João Almeida



Get Out

I've been very hyped for Get Out. And finally I had the opportunity to watched it last week when finally premiered in Portugal.

Well, Get Out is a phenomenal film. It really is. What an amazing directorial debut by a comedy guy, Jordan Peele. It's amazing what he accomplished.

Get Out addresses racism with very intelligence without being cliché. And because of that, the screenplay is brilliantly well written. The cinematography and the soundtrack were also pretty good.

The performances were great, specially Daniel Kaluuya. When the movie wants to be scary and suspenseful, is awesome. Although some 'jump scares' were unnecessary. The opening scene is so effective and so well done.

A lot of characters are presented throughout the whole movie, and all of them are important to the story, every single detail. I found this very interesting.

With this being said, I loved Get Out. One of the best of 2017 so far, and I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to watch this one in the theater.

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Prison Break: 5x01 Ogygia

Pretty solid premiere. Looking forward to the next episodes!

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American Beauty

"You have no idea what I'm talking about, i'm sure, but don't worry, you will someday."

There are very few films that have had so much impact on me and that have made me think about the true meaning of our life. American Beauty is one of them. I've seen this movie for some time, but after several months processing what I saw, I'm just writing about it now.

American Beauty, for me, it's about the search for our identity and what really matters in our lives. After all, we only live once. And we should enjoy every minute to the fullest.

We should take advantage of life to focus on the things that really matter, the people around us, not material goods.

The screenplay is very well written, the direction of Sam Mendes is magnificent and the performances are perfect. The characters are very well set up and all of them have a purpose, the soundtrack is beautiful and the cinematography, wonderful.

American Beauty is, without a doubt, in my top 10 favorite movies of all time and it might very well be my number 1.

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The Edge of Seventeen

"The Edge of Seventeen" had all the ingredients to fail and be cliché like so many other "coming of age" movies.

However, while watching it I noticed that it was going to be different. This film portrays so well what many teenagers go through during their academic lives. We feel that the whole world is against us, nobody understands us and that everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. We hate life and everyone around us.

Also while I was seeing, here are some things I noticed with which I related to me:

  • lying on the sofa to see Futurama - checked;
  • no one understands me - checked;
  • hated by all - checked.

"The Edge of Seventeen" surprised me a lot. Hailee Steinfeld and Woody Harrelson were great. And on top is the "directorial debut" Kelly Fremon Craig. However, I feel that this movie was not seen by many people, which is a shame.

"The Edge of Seventeen" is very well acted, directed and specially very well written.

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The Neon Demon

WTF did i just watch? Seriously!

This is one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. I love this kind of movies. Nicolas Winding Refn tells in a brilliant way the cruel world of fashion.

"The Neon Demon" take a turn in the third act that doesn't feel out of place, however will shock many people. The cinematography is beautiful and the performances are great, especially Elle Fanning and Jena Mallone.

A disturbing movie but beautiful to watch. This is gonna be a classic in the future.

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Inside Out

An emotional film that if doesn' t make you cry, will at least leave you with a tear in the corner of the eye.

Beautiful animation that teaches kids in a delightful way how the brain works.

Finally an animation movie with smart jokes to all the family and not the usual 'poop' jokes.

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12 Angry Men

Sometimes I hate myself.

Why in the fuck did I wait so fucking long to watch this masterpiece???

One of the greatest movies I've ever saw. Great dialogues, great direction and the acting, oh boy, the acting..... specially Henry Fonda and Lee J. Cobb (so fucking good).

Sorry for the cursing. But yeah, this movie is fucking great (sorry again). I'm mad!

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M. Night Shyamalan is really back. After the quite solid 2015, "The Visit", he returns with the brilliant "Split". After some flops, he returned to his origins that threw him into the spolight, and brought two good movies in a row.

This movie builds, builds, to a very intense final act. Wonderful realization of M. Night Shyamalan. Man knows how to create suspense.

The performances were also very good. I believe that if "Split" had premiered between October and December, James McAvoy had a good chance of being nominated for an Oscar. The way he transforms himself into the different personalities, is not any actor who can do that. It felt natural. Anya Taylor-Joy was also very good. As for the other girls, they were "ok".

I really hope there is a sequel. Etcetera...

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2001: A Space Odyssey
Kong: Skull Island

Better than Godzilla.

Jordan Vogt-Roberts is a promising director. He is very good.

The weak part of this movie is definitely the screenplay. The characters could have been a little more developed. I didn't care much about them, and the death of some of them did not affect me as I would.

The action sequences were awesome, the cinematography was beautiful. John C. Reilly, Shea Whigham and Kong (obviously) were the best part of the movie. The rest of the cast was solid (the screenplay didn't help). The skull crawlers were also very good.

Overall, good movie that could have been great.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

J.J. Abrams returns to take a franchise of this dimension after "Star Trek".

"The Force Awakens" is the best 'Star Wars Movie' in more than 30 years (The prequels were a disappointment).

Although the plot is very similar with "A New Hope". Abrams found ways to be different (BB-8, the complexity of Kylo Ren's brain and essentially the chemistry between Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Harrison Ford).

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The Lobster

I'm so glad I didn' t see a single trailer for "The Lobster."

"The Lobster" has one of the weirdest and most interesting concepts I've ever seen.

If you do not like black humor, don' t even try to watch the movie.

Colin Farrell was incredibly funny and gave a very good performance. In fact, the whole cast gave a great performance.

Although this is a great comedy, it's amazing how much I was invested in the characters and I cared for them at the end of the movie.

I was laughing throughout the whole movie.

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"Drive" is a masterpiece.

I saw this movie already twice in less than 2 weeks. And it keeps getting better and better.

The opening scene was awesome. The action scenes are superb, the cinematography, and the soundtrack, holy shit, the soundtrack!!! One of the best in recent memory. Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston and the rest of the cast were brilliant.

But the real star of this movie, is, without a doubt, Nicolas Winding Refn. The direction was nearly perfect.

"Drive" is a movie that you need to pay attention, there are a lot of visual storytelling elements, some things the characters say that are very important to the narrative.

If you have not seen "Drive" yet, please do. It's a magnificent movie.

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"Life" was a good surprise. After watching the trailer, I wasn't expecting much. But after came out, I started to hear good things, so I gave it a shot.

Very good acting, cinematography and use of CGI. Unlike some movies, the creature in this movie is actually creppy. Rebecca Ferguson, Hiroyuki Sanada and Ariyon Bakare were the standouts of the movie. Daniel Espinosa also gave a great sense of claustrophobia.

However, it's very predictable and the ending could have been better.

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Magneficent directorial debut by Dan Gilroy.

Jake Gyllenhaal is so good in this movie. I still can't understand how he wasn't nominated for an Oscar for this role.

The screenplay is very well written, making me want to hear everything this characters are saying.

"Nightcrawler" shows in a brutal way the reality of this type of journalism with a third act exciting and full of suspense.

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The Jungle Book

Better than the original. Jon Favreau respected the original but also added a few interesting things to keep the movie fresh and not just another remake.

Loved this version of Shere Khan, that actually does something in the movie (unlike the 1967's version). I also liked the fact that Favreau give more attention to Mowgli's family (the wolves).

The voice casting for this movie was top-notch. Since Idris Elba (my personal favourite), the always amazing Bill Murray, Sir Ben Kingsley, Christopher Walken, etc.

The kid, Neel Sethi, was also amazing (for what he had to do) in his first movie.

Jon Favreau, if "The Lion King" is going to be like this i'm going to be very satisfied.

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Captain Fantastic

Loved this movie. From the very first scene, till the last second of this film.

The acting was superb and the message the film passes is beautiful. I adore the debate of education system, how should we (or not) raise a child....

When I watch the trailer (even though it spoiles some scenes) for "Captain Fantastic" I thought that this was going to be a "okay" movie. I was very wrong. This movie is awesome.

I would love to see some love for Viggo Mortensen in the nominations for the Oscars, he was brilliant!

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The Handmaiden
Short Term 12

I went into this movie without knowing nothing and all I can say is that was the best decision i could made.

Beautiful. Magic. "Short Term 12" is a powerful that talks about some uncomfortable topics. But that's life. And that's why we have cinema. To express themes like the ones adressed in this movie. I am so glad that this movie exists.

Brie Larson is, without a doubt, one of the best actresses working right now in Hollywood. She stole the whole movie. The rest of the cast was also great. John Gallagher Jr., Rami Malek and the kids were terrific.

"Short Term 12" is a very emotional movie with some memorable scenes. Also, every actor of the main cast had his "moment" which was pleasant to watch.

A movie that everyone should watch.


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Eddie the Eagle

"You want your moment, Eddie, you gotta do this for real."

Eddie the Eagle is one of those movies that just made me feel happy.

Beautiful movie about a young man that just wants to complete his dream.

I appreciate movies made with passion, and Eddie the Eagle is certainly one of them.

Solid screenplay, good-looking movie, nice soundtrack and beautiful performances by Taron Egerton and Hugh Jackman.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Wow, I did not have so much fun in a movie for a long time.

Great direction, characters, soundtrack, visual effects and very funny.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a gift to the world and we should be grateful for that.

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Deepwater Horizon

"Deepwater Horizon" narrates the true story of the disaster of the oil rig "Deepwater Horizon" in 2010.

Peter Berg directs once again a true event and does it very well. The director of "Lone Survivor" brings the right amount of emotion to attach the viewer to the screen.

The cast also does a fantastic job, especially Mark Wahlberg (Oscar nomination?) and John Malkovich.

Although the first act is a little slower than the second and third, is fundamental to the presentantion and development of the characters and meet their motivations.

In the end, "Deepwater Horizon" is a brilliant movie and a beautiful tribute to the people who went through this disaster. Definitely one of the best movies of the year.

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Doctor Strange

The 14th installment in MCU brings to the big screen the character of Stephen Strange.

After a car accident, the egocentric neurosurgeon travel to Nepal and goes in a journey to heal his hands and comes across "The Ancient One" and a world full of mysticism.

Marvel took a risk with "Doctor Strange", making a movie unlike anything they ever done. The big positives are the performances, mainly Benedict Cumberbatch and Tilda Swinton. Mads Mikkelsen also does a good job, although his character could had a little more background and development.

Last but not least, the visuals are some of the best i've hever seen in cinema. Worth watching in 3D.

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Don't Breathe

What a brilliant movie.

Great performances and especially, great direction by Fede Alvarez!
As long as the movie progresses, we get the feeling that we're watching something that we shouldn't. And full of plot twists that never felt out of place.

This is horror done right, the "jump scares" are effective and done the way should be done.

One of the best horror movies in the recent years.

Second view was interesting. Even the camera tells her own story. The way the camera moves (setting up the next scenes) is brilliant.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

"Mad Max: Fury Road" marks the return of George Miller to the franchise that launched him into the spotlight.

Tom Hardy replaces Mel Gibson really well in the character of Max Rockatansky, despite Charlize Theron being the star of the film.

George Miller shows in "Mad Max: Fury Road" how to shoot action. There is no "shaky cam", so we can actually see what's happening.
The "stunt work" made in "Mad Max: Fury Road" is some of the best ever made in cinema.

In the end, "Mad Max: Fury Road" is one of the best action movies ever made, side by side, with movies like "Die Hard" or "Terminator 2: Judgment Day".

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I love movies that make me think. "Arrival" is one of them.

Denis Villeneuve is becoming one of my favourite directors of his generation. Since "Prisoners" in 2013, he has been on fire with "Enemy" (2014) and last year with "Sicario".

Don't expect a typical alien movie like "Independece Day" or "Cloverfield".

If you know Villeneuve's work, expect a movie that in the end will leave you with several questions (which may only be answered with a second display).

Like is previous works, "Arrival" is a slow burn movie that pays off in the third act with a brutal ending where most of your questions throughout the movie will be answered.

Also, to highlight the performance of Amy Adams (she might get her sixth nomination for an Oscar) and the screenplay by Eric Heisserer.

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Hacksaw Ridge

"With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don't seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together".

It's amazing to think what Desmond Doss did. A great hero who kept his beliefs in doing good and not touching a gun in an environment of complete destruction and death.

Mel Gibson is back at directing after "Apocalypto" and does an amazing job. The man knows pretty well how to direct action scenes.

Among so many good performances, this is Andrew Garfield's movie. He was brilliant.

This film made me feel proud of the human race.

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I never thought I'd like so much a movie filmed entirely in a car.

Tom Hardy is really very good to keep me entertained for more than 80 minutes without ever looking at the watch.

The story is also very interesting and calls that Tom Hardy's character receives during his journey help keep viewers glued to the screen.

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