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Huntington, West Virginia


A24 - Movies and TV Shows

Movies and TV Shows that A24 has produced/distributed.

  • Source (Movies): https://a24films.com/films

  • Source (TV Shows): https://a24films.com/television

Constantly updating! Let me know if you see any problem :)
Same list (only movies) on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/fidelcb/list/a24/

Last update: 12/12/23


Filmes e séries da produtora e distribuidora A24.

  • Fonte (Filmes): https://a24films.com/films

  • Fonte (Séries): https://a24films.com/television

Estou atualizando constantemente, se ver algo errado, me avise! :)
Mesma lista (só os filmes) no Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/fidelcb/list/a24/

Última atualização: 12/12/23


The Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film is one of the Saturn Awards that has been presented annually since 1972 by Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films to the best film in the science fiction genre of the previous year.

This list includes all nominees and winners for "Best Science Fiction Film" category.


This list is the result of heated debate/scuffles between the frazzled writers of Total Sci-Fi. In addition to settling on the titles themselves, they also had to set the limits of what counts as a 'sci-fi film': they decided that superhero movies were out as that's a distinct genre all of its own, but comedies like Sleeper and Galaxy Quest possess enough genuine science fiction concepts to warrant inclusion, leading to this list of the 100 best Sci-Fi movies of all-time.


There was one stark statistic that jumped out from the results of last year’s BBC Culture poll to find the 100 greatest foreign-language films of all time: just four out of that 100 were directed by women. And the same paucity of female directors has been a feature in each of our annual surveys: in 2017’s poll of the 100 greatest comedies there were four. Twelve films from female directors made it into the 100 greatest films of the 21st Century in 2016, but none of those films featured in the top 20. And in our first poll of film critics, to find the 100 greatest American films – just two were co-directed by a woman.

So in 2019 we set out to focus the spotlight firmly on women directors. The result is BBC Culture’s biggest and most international poll yet: 761 different films were voted for by 368 film experts – critics, journalists, festival programmers and academics – who came from 84 countries, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. We asked the same number of women to contribute as men to create a gender-balanced poll, with 185 female voters, 181 male voters, one non-binary person, and one who preferred not to say. Each voter listed their 10 favourite films directed by women, which we scored and ranked to produce the top 100 listed below.


Giallo films are Italian-made slasher films that focus on cruel murders and the subsequent search for the killers. They are named for the Italian word for yellow, giallo, the background color featured on the covers of the pulp novels these movies were inspired by.


Weird West is a subgenre that combines elements of the Western with another genre, usually horror, occult, fantasy or science fiction.


Films and shows that may not appeal to the mainstream but nonetheless have something interesting and often charming about them.


From the Short Cuts book Fantasy Cinema: Impossible Worlds on Screen.

Often dismissed as simple escapist tales of sword and sorcery, fantasy is one of the fundamental impulses in filmmaking, a source of some of the most vivid and memorable films ever made that reaches far beyond the confines of a single genre. As well as some of the major genres, stylistic approaches and exponents of cinematic fantasy - from Georges Méliè̀s, Walt Disney, and Andrei Tarkovsky to contemporary fantasists such as Terry Gilliam and Peter Jackson - this volume focuses on fantasy's social function with case studies including The Thief of Baghdad (1924), Excalibur (1981), the Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-03), and Bruce Almighty (2003). Taking in the popular and the experimental, subversive desires and reactionary dreams, this book is an accessible introduction to one of the vital energies in cinema. The Short Cuts series is a comprehensive list of introductory texts covering the full spectrum of Film Studies, specifically designed for building an individually-styled library for all students and enthusiasts of cinema and popular culture.

Three films are considered lost:
- La cigale et la fourmi (1897)
- La caverne maudite (1898)
- Le petit chaperon rouge (1901)

Source: https://www.amazon.com/Fantasy-Cinema-Impossible-Worlds-Wallflower/dp/1906660166


Movies that A24 has produced.


Celebrating the cinematically surreal, bizarre, cult, oddball, fantastique, strange, psychedelic, and the just plain WEIRD!

Source: http://366weirdmovies.com/category/weird-movies/
