

Omicron Persei 8

The Social Dilemma

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2020-09-15T01:28:42Z— updated 2020-09-22T05:51:36Z

There was nothing enlightening here. I felt that the engineering from social, psychological, computational, and mathematical aspects were interesting and should have been explored more, since they essentially glossed over the misinformation campaigns running rampant on every social media platform the world over. Even if this doc would've focused on regulation, or the lack thereof, that would've been something, but they chose to not call any entities out, remain middle-of-the-road, and out of the fray. I think that this topic would've been much better served as a multi-part series that explored the various ramifications of social media, rather than 90 minutes of glossed over, big-picture fluff that didn't hit at the heart of any of the numerous implications caused by the inherent designs of social media platforms.

I will say, however, there were far better recommendations for how to combat this ever-present problem in the last few moments of the film, while the credits rolled. The director had the interviewees each list methods they utilize to prevent overexposure to the ills of social media to them and their families.

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Modern Family: 11x18 Finale (2)

It wasn't the most memorable finale ever, but it also didn't need to be. When you have an ensemble cast this size, it's difficult to incorporate all 11 main players in a heartfelt goodbye that encapsulates everyone's feelings of family, togetherness, and finality. After having watched this, I read an interview w/ co-creators Steven Levitan and Christopher Lloyd, where they explained that they were both fans of finales, where the characters were saying goodbye, b/c that's what the audience was doing, as well, and I agree w/ this premise.

The last montage was of the camera panning over framed pictures of all the characters taken from the past 11 years, finally settling on a family portrait taken in the season one finale w/ their white outfits splattered w/ mud. This was the only keepsake Christopher Lloyd took from the set, fittingly saying of it, "I thought that if we had to land on one image, that's a good one because it is sort of metaphorical: Families are messy, but beautiful at the same time."

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To All the Boys: Always and Forever

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2021-02-14T08:23:29Z— updated 2022-05-30T22:18:42Z

I felt that this was a good way to wrap this trilogy. And, while this didn't have the traditional happy ending most films of this genre have, this is exactly what makes this film stand apart from those others. Life can only be mapped out so far in advance, and there will always be unforeseen circumstances that cause us to take detours from the destinations we've predetermined for ourselves. That's part of the wonder and splendor of living life. To put it in proper film terminology, Ms. Gump was right, " never know what you're going to get."

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The Marvels

I'd like to say that I'm surprised by the hate for this film, but it's so blatantly obvious, it smacks you right in the face. The problem here is not film itself. It's a wonderfully directed piece by Nia DaCosta, who kept the tone fun and light-hearted and created a film that didn't take itself too seriously. The three leads had great chemistry together. I think that Iman Vellani is a tremendous talent and has a bright future ahead of her. The hate for this film derived from the fact this it was a woman-forward film, and not just women but women of color. And, many of the co-stars of this film were people of color, as well. White, Marvel fanboys don't tolerate women or people of color at all, and it's been shown not only in the Marvel Universe but in other films, as well. Women-centric films, and films depicting stories involving people of color, receive low ratings and poor reviews from many members of the public. It's undeserved, and it stifles creative outlets for anyone who isn't white, Christian, heterosexual, and cisgender male.

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Star Wars: Andor

I hate the main character. He is so irredeemably unlikable, it's practically unfathomable that someone would write this, and it would get greenlit for production. Aside from being more boring than watching paint dry, one of the oddest things about this show, which is incredibly irritating, is the audio. In at least two of the first five episodes, they employed this background audio, which in one case sounded like a cellphone notification and in the other, a high-pitched squeal. I can't believe that no one caught this in post, b/c it's so hideous to listen to.

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The Paper Tigers

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2021-05-10T09:15:50Z— updated 2021-08-12T09:43:12Z

This was actually pretty good. Parts of it were really amusing, and the story, while not original, was entertaining. The actors had good chemistry together, and I thought that the film worked pretty well overall.

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Ricky Stanicky

I'm down for dumb comedies, but when all you have is dumb, there's nothing fun or interesting about that. This was a huge swing and a miss on the part of the scriptwriters. There was nothing funny about any of this, and I don't know who Andrew Santino is, but his delivery comes across as mean-spirited rather than playful or funny. I don't know what William H. Macy was doing slumming in this.

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The Killer

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2023-12-03T17:09:11Z— updated 2024-01-27T02:41:17Z

This was incredibly disappointing. The entire film is described by this expository voiceover in the voice of Michael Fassbender's character. There are only two reasons for such a tool to be used throughout a film: Weak writing or a production company that didn't have the funds to make a film the way in which it was intended. In this case, I think that it was the former. This was a story about nothing that went nowhere, and it had nothing of interest to say along the way. The only reason for the rating I gave it was b/c of the cast. Had they been any less, this film would've ranked a 4/10.

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White Men Can't Jump

This was terrible. This has nothing to do w/ the fact that it's a remake of a beloved movie. It's awful as a stand-alone film. There isn't a single thing funny about this "comedy," and the story is pathetic. The least they could've done was to write an actual script instead of whatever this was supposed to be.

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This was a sweet movie for the holiday season. I didn't find it particularly funny, but I don't think that it really needed to be, and I also don't think that's the direction they were aiming in. I thought that it was solid, wholesome, family entertainment w/ Jillian Bell stepping out of her comfort zone, and she did a really nice job in the lead role.

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Monkey Man

This film was an important view of what it looks like to stand up to murderous fascism, those who use their outsized power to put their boots on the throats of those they oppress.

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Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2020-11-12T06:38:04Z— updated 2023-02-19T22:34:13Z

While I realize that this film is based upon actual events, it has a pretty hard Christian bent to it, especially for a Disney film, so much so that it actually feels like what would be considered a Christian movie. It's not a bad film by any stretch, but it's quite saccharine in its emotional tone. One thing I didn't particularly care for was how Sammy Brown was presented as an afterthought in regard to her participation in the making, and performance, of the music. Yes, this film was about Zach Sobiech, but he was a performer in a three-person band, and the movie cut one of the performers completely out of the film while relegating the other to backseat status. It just didn't feel right.

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Alex Edelman: Just for Us

This was brilliant! It was immensely funny, energetic, introspective, and entertaining.

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No Hard Feelings

I really enjoyed this. The cast was fantastic, and Jennifer Lawrence really knocked it out of the park in her role. The story was sweet and heartfelt, and it was really funny.

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What is Shailene Woodley doing slumming in this garbage? If she wasn't in it, I would've given this a rating of two or three.

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Triangle of Sadness

If I wanted to watch a puke and shit fest, I'd watch YouTube videos made for tweens. I can't believe that that this won the Palme d'Or at Cannes or that it received an eight-minute standing ovation. This was the story of a collection of piss-stains on the sidewalk of humanity. Why, of why, would anyone give a damn about any of them?

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The Card Counter

I'm not really certain what I just watched, but the acting is top-notch. The story is esoteric, and it doesn't flow particularly well. It seems as if the movie is made of constituent components that were retrofitted w/ one another. Oscar Isaac was tremendous, and Tiffany Haddish was notable in her role, as well. I thought that they had strong chemistry w/ one another, so the movie kept pace, even when it wasn't overtly clear what was going on.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

There really is no comparison to Joss Whedon's version. Zack Snyder's version was epic. It had heart; it told a tale; it brought disparate pieces together as a whole; it tied everything together nicely. Whedon seemed to slap everything together believing, since he was making the first Justice League film, how could it go wrong? Well, he just found out.

What really struck me about this film, aside from how truly fantastic a film it was, was that the vast majority of this had already been filmed, and Whedon trashed it all. Aside from being a womanizing, misogynistic sexist (at the very least), he also has a gigantic ego. He took what would have been a great film that he simply could've put a bow on, disregarded it, and pushed out something that absolutely paled in comparison. The sheer arrogance it took to do that was just astounding.

Now that this film is out, and it seems to have gone over really well, I'm hoping that it keeps the cast together, along w/ Zach Snyder and his vision for this storyline. It'd be a shame for Warner Bros. to go back to Whedon's storyline.

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Come Away

This film was really disappointing. It was advertised as a sort of interesting, light-hearted mix between children who have access to both Neverland and Wonderland. Yet, this film had a much more somber tone to it that wasn't necessarily suitable for younger children. I was willing to give this film the benefit of the doubt, b/c as we all know, how a film is marketed isn't necessarily what's contained in the final product. However, the film's plodding, methodical pacing really belied the entire storyline, so much so that as the film was approaching its end, there hardly seemed enough time to properly wrap up the loose ends. Ultimately, it seemed that this film had been over-edited. I got the feeling that there might've been much more going on in an original cut, b/c it was difficult to imagine such a disjointed script having been filmed.

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I'm Thinking of Ending Things

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2020-10-02T09:40:44Z— updated 2020-10-15T07:51:39Z

This film was a bitter disappointment. First off, it's 135 minutes long, and the first 120 minutes is a slow burn. Yet, Kaufman brutally mangled the finale, completely dissociating any meaning from the first two hours of the film from the remaining 15 minutes. He goes "off-script" from the book, for some unknown reason, and he chose to go w/ a plot device that just ruined the film.
The acting was solid, and the story was building nicely, but it ultimately led into a ditch on the side of the road. When Kaufman made the decision to deviate from the novel, he may as well have set fire to the first two hours of the film, b/c it ended up meaning absolutely nothing. If you've read the book, you'll understand what the first two hours were building to. However, w/out that knowledge, watching this film is a gigantic waste of time. I can think of myriad better ways to spend 135 minutes.

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My Suicide

I'd only heard of this film recently, and I have to say that it was a really deeply intensive look at teen suicide. The two leads, Gabriel Sunday and Brooke Nevin, were particularly impressive in their roles. This film really pulled no punches, nor did it offer false hope or non-existent solutions to a problem that plagues many societies. It simply looked at the effects of suicidality in a particular teen population w/out even necessarily delving too deep into the causes, since they are so variant. This film was well-made, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in viewing this problem from the outside-in.

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The Mummy

I'm 20 minutes in, and for the past 10 minutes, I've been thinking, "Who wrote this weak script? Is this really the best idea that the studio could come up w/ to kickstart a movie monster franchise?" The melodrama from Annabelle Wallis is difficult to stomach, especially when they find the crypt. I can't imagine getting through two hours of this dreck.

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The Judge

This was a really fine film. Two of the best American actors of their generations, Robert Duvall and Robert Downey, Jr., working off one another's talents throughout the film, along w/ a tremendous supporting cast, made this a compelling journey about family, learning that sometimes the best way to win the battle is not to fight, and realizing that, sometimes, we can go home.

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Riddle of Fire

This was a really unique film about the resilience, inventiveness, and intelligence of children. The cinematography gave it a nostalgic, 1970s feel to it, and the young actors were terrific. It was a sweet, heartwarming tale, and it would seem that Weston Razooli is a filmmaker to keep an eye on.

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Quiz Lady

I really enjoyed this. I thought that Awkwafina and Sandra Oh had great chemistry together, and the comedy in this hit just the right notes. For me, Awkwafina always stands out in whatever I happen to see her in, and it's no coincidence. She's incredibly talented and brutally funny. I think that she's criminally underrated as an actor.

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The Crowded Room

Overall, this was an interesting story. However, it should've been kept to five or six episodes. There was absolutely no need to string this out into 10 episodes. It really lost purpose in the middle, and it got away from the main focus for long periods of time. In the end, the performances by Amanda Seyfried and Tom Holland were quite strong, and they carried material that otherwise might've been quite lackluster.

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The Hateful Eight

This was a terribly pointless film from a vile racist, bigot, misogynist, and child-rapist. Always remember that Tarantino said that a 13-year-old girl wanted to be raped. That thing is a fucking subhuman.

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This started off well enough, but it ended on a sour note. It's never a good sign, when the final episode of a mini-series is roughly 10 minutes shorter than each of the other episodes. It gives a feeling of watching the leftovers. One thing that I didn't really understand was the jumbled timeline. Griselda Blanco's life story was interesting enough w/out them having to change so many details, and keep in actual events but in an alternate order. It didn't make much sense, and it certainly didn't add anything to the story. If anything, the story that they concocted was more of a rendition of Scarface than anything else. I wish that I knew why they had done this, especially when there were plenty of action involved in her real-life story. I will say that one thing I didn't care for about this series was how they made her a sympathetic figure. She wasn't, and to make her and her family victims was disingenuous and dishonest. Other than that, it was well-acted, but it just didn't flow well.

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Dream Scenario

I scored this a 7/10, b/c it was an interesting idea for a film, but ultimately, it fell a bit short for me. The writer/director was seemingly making a commentary on today's society and how we disseminate, ingest, then regurgitate information into misinformation and disinformation. It showed how much of what we speak on is ignorant, ill-informed, and flat out wrong, yet that doesn't stop the message from being progressed. The film showed the point at which the information originates, then the various levels of groups that pass it along, some more educated than others, yet many lacking in basic critical thinking skills. It's a disheartening message, often made worse by those directly involved in it and their responses to outward stimuli. It was an original idea, so it was worth the watch, not to mention the fact that an ensemble cast did a really nice job.

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The Girl on the Train

I liked this better upon second watch. It's a compelling tale about how women are manipulated by narcissistic men. There were a number of strong performances throughout by Emily Blunt, Rebecca Ferguson, and Haley Bennett. Their work really made this film come together.

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