Jerry Howell


Planet Macintosh

Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix

A decent adventure, but it ran a little long.

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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

More excitement! More fun! This sequel is just as much of a blast as its predecessor. Some fans may be disappointed with the Empire Strikes Back-style cliffhanger ending, though.

Content Concerns: Fantasy violence throughout, scary creatures (goblins, orcs, etc.), one or two brief crude remarks, use of magic, etc. Take the "PG-13" rating seriously.

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Despite the criticism he seems to get at times, I've always liked Superman; his earnest goodness and clean-cut image have always appealed to me. After watching this, I can see why some people will only accept Christopher Reeve in the role; he did an amazing job. This was one of the earliest superhero movies, and it stands the test of time very well; despite the dated special effects, the story, performances, and sets drew me in. It's a shame this franchise eventually got ruined; from what I've heard, though the sequel to this flick was great, the third and fourth outings were such garbage, Superman Returns completely ignored their existence. Unfortunately, even back in the '70's, movie makers felt the need to add some unnecessary bits; in this case, it was several profanities and occasional crude references. I can see why the extended edition--aka the version I watched--was "PG-13" by modern standards. Still, those only slightly detract from what continues to be considered a true classic...and likely will be for many years to come.

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The Gospel of John

The last of the four Gospels comes to life!:

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Alice Through the Looking Glass

I haven't read the original novel in nearly two decades, but this celluloid adaptation of Lewis Carroll's second Alice novel was a blast. There were so many twists and turns and so much action that I almost felt as if I was playing a video game instead. The plot kept me involved, and, all in all, I enjoyed this one; it was a fun diversion from a depressing situation I was facing at the time while I was watching it. While this sequel may have been a bit unnecessary, that didn't keep it from being good, clean fun, the kind we need more of these days.

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Scooby-Doo! and the Legend of the Vampire

This is "those meddling kids" as I've come to expect them. Mystery, action, and comedy abound as Scooby and friends figure out the real story behind musicians disappearing left and right at an Australian battle of the bands. The "down under" setting made it even more fun, especially since it taught me how to properly say "Bondi," an important term for a lifelong Mac user. The only complaints I have are Daphne and Velma's voices were off again, the wardrobe was a bit immodest--especially seeing Daphne in a bikini twice--and the appearance of the Hex Girls bothered me. If that doesn't concern you, Scooby fans will likely enjoy it, though, as with many movies in this series, it might scare the youngsters.

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Crossfire Trail

The good points? The production values are great; the sets really take you back in time. All of the actors give an outstanding performance, especially Tom Selleck (Magnum, P.I.) as the lead, and Mark Harmon as the antagonist. I loved the action sequences as well. The bad points? Way too much profanity; it seemed as if there were an expletive in almost every sentence! Also, a bit of sexual content was present; there was talk of a guy "raping a squaw". While I expected violence--what's a Western without it?--I wasn't expecting excessive profanity, especially not from a movie based on a classic work of literature, and one that is rated "G" in Canada. (What were the raters thinking? This would definitely get "PG-13" here in the States!) Unless you have a way to eliminate the profanity from your movies and TV shows, I'd suggest discerning viewers stay away.

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How to Build a Better Boy

This movie was FABULOUS! China Anne McClain (A.N.T. Farm) and Kelli Berglund (Lab Rats) were the perfect she-geeks, and the rest of the cast also did quite well. The plot kept me wondering, and the ending was very sweet. This DCOM makes me proud to be a Disney Channel fan.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Flirting; one near-kiss. 4/5
Nudity: Shirtless guy; girls in short shorts and off-the-shoulder dresses. 4/5
Language: Name-calling, at worst. 4/5
Violence: A brief human/robot fisticuff; a robot self-destructs; some rough-and-tumble sports action. 3/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Some emotional intensity. 4/5

Score: 5/5

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Typical for Disney Channel Original both good and bad ways. Read for more:

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Princess Cut

I'm a longtime fan of Christian entertainment, but, over the past year or two, I have sat through some terrible cinema within that genre. Inane plots, poor production values, boring themes, inappropriate content...yeah, that's why the only movies I'd watched so far this year had been Star Trek flicks.

Still, I figured they couldn't be all bad, so, when I saw that the free Tubi app had this movie available to stream, I tried it out...and was pleasantly surprised. The story was engaging, the performances were great, and Grace was a likable and attractive lead. Better yet, the film preaches a moral that Christian singles--such as yours truly--need to hear.

While nothing amazing, this is better than usual for Christian cinema. If you've been burned by some of the garbage put out under that banner, give this a try; you might just like it.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Extended)

I know I'm probably the odd one out here, but, though most of the film was a blast, the ending was too pat for me, and it dragged a bit. Other than that, I enjoyed it; I just wish the final chapter or two had been better.

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Teen Beach Movie

If you haven't noticed from my other reviews, I'm a longtime Disney Channel fan. I grew up watching the network in elementary school, especially when they used to show Growing Pains on there; later on, I was known for being a big fan of Lizzie McGuire and Raven throughout high school. So, you'd probably think I'd enjoy this...and, to a degree, I did.

I'm not a big fan of anything involving large bodies of water, so, anything with a word like "beach," "swim," or "pool" (unless it refers to billiards) in the title makes me hesitant to check it out. Still, I liked Ross Lynch in Austin & Ally, and Maia Mitchell seemed like an attractive and talented leading lady, so, I figured, why not? While it was mostly fun, especially the musical numbers, there was a bit too much exposed skin, which isn't what I'm used to from a DCOM, even one that takes place on a beach.

Will I check out the sequel? We'll see.

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I usually like family movies from the '90's; they're what I grew up on.

I grew up around Monopoly, Sorry!, Clue, etc.; so much so, my friends used to call me "the king of board games".

I'm a longtime fan of Robin Williams; I loved him in Flubber, and I've been a Mork & Mindy fan since my mom first showed it to me over two decades ago.

So, you'd probably think I liked this movie...but, I didn't.

Instead of being exciting and thrilling, it felt too much like a horror movie; the profanity and bullying didn't help matters.

If it hadn't been for Mr. Williams' death, would they have made a sequel? One wonders.

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel's films can be really awesome...or not that great. This one had a fun story, engaging characters, and a wonderful throwback soundtrack. I was also pleasantly surprised that the profanity count was low for a "PG-13". It wasn't perfect, but it was still great fun.

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Same Kind of Different as Me

I'm a fan of Christian entertainment, including cinema; I'd been meaning to see this for a while, especially since it had former Disney Channel star Olivia Holt (Kickin' It, I Didn't Do It) as one of its stars. Ms. Holt didn't get all that much screen time, but, at the end of the movie, I didn't care; this story is way more important than who starred in it. A superbly inspirational account of overcoming race and income barriers, as well as an Apostle-Paul-style tale of reformation, all the more amazing because it's true. Unless you've read the book and know the story already--or even if it's been a while since you have--prepare to be inspired.

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The Empire Strikes Back

With the addition of more characters, such as the now-iconic Yoda, better acting, and some surprising twists--especially the now-infamous declaration by Darth Vader during his lightsaber duel with Luke--this is classic Star Wars at its best.

However, some new viewers may be disturbed to discover that the flick has no end; you have to watch Return of the Jedi to see how things get resolved.

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Star Wars

Easily one of the most influential pieces of entertainment ever created, this first Star Wars flick still stands the test of time. Not only did it change the face of cinema forever, but the franchise had a personal impact on me as well. If only the recent "sequels" measured up to this film's legacy...

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Justice League

I don't have time to do my usual in depth review, so, I'll just be brief: While Gal Gadot shines as Wonder Woman, the rest of the film falls a bit flat. Too much building up for what proves to be a rather anticlimactic battle. Ever since I was introduced to superhero cartoons back in 2011, I've always preferred them to the "blockbuster" films, and flicks like this are why. I'll take the Cartoon Network Justice League over this mess any day.

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A Christmas Star

It's great to see a Yuletide film that showcases the true meaning of Christmas; not just love, kindness, and family, but the birth of the Savior of the world. I've seen far too many "holiday" movies that are all about Santa Claus and gift giving, which leads many people--especially children--to be misled about the actual meaning of December 25. The story was touching, and Noelle was a likable protagonist. I have to give the makers kudos for including a handicapped kid as her best friend. Along with the British charm and lack of profanity, sexual content, drug use, etc., this was a winner. The only downsides were Maria's immodest wardrobe and an appearance by sultry singer Kylie Minogue.

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Home Beyond the Sun

This movie brings to light the struggle that those who profess Christ in China face every day. It makes you thankful for a country like America, where our Constitution grants us freedom of religion. Some scenes were hard to watch, especially when that mean lady tried to hold poor Chu Lee captive. Unfortunately, the film's production values are seriously low budget, which may turn some viewers off, and the whole approach to the subject could have been done better. Hopefully, a better funded film will help American Christians everywhere really see what their Chinese brothers and sisters experience on a daily basis.

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Stitch! The Movie

A fairly recent addition to the Disney franchise, Stitch has left viewers divided. I've known many people who adore the little blue alien, and just as many who despise him. I'm sort of middle of the road: not an ardent fan, but not against him either. For what it was, this movie was good fun; it provides the cuteness you'd expect from a animated film from the House of Mouse. Other than the wardrobe of some of the human characters--which was present in this franchise from the beginning, as it takes place in Hawaii--and a male alien wearing a young woman's clothes (played for laughs), there's little here that could be considered offensive. If you're not into Stitch, nothing in this will change your mind, but it makes for a fun diversion for an hour, though the length seems a bit short, even for a direct-to-DVD flick. Unless you're absolutely obsessed with that little blue thing, though, I can't recommend purchasing this.

Score: 4/5

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This is NOT my mother's Hallmark Hall of Fame movie!:

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Yellow Sky

They don't make them like this anymore. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?:

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The Gospel of Mark

It's the greatest story ever told!:

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Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2

Continuing the fun that began in the first film, this sequel is just as much of a blast. Not only is it another great canine adventure, but it improves on its predecessor by not including the scary moments or immodestly dressed female characters the original had. Better yet, as a Disney Channel fan, I was thrilled to see Phill Lewis and Brian Stepanek (The Suite Life of Zack and Cody) have starring roles, as well as Bridgit Mendler (Good Luck Charlie) and Emily Osment (Hannah Montana) providing two of the dogs' voices. Maybe I'm just a sucker for any family-friendly, cutesy adventure, but I enjoyed it.

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Finding Dory

Finding Nemo is easily one of my favorite animated adventures of all time, so, I wondered how this sequel would stack up...and it does, very well! The spirit of adventure that was present in the first flick is even more apparent here, and many of the beloved characters make a return. Pixar's animation is amazing; seriously, there are times where you'll almost think you're watching a live-action film instead. Some big revelations about Dory's character are made here; I won't give them away, but, I will say that, after watching this, you'll never watch the original film the same way again. In short, anyone who watched and enjoyed the first outing with Marlin, Dory, and Nemo--and, seriously, who didn't?--should check this out if they haven't already. Just make sure you stay tuned for a bonus scene after the credits roll.

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

A satisfying, epic conclusion, with some scenes that really cut me to the heart.

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

When I was in middle school, I tried to get into the world of Middle-Earth, after our class read a scripted adaptation of The Hobbit. However, I couldn't get into the books or the movies; not only did I find them rather long and tedious, but, my entertainment forms of choice were television shows and Nintendo video gaming, not flicks or novels. I rediscovered reading right at the end of my junior year of high school thanks to the Star Wars expanded universe, but, it wasn't until many years later that I tried reading Tolkien again...and, I ended up enjoying it.

After that, I decided to give the films another go; instead of starting with Fellowship of the Ring, though, I went in chronological order and began with the first Hobbit installment. The movie really drew me in; even though I was watching it in small installments on my iPad, it kept me involved, and I'm eager to start the next installment, which I thankfully have on Blu-Ray and DVD. Fans of fantasy film epics should definitely check this one out.

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This is right up my alley, not only because I love Christian movies, but also because I was impressed by lead actress Nathalia Ramos' performance in House of Anubis. While this isn't exactly for the iCarly crowd, it was still a fabulous drama that got me thinking. Themes of overcoming tragedy and adversity really hit home for me. If you're a fan of the Pure Flix library of films, this is one you should check out. I don't want to say too much, as not to give away the plot.

Content Concerns: As I said, I don't want to give too much away, so, I'll just say this: Take the "PG-13" rating seriously. Also, the overall mood is dark, so, if you've recently been through a tragedy of your own in your life, this may not be for you.

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Space Jam

When I was a little kid, I was a big Looney Tunes fan, but, as I got older, I got more into live-action shows and cartoons from other studios, such as Hanna-Barbera's infamous Scooby-Doo. I'm also not too big into sports, though I do enjoy a sports movie from time to time. The production values behind this movie are amazing; blending live-action with animation can be tough, but, it's handled quite well here. I enjoyed the soundtrack, especially the now-iconic song "I Believe I Can Fly". However, this isn't as innocent as some would expect from Bugs Bunny and crew. While cartoon slapstick is to be expected from anything featuring the Looney Tunes, scary aliens, sultriness in the form of Lola Bunny, and occasional profanity is not. If you prefer your cartoons squeaky clean, maybe you should look elsewhere.

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