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Omicron Persei 8

A Discovery of Witches

This is a solid adaptation of the books and I greatly enjoyed it, but I think that's largely because I'd read the books first and knew a lot of background that they aren't able to cover in the TV format. Highly recommend checking out the books, as they expand quite a bit on what the show was able to fit in. Fair warning - the romance is still pretty cheesy in both formats. :)

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The Vast of Night

This would be a solid hour-long radio drama. Too bad someone decided to make it a 90 minute movie.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow
No Game No Life

NGNL was very disappointing to me. Obviously I was expecting something other than what they were providing.

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Macross 7
No. 6

I enjoyed No 6 quite a lot. Great characters and a big-mystery plotline that kept me interested all the way through. I would have liked a little more background on the forest people and Elyurias, but not knowing that didn't detract significantly from the story. Well worth the watch!

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I'm enjoying watching, but I feel like the show is moving at breakneck speed. We've got the whole fleeing-Krypton backstory, the big dramatic world debut, secret identity reveal to two co-workers and an entire government agency, rogue aliens, another Kryptonian, multiple big alien fights, all in the first two hours. Feels like they're trying to cram an entire season into a few episodes. The pace of other comic-based shows like Flash, Arrow, and Agents of SHIELD feel much slower by comparison. I'm afraid Supergirl is going to get to a point where it'll feel boring simply because it slows down to a more normal pace.

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Seikimatsu Occult Academy