Ivna Karinne Oliveira


João Pessoa


Well, I liked it. But I'm not sure I'd watch it again...

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It could have been better. The whole thing could've been more developed and the ending got me thinking: "why not explore this in a deeper and more interesting way?"

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The Rain: 3x06 And This Too Shall Pass

I must say I've started this show with high expectations. The premise was good enough to catch my attention, but as the show developed the storyline got weaker and weaker... I didn't entirely disliked it, but it could certainly have been better!

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Manifest: 4x13 Ghost Plane

Is it my impression or Angelina managed to become even more hideous?

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Invisible City: 2x05 Marangatu: A Sacred Place

Shout by Ivna Karinne Oliveira
BlockedParent2023-04-19T01:36:41Z— updated 2023-05-20T21:51:32Z

I must confess I was waiting more of this season. With only five episodes and new characters one would think the narrative could be better developed. Well... it was not!
Should we expect a third season? And, in case there'll be one, will it be worth it?

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I used to like this show. But they managed to spoil it way too much!

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Shadow and Bone: 2x08 No Funerals

I still haven't read the books. But... I have to say I expected something different for this season. Especially when it comes to Alina and Mal. Some very bad decisions were made and the dark consequences will surely come, and there is goes the assumption of heroes and villains and all that. Overall, just a fair season.

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Manifest: 4x10 Inversion Illusion

What the heck! Never thought I would hate so much a character like I hate Angelina!

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The Colony

What in the world? [I mean, the whole surviving after a total climate change and during a new ice age... okay. But how have they turned into cannibals with changed teeth and all? Some kind of explanation would be great!]

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The Thaw

It's nor a bad neither a good movie. The storyline was promising, but, at least for me, it didn't reach the point to be described as worth of watching.

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Riddles of the Sphinx

I seriously expected more of this one. The overall idea is good, but the execution was poorly accomplished (to say the least).

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The Last Boy

In the beginning I felt lost in the narrative. By the end it felt like it was the beginning...
Good scenery though.

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El Dragón: Return of a Warrior: 2x44 Episode 44

I did not see that coming. I felt like I was watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy with characters that really pissed the director off.
I don't know how I feel about this ending. Is it a real ending?

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Surprisingly enough, I did enjoy the movie. Sure, it is not something deeply anchored on actual science. But, c'mon it's science fiction. Emphasis on the FICTION part. I think it's a good way of passing time...

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El Dragón: Return of a Warrior: 1x18 Episode 18

I understand it depicts the criminal reality of drugs and money laundry. But... does it really need to be so graphic?

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Mako: Island of Secrets: 3x16 Homecoming

I really loved seeing Rikki back! It was a nice ending.

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Arrow: 1x01 Pilot

It was a really good start. Too bad that it got slowed down and boring further ahead...

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The Chosen One: 2x06 Blind Faith

It would be an excellent cliffhanger if they were intending to give us a season 3...

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Dark Desire: 1x02 One Last Night of Passion

Too much things to consider and happening at the same time...
Overall? A fine episode.

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Toy Boy: 2x08 Opportunities

I've been expecting many different outcomes and cliffhangers for this season. But I definitely did not see that coming! I'm genuinely shocked! :astonished:

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Merlin: 5x13 The Diamond of the Day (2)

What a ride!
I must confess that I had a really hard time coping with some actions and reactions Arthur displayed over these five seasons. But it was great having him accepting and valuing Merlin, even if it was for less than 10 minutes... Well, it was a good ending.

I just would love if Merlin had more of a happy ending...

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Don't Look Up

Ironically straight to the point.

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Outlander: 5x02 Between Two Fires

I cannot lie: Bonnet makes me wanna hurl! Too bad his end wasn't in the fire of another season...

Brianna must have talked to her husband about everything she is going on with the knowledge that her rapist is back. This has a great potential for a bad development.

What can we say about the medicines of this time period? They surely lived dangerously... A little reasoning could have worked miracles!

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The 100: 7x16 The Last War

I really didn't see that coming. Not exactly a happy ending... So many important and interesting characters came and went away. Too many good and bad choices over the show. A good entertainment, by no means.

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Vikings: 6x20 The Last Act

It's a nice ending... Despite of all historical inaccuracies, it is a great narrative.

Somewhere in the middle of the whole thing I started liking Ivar.

Vikings were disbanded after all! But, somehow, they are still present among the peoples they came into contact. And this, in my humble opinion, is one of the great things about civilization's evolving and transforming process: they are never completely gone.

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Blood Red Sky

The overall plot was okay. It preserves a few features of vampire's lure, which is good. But it has holes that could be better worked out considering the movie's length. The ending is not quite exciting as it could be. In general, it's a fair movie.

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Ragnarok: 2x01 Brothers in Arms

Wow! I started off this show not expecting too much. But the first season was interesting enough, so I decided to give it a try. This Season's premiere really got me. I hope the next episodes keep it up.

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The 100: 5x06 Exit Wounds

Getting really tired of this whole "I made them survive and they cannot leave Wonkru because I said so"!!!!

Octavia seems to have lost her mind and the other characters are no different.

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Vikings: 6x07 The Ice Maiden

What an episode, my friends!!!
I'm not sure if I'll be able to recover from it!

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365 Days

Really bad plot, bad connecting scenes, terrible ending. Great scenery and photography though.

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