blame for Juanita Solis' death?

The 'WHORE' on Susan's garage door is EVERYTHING! Edie's reaction then? Priceless!!

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Desperate Housewives: 2x08 The Sun Won't Set

I can’t understand Sophie. She had Morty lie to Susan about her father, made her believe it was a “one night stand”. She could’ve told her right then and there, the shit was already happening! Better than lying again just to feel bad and tell the truth in the middle of the wedding party, in front of all the guests. And I feel sorry for Susan, finding out something so big like that... Her dad was around this whole time and she had no idea. Even more so that he was Sophie’s boss, that he dumped her when she found out about the pregnancy. Best wishes to Susan – by the way, at least this new arc will distance her from Mike, who’s been so shitty treating her with such contempt.

My heart is with Gaby. The balloon scene was beautiful.

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Desperate Housewives: 2x07 Color and Light

Only Bree would accept a proposal out of politeness – and think that it might work out just because he “likes the same things”. George gets worse each episode. It’s pathetic the situation he created just to corner her into accepting his proposal. His mother’s excitement… A lady like Bree wouldn’t be able to say no. He knows her very well, more than she can imagine. So if that wasn’t enough, we have this frustrating scene of the attack on Dr. Goldfine. WHAT THE FUCK!!! But at least this act can help Bree finally open her eyes, who knows when she learns of this brutal attack (possible death), she doesn’t start questioning George’s role in her life...

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Desperate Housewives: 2x05 They Asked Me Why I Believe in You

Bree’s situation is very sad. She went from “I’ll take care of you, I’m here” to deep disappointment. I feel sorry for Rex, because he ended up paying for things with his life. But I feel more sorry for her because the note, apparently harmless, really carries an enormous weight. Eighteen years of marriage, and in the last few minutes, Rex thought Bree was really capable of poisoning and killing him. Marcia Cross is a complete actress and evokes in her expressions all the character’s feelings. That’s why I love and highlight that sequence, when she finally vents about what Rex did. When she screams that she did nothing to be forgiven for, that she was a fantastic wife, that she always did everything for him... I can feel her pain.

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Desperate Housewives: 2x04 My Heart Belongs to Daddy

George took the punches he deserved. Too bad his plan worked, Bree was too hasty sending Andrew to juvie again...

Lynette crying in that ending breaks my heart.

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Desperate Housewives: 2x03 You'll Never Get Away from Me

It's scary to see George lying to Bree and passing his polygraph exam. He's such a psychopath that he actually believes his own lies. I don't want Bree in love with that piece of shit.

Lynette's solution to the problem at work is great and priceless.

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Desperate Housewives: 2x02 You Could Drive a Person Crazy

I can't help but laugh when Bree slaps Phyllis. It's a horrible and embarrassing situation, but it's very funny. Phyllis's shocked expression is priceless.

The rat died with honors: it saved Lynette's marriage. Rest in peace!

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Desperate Housewives: 2x01 Next

Bree interrupting the funeral, ripping off Tom's tie in the midst of the guests, and putting it on Rex's body is one of the best and most iconic scenes of Desperate Housewives.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x23 One Wonderful Day

Rex was murdered by George. And he died believing that Bree was responsible. And he understood that he deserved to die. Damn... This is so frustrating. It's already a major tragedy, there's this whole murder thing, and the worst thing is that Bree has no idea about it. I can't contain my tears when she "breaks" at the table. This scene never loses its impact for me, no matter how many times I watch this episode.

The solving Mary Alice's mystery is so shocking and heavy. An extreme situation that exposes that we never really get to know a person, no matter how close they are. After all, who would've thought that she would've been able to buy a child and kill the birth mother in the past? Besides being cold enough to dismember the woman's body and bury her under the pool...

Zach is CRAZY. He really needs psychological treatment.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x22 Goodbye for Now

I'm very sorry about what happens at the Van de Kamp house. The confrontation between Bree and Rex, his heart attack, and her negligence in helping him... And we have George to blame. He's so disgusting. I don't understand how Bree doesn't realize how manipulative and a liar this guy is.

Lynette and Tom must go to war now. She interfered in the worst ways in this matter of his work.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x21 Sunday in the Park with George

Rex always underestimates Bree, even if it's in an "unconscious" way. I think it's too sad that she remembers the trip to Italy, the details, all because she was with him, and he can't even reciprocate that.

Tom wearing leopard panties is too striking!

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Desperate Housewives: 1x20 Fear No More

I think Bree likes to know that Rex is jealous of her. That alone explains allowing George to come back into her life like this. Worse: to be sneaking out with him, even though she knows he has feelings for her. After all, it's not possible that she really fell for that made up story about having a girlfriend...

Susan's kitchen exploding is an event!

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Desperate Housewives: 1x19 Live Alone and Like It

Lynette's storyline with Karen is so reflective and touching. I like this discussion about loneliness and how we're not made to deal with it.

I'm sorry about Bree's homophobic behavior. I hope she accepts her son as he is, at some point. And I hope Andrew is also able to evolve, he's a very disturbed and angry kid.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x18 Children Will Listen

Carlos' behavior in this episode is ABSURD. He attacked Gaby in a brutal way and used physical violence to get her to sign the document. Asshole!

Susan breaking the poor manicurist's nose, LMAO!

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Desperate Housewives: 1x17 There Won't Be Trumpets

Andrew is an asshole. How dare he spit in Bree's face?

I love Susan, but she needs to mature. She's made a fuss about Mike's past, hasn't been willing to listen to him, and now doesn't even bother to read the letter.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x16 The Ladies Who Lunch

I just love the dynamic between Susan and Edie in this episode. They are fun together and it was nice to see Edie making that "sacrifice" to get away with breaking into Paul's house.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x15 Impossible

“I’m not... I’m not gay.”

This was just... PRICELESS.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x14 Love is in the Air

Bree Van de Kamp owns the episode with the best reactions to Rex's sexual preferences.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x13 Your Fault

Zach's attack on Susan's house is SO annoying. He's very disturbed.

I want to protect Bree from everything.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x12 Every Day a Little Death

“Hello. I want to thank you all for coming out here and expressing your genuine sorrow and disbelief. My sister Martha would have been so touched. I know that many of you have questions. I’ve just spoken with the police who are still putting together the details of what happened. What they do know is... Martha died a violent death. Yes I know. It’s hard to hear. Apparently, there was a struggle. They found scratching and bruising on her body, several broken bones, and traces of dirt in her lungs... which leads us to believe that she was still alive at the time of her burial and probably in great pain. But the good news is there are no signs that she had been molested. Now, I think it’s time that you return to your homes... to your loved ones. Oh! In lieu of a memorial service, I’ll be holding an estate sale day after tomorrow. Please, no personal checks.”

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Desperate Housewives: 1x11 Move On

“Edie, let me be clear about this. I hated Martha. She was a wretched pig of a woman, and the day she died, this world became a better place.”

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Desperate Housewives: 1x10 Come Back to Me

The fury in Marcia Cross' eyes in the scene where Bree confronts Rex for his betrayal says EVERYTHING.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x09 Suspicious Minds

“For God's sake, Helen! This is for charity!”

Susan getting beaten up is unfair, but it's SO priceless.

Bree throwing Andrew's pee on Rex: SHE IS THE MOMENT.

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Desperate Housewives: 1x08 Guilty

I wish I could hug Lynette and protect her from everything.

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