


Gravity Falls: 2x20 Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back the Falls

i feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest, in like a good way kinda. this show was special. im gonna miss my gravity falls pals.

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The Accountant

this film sucked so bad. it felt super unnecessary, like someone just wanted to write a film where ben affleck shoots a load of people, with a plot that's all over the place and never really comes to a resolution. the superb cast didn't deserve this mess.

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: 3x05 Kimmy Steps on a Crack!

the ending of this episode had me screaming

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Gravity Falls: 2x11 Not What He Seems

oh man this episode was intense

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The Mindy Project: 4x14 Will They or Won't They

Shout by libby

i am sad i am so very sad

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The Last Man on Earth: 1x13 Screw the Moon

the ending made this whole series worth watching

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 11x05 Mac & Dennis Move to the Suburbs

i havent laughed out loud at an episode of a tv show this much in a long time. such a good episode!!

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Project Runway: 12x06 Let's Go Glamping!

the end of this episode had me bawling like a friggin baby insert crying emoji here tim gunn u are a wonderful human being

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The Three Caballeros

old disney stuff is so trippy

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The Last Man on Earth: 2x12 Valhalla

i feel like i just watched 20 minutes of nothingness, can we just please get jason sudeikis back already? him and kristen schaal are the only things keeping this show watchable

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