Jessica E Bixby


Orlando, Florida


I loved this movie I even had been to where Jerusha lived before moving to Hawaii.

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Coming 2 America

Was it as great as the first one? Of course not but, if your a snowflake do not watch it. Like the first one, it's all satire poking fun at society. If your not into satire then this is not the movie for you.

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This was cute. Don't know where eles you can find it but if you want to watch it here ya go. Believe it or not I was looking for some new show by the same name.

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Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous

For 2012 the animation is super disappointing! It's litterally 1980 still action South park/Golden Book style. I seriously considered turning it off because of that but, I was intreaged enough by the story. Clearly I missed some context tough so not sure what one I should have watched prior.

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Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World

Oh my God he is freaking hillarious!

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Kung Fury

I thought it was absurdly god awful and was glad it was only 30 min. I like cheesy but, not this!

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