


The Prestige

"Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts."

The Pledge:
You might think this is yet another ordinary movie about the extraordinaire: magicians.
Don't be fooled. Pay close attention to every minor detail, or none at all, if you so wish.

The Turn:
Nolan transforms the extraordinary into something even better, something almost elusive to the normal viewer. His style, story, cinematography, writing, score is, as always, exceptional.

The Prestige:
Together with the great performances by Bale, Jackman and Caine, you will have witnessed "The Prestige" first hand by the end of the movie and it's simply amazing.

10/10 - Nolan does it again. A masterpiece in every regard. Worth watching many times.

"Are you watching closely?"

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Pulp Fiction

Impossible to point out my most favourite line in the movie, because there are simply too many. Perhaps an indication this is not a regular movie, but something special.

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There Will Be Blood

This is simply an amazing movie, full stop. The performance of Daniel Day-Lewis is incredible. It is very well written and features stunning cinematography. If you haven't seen this, please do!

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Ip Man

A beautiful movie. It doesn't only feature amazing martial arts, but also focuses on the Qui of Wing Chun.

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Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Timeless classic. Still as good, now as it was then.

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Man on Wire

Great documentary about a guy suffering from an acute iron aggregation in his testicles.

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I enjoyed watching this. A very slow paced, long shot and well-acted piece.

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No Country for Old Men

I like how the villain is in no way compromised to envoke sympathy from the audience, nor is the plot all that concerned with whether the audience "gets it". It just plows along and you either jump aboard or are left behind. This is perhaps also its greatest dilemma.
The cinematography is very well done and acting by Brolin, Jones and Bardem is great. There is also no score whatsoever, which also adds to its gritty feel.
They might have gone a little too far trying to "explain" the movie title in the ending, but nonetheless, an entertaining movie.

7/10 +++ great acting and overal technique -"love or hate" style of story stelling.

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Margin Call

I loved this movie for its subdued suspense. What I did not like however was the ending, not because it was unrealistic, quite the contrary actually. Don't want to spoiler it, but "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore" comes to mind :D

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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Eat. Pray. Zombie!

Thanks, those are good ones, will add them. Oops, wrong Braindead indeed. You are right, the beings in I am Legend are vampires, but the beings in REC are not zombies in my opinion. From what I understood from the movie, the beings are not zombies, but damned/evil/possessed beings and that's why the priest in the movie was shown to have investigated exorcism. Religious themes are very prominent throughout the movie.

How did I forget about TWD?

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Best Mindfucks

I approve of this list =)

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The Royal Tenenbaums

You can watch this movie 10 times and still laugh the same.
Hats off to Wes Anderson.

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A masterpiece. Simple as that.
PS: I don't think this movie was predictable at all, then again, I'm no fortune teller.

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Season of the Witch

Is there a correlation between Nicholas Cage, his money problems and the quality of his movies. He's a great, yet very desperate, actor.

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The Fountain

My grandparents were children living in Berlin, Germany during World War 2 and remembered the air raids vividly, as well as the terror that accompanied cowering in the basement and feeling the earth rumble, fearing for their lifes, while houses right down the street where bombed to bits.
When I told them about this movie in 2004, they had to go see it and I was eager to hear what they thought. They are usually jovial and upbeat, but they felt great sorrow and despair when they saw this movie. They cried in the movie theater. It was not just a movie to them, they travelled back in time to a long forgotten and repressed time.

I thought this movie was very well made and Bruno Ganz acts frighteningly well as Adolf Hitler, but seeing how my grandparents reacted, I think this movie is also a beacon to let people remember the terror that came with war, and those that were not born yet, to get a small glimpse into that reality.

9/10 - Edge-of-the-seat atmosphere, combined with a tour de force by Bruno Ganz makes this one a winner

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Took me equally by surprise. Great flick!

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Tour de force by both Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman. Academy Awards 2014?

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The Big Lebowski

The Dude. Epic win before that was even a thing.

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A Prophet

Don't miss this movie. Took me by complete surprise!

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2014 Watchlist

2014 is going to be a great year for movies.

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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Tolkien fans are in an odd situation when trying to rate Peter Jackson's work after Lord of the Rings. Personally, I have established two different rating systems to compare his work to. One rating is in comparison to all other movies on the market, the other rating is relative to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. This might be unfair as explained later. He did however inadvertently raise the bar for epic fantasy movies by creating a masterpiece like Lord of the Rings, so it seems necessary to separate his own work from the remainder.

Without a doubt, the first Hobbit installment fell short of the high expectations people came to have from Peter Jackson, with regards to the Tolkien universe, but people, and myself included, probably expected another Lord of the Rings movie, not a movie based on an entirely different book, originally written for children with obviously a very different pacing. Comparing it however to other fantasy/adventure movies, it's still an amazing film, despite it's slower pace and less epic dialog.

The second, much shorter, Hobbit installment was much more action-oriented and therefore had a faster pace, hence why people and myself included rate this movie to be, perhaps unfairly, better than the first one. We also see previously unseen areas of Middle Earth like Mirkwood and it's also explained why Gandalf is quite traumatized at the very beginning of "Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring" when Frodo tells Gandalf to take the ring himself, after which Gandalf tells him with great fear in his eyes, that this ring has even too much power for him to wield. The epic battle between powerhouse Gandalf and Sauron instilled so much fear and respect into Gandalf "The Grey", that this memory stayed with him all the way into the "Lord of the Rings".

In true Jackson fashion, "Desolation of Smaug" ended with a cliffhanger and left fans yearning for more.
Once the entire Hobbit trilogy has been released, I believe fans will judge the first part more favourably and history will smile upon him kindly. The third and final movie will set the overall tone and explain certain dynamics like pacing, which were not understood yet by the time the first movie was released. I trust Jackson to pull it off.

9/10 compared to other movies
9/10 compared to Lord of the Rings.

PS: One barrel to rule them all :D

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The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

I like Morgan Spurlock. He's a funny man and usually drives home a great point. Not so much in this "documentary". He could've explored a far more important aspect of corporate sponsoring in today's society, instead, he used humour in an inflationary way to make this entire topic seem ridiculous. 5/10.

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Boston Legal

Alan Shore. Danny Crane. Mad Cow. 10/10

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The Wire

Multi-dimensional authentic characters, epic dialog, great camera work and editing.
Currently watching it for the second time around and it's even better now.

If you like Simon's style, definitely check out "Tremé" as well.
Many recurring actors there.

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Wreck-It Ralph

A dream-come-true for kids growing up in the 80's. Besides having great CGI, the story never felt dull for a moment and even brought up interesting aspects (group therapy for super-villains). Check it out! 8/10

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Anyone expecting another gem like District 9 will be left feeling disappointed by director Neill Blomkamp. Elysium does have its merrits, but there are too many plot holes and I wish more attention would've been paid to the outer colony.
While visually pleasing, the movie fell short of expectations like "Total Recall", for almost exactly the same reasons. 6/10 simply for entertainment value.

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The Village

This movie is certainly going to polarize. I can understand those who felt let down, but the premise was well made. 6/10 from me just for entertainment value.

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