

Omicron Persei 8


This show was always best, when it led with its heart. They combined the proper amount of emotional idealism with comedy, and they produced a winning formula. This show is one of the few that got better with age. In fact, I can't think of another serialized program that did what Scrubs was able to accomplish. Forgetting the ninth season, which was really its own separate show, I felt that the eighth season was the best of all of them. They wrapped up storylines and allowed pieces to fit together, without having to force them, and they gave each character hope for the future without dismissing their past. The eighth season finale, the de facto series finale, was one of the best I've ever seen. I'm glad that I rewatched this, because it was a series, and characters, worth revisiting.

Edit: I realized that upon finishing this rewatch, it was exactly 14 years to the day, since the final episode of the series aired.

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Game of Thrones

The Stark mongrels all deserved to be deskinned just as much as all the Lannister subhumans. That's about all I have to say about this show. Sansa Stark may have been the most vile of them all. Everyone knew what the Lannisters were, but she connivingly worked her way into an undeserved seat of power. She should've had her skull bashed in, instead. At the end, the people of color and a woman win two wars and bring peace to the realm, and the whites decide to betray and murder the woman, and tell the people of color that they'll die, if they enforce justice for the murder of their queen. They should've slaughtered all those white mongrel subhumans right there in the dragon pit, starting w/ the Starks.

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It was absolutely criminal that Netflix refused to meet the pricetag necessary to continue this series.

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Marvel's The Punisher

The first season was solid, although the Billy Russo character wasn't very engaging, and they overdid it w/ the government involvement. The second season was a mess. The storyline was convoluted and uninteresting, and the choice to bring back Russo was a bad one. He was all right as a single-season antagonist, but he just wasn't enough of a well-evolved, compelling character to bring him back as a villain for a second season. And, his involvement w/ that doctor was ludicrous and served no purpose in driving the storyline forward. Additionally, the second season antagonist, the Christo-fascist mutt they brought on was boring, and midway through the season, they confused the plot w/ a senator and his family as additional antagonists. The entire season was a victim of poor storyline, poor characters, and a lack of a definitive direction for Frank Castle to go.

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Red Oaks
Only Murders in the Building
13 Reasons Why
Reservation Dogs
True Detective: Season 1

This was the finest writing for television since The Twilight Zone created by Rod Serling. Nic Pizzolatto generated a masterpiece of American television with this season of True Detective.

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True Detective: Season 1

This was, without a doubt, the best writing for television since The Twilight Zone series created by Rod Serling. Nic Pizzolatto created a masterpiece of American television with this season.

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Scrubs: Season 9

It's unfortunate that they chose to carry on w/ this season. After the eighth season, and the finale of the original series, they didn't have much of an idea to move the show forward. Yes, it was nice to see Elliot and JD married w/ a baby on the way, but it really wasn't enough to base a new series around. To me, that was the best part of this ninth season. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that they chose to create another season given that they had little to work w/.

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The Offer

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2022-08-31T23:00:16Z— updated 2023-02-28T08:27:34Z

This was a fine piece of storytelling. Were there liberties taken in Albert Ruddy's original material? Most likely. But, that doesn't make this mini-series any less entertaining. The story, coupled w/ some really amazing performances, made this quite an enjoyable watch. Juno Temple and Matthew Goode particularly stood out as having given tremendous renditions of their characters. Upon a rewatching, Ms. Temple was simply phenomenal. She is a terribly underrated actor. Burn Gorman, Dan Fogler, Nora Arnezeder, Miles Teller, Colin Hanks, Josh Zuckerman, Anthony Ippolito, Justin Chambers, and Giovanni Ribisi were all great, as well. If my rating were based solely on acting, I would've awarded this a 10/10.

I enjoy these period pieces that take a deep-dive into the era from which the story derived. It adds a lot of authenticity to the creation, and this was no different. If you're a fan of The Godfather, you'll likely love this. If you enjoy stories w/ lush arrangements of well-defined characters and multiple moving pieces that make it seem as if the well-known finished product would never come together, this may be the story for you.

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The Umbrella Academy: Season 2

I've just finished watching this season, and the problem I'm having w/ it is the problem I w/ all shows of this type: Whenever time-travel or magic is involved, anything can and will happen over the course of a season, but it can all be undone in 30 seconds by traveling back in time or using magic to sidestep the consequences. It makes the entire show hardly worth watching, as there's no real drama or suspense, b/c everything can be reverted back to the way it was or, at least, to a version prior to cataclysmic events having taken place. It just comes across as a really lazy way to write a show.

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Alex Edelman: Just for Us

This was brilliant! It was immensely funny, energetic, introspective, and entertaining.

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The Mandalorian

I just finished the first two seasons, and near the end of the first season, and at the beginning of the second, I felt that watching this show was akin to watching Hercules: The Legendary Journeys back in the '90s. Of course, this was well before Kevin Sorbo turned into a white nationalist Christo-fascist and international joke. Aside from that, you had Hercules traveling from town to town each week running into a different crisis and trying to help local villagers. In fact, the show looked very much the same as The Mandalorian. Thankfully, they strayed away from this formula in the second half of the second season, and the show got back on track.

It's not great by any stretch, but it's definitely watchable, and it's still fun to see the Star Wars lore after all these years. I'll definitely stick around for the final two seasons.

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Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later

This was just awful. I don't know what they were thinking in writing this. They completely missed the mark w/ 99 percent of their attempts at humor. Overally, it was an unnecessary project.

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The writing on this show, as on all shows created by Greg Berlanti and Geoff Johns, is just awful. Their storyline continuity couldn't be found by a team of writing experts w/ the most advanced tools known to humankind. They write teleplays that confound, have no bearing on the overarching state of the series, and combine it w/ the need for terrible CGI, intentionally dark lighting to mask those effects, and formulaic tripe they consider quality storytelling. I had hopes for this series, since Akiva Goldsman involved in the creation of it, but even his prodigious talents were weighted down by Berlanti and John's incessant need to be inferior. It's a shame, really, b/c there are actors who participated in this who are quite talented, and given a reasonable storyline, they could've turned this into a decent show.

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That '80s Show

This show was better than it was given credit for. For me, the highlight was Tinsley Grimes. She had such great mannerisms and a terrific delivery. It really made her stand out. Glenn Howerton, on the other hand, was the lowlight of this venture. I've seen him in a couple of things, and I find him neither to be funny nor a good actor. He's just sort of there, and he often comes across as kind of a jerk. I really don't care for his presence, and I think that he drags down the material.

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Community: 1x17 Physical Education

This was definitely one of my favorite episodes from this series. Alison Brie's acting and mannerisms in this episode are so spot on for her character. She was brilliant in this!

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Community: 3x06 Advanced Gay

This was most likely the most hateful episode of this show. It really speaks volumes about those writing it.

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Star Wars: Andor

I hate the main character. He is so irredeemably unlikable, it's practically unfathomable that someone would write this, and it would get greenlit for production. Aside from being more boring than watching paint dry, one of the oddest things about this show, which is incredibly irritating, is the audio. In at least two of the first five episodes, they employed this background audio, which in one case sounded like a cellphone notification and in the other, a high-pitched squeal. I can't believe that no one caught this in post, b/c it's so hideous to listen to.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Seeing fascists presented as the good guys is always disappointing, but when they use those they oppress to be their cheerleaders, it's unbelievably sickening. This would've been so much better, if Captain America had let the fascists die.

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Community: 6x11 Modern Espionage

Annie summed this episode up perfectly, "...we've kind of done it to death, right?" This was a sad callback to the heyday of this show. It was a quick grab at viewers during a time of sagging ratings and imminent cancelation. It wasn't that they turned to paintball again but how they did it. Having another paintball game that wasn't really a paintball game wasn't fun or interesting. As Abed noted a few episodes later during the series finale, "TV defeats its own purpose when it's...ashamed of itself for existing."

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

I think that this received a lot of unfairly placed hatred from those who simply don't like Disney, b/c people like Ron DeSantis tell them not to like Disney. As someone who isn't overly invested in the whole Star Wars universe, I will say that this was an interesting watch, and I enjoyed the storyline. I liked how they connected Obi-Wan to Leia and Luke, as it fills in some of the backstory that was missing from later films in the series.

I think the thing that stood out most for me, though, was the acting. Both Moses Ingram and Vivien Lyra Blair were fantastic in their roles. Ms. Igram really captured her role quite well, as it called for a wide-range of emotions, and she played it remarkably well. She's been impressive in other roles, and I think that she's only going to become a much bigger star on the big screen. As for Ms. Blair, she was tremendous, especially for such a young actor. She played her role as someone w/ much more worldly knowledge than her age would indicate. She really nailed it, and I think that she has a bright future, as well.

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Avengers: Endgame

This was such a fantastic way to end this run of 22 films. The characters were predestined for greatness solely based on their origins, so the stories were the key to making the films great. The writers really outdid themselves in wrapping up this 11-year arc. I walked away from this feeling completely satisfied in how each character's storyline finished. That's not an easy thing to accomplish w/ such a large, ensemble cast, but the writers managed this task quite deftly. While the Marvel Universe will carry on w/ more stories, in the form of both movies and television programs, this will likely be the high-water mark for their content, so my recommendation would be to enjoy it.

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