



Shout by Staf

Certainly not (too) bad acting here, but the story is 100% predictable, up on to the very moment when the girl calls here stepdad: dad... Oh well, at least I enjoyed Abigail a couple of days ago, that was surprisingly good(although also slightly predictable).

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A great watch with fabulous performances and great photography, but also with many issues...
In many scenes it felt like watching the academy awards speeches: after a short while the, mostly very interesting, dialogue was getting drowned out from the music, why make it so annoyingly loud? When watching Oppenheimer giving a lecture in what supposed to be Dutch, I almost laughed out loud... I'm Belgian myself, why not bother to teach the main character of a movie with such high production value at least a few understandable sentences in Dutch? These details kinda got the movie down for me. Almost as much as hearing Tom Hanks speaking with a Dutch accent in 'Elvis'.... Certainly not best movie at the Oscars material in my very modest opinion....

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Great acting, funny storytelling, solid characters and fun without being too vulgar.... A refreshing show...

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Upright: 1x08 Day Eight

What another great Australian tv show....

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Dark Winds

Kind off looking forward to seeing this, but after episode three I really wasn't interested anymore the story. And apart from a couple of actors, the acting in general wasn't exactly top notch... after watching an entire episode dedicated to a girl getting her period, (I still don't know why this had to have an entire episode dedicated to it) I actually didn't want to see it through, but unfortunately I did...

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The Good Doctor

Freddy Highmore was in my opinion a really good actor, in Bates motel he was incredible, and so was the rest of the cast. In the good doctor however, he turned after a couple of seasons in an annoying know it all. For me after season 3 almost all the cast became so annoying and really don't act like doctors anymore. His wife, Lea, runs all alone the complete IT department for a big hospital??? The ridiculous things that she says about software, hardware and so on make me think that the writers don't know the first thing about anything even related to ITC. And every doctor in that place operates on every possible disease, injury or whatever is wrong with the patient? This is really so unbelievable, and the whole cast is so terribly annoying and frankly in my opinion just not really good actors.... I'll start rewatch Dr. House or some other believable or at least entertaining show about a hospital....this is just too bad to watch anymore.

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The Resort

Funny, good story, good acting and an ending that doesn't suck... just great!

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This is a show that has gone from very good to very bad from season two to season three... the last season was a very hard watch, mainly because of the story, which in my opinion was a real mess. Rightfully canceled...

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Lost Ollie

Absolutely brilliant, charming, captivating, touching.... brilliant acting, story... perfect 10...

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Martha Marcy May Marlene

Good acting, really nicely shot, but ultimately slow and meaningless ending with so many openings....

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I may not be the targeted audience for Dickinson, but this show is superb. Great acting and directing, perfect cast, great little stories and mostly (mostly!:wink:) historically correct... I love it!

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The Morning Show

It's probably just me, because the show gets so many good comments, but as far as I'm concerned,the first season was kind of okay, with mainly strong performances from Steve Carrel and Reese Witherspoon. Season 2 however feels really unnecessary and gets worse by the episode. The more I see Jennifer Aniston struggling to get any emotion out of her face, the more annoyed I get.... Apple tv has a lot of good shows, this one should be retired as soon as possible in my opinion!

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

Absolutely essential for REAL Star Wars fans, and that means not "The Last Jedi" lovers... Thank God that J.J. Abrams saved the last trilogy by taking over from the highly incompetent Ryan Johnson, who has no clue what the Star Wars universe is about.... but I diverse, Obi-Wan Kenobi is the perfect filler between episode 3 and episode 4.... Ewan McGregor is as always the perfect Obi-Wan.... I've been a fan since 1977, when episode 4 came to Belgium, and now, many years later, I'm still getting goosebumps when the John Williams theme starts yet another story in the Star Wars universe....

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Finally a show that does justice to the excellent Halo games franchise.... I feared a tv show filled with pointless action, shooting and constantly blowing things up Michael Bay style, but instead I got a good story, good main and supporting characters and more than decent directing. Now and then some less than perfect special effects, but certainly nothing too bad.... Great overal!!!

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this actually felt more like a good old tv movie to me, with some unbalanced acting performances, bad dialogues and badly chosen music. I get that with this chosen style, a certain specified look and feel wanted to be achieved, but in my opinion this is certainly not better than the first Firestarter movie....

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black-ish: 8x13 Homegoing

At last it's finally finished! This was actually not bad at all the first couple of seasons.... Then it went downhill all the way, very fast.... The spin offs are also huge disasters: it's the same old case again of child actors growing up and proving that acting isn't exactly their specialty
... Whoever wrote the scenarios also better look for another job elsewhere then the entertainment business. My wife kind of liked this series, and stuck through it till the end, brave move, I say!

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black-ish: 8x10 Young, Gifted and Black

It's time that the whole cast is getting some acting lessons..... And maybe hire some professional screen writers? This is getting worse by the day.

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I'll keep it short, I watched the movie a couple of years ago and wasn't particularly impressed. But I must say that with reviewing it, it seemed somehow much better and scarier....

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With each episode I'm deducting a star... so glad this show is cancelled.... terrible story's and terrible acting from the whole cast...

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black-ish: 8x06 Mom Mentor

Why does my wife insist on keep watching this? This is supposed to be a comedy? Terrible story, always the same terrible jokes and unrealistic unfunny situations... the grown up kids are terrible actors and weren't funny to begin with... And the rest of the cast are just annoying without even trying.... what a sad little show this has become... and the so called doctor that wears her work clothes All the time? Who does that in real life?

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black-ish: 8x03 Bow-Mo

Boring as ever, kids are almost grown up and I hope they have another career than acting, because even the most intense acting lessons won't do them any good. Cancelling this show is about four seasons too late....

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The Good Doctor: 5x15 My Way

Lea must be a Superwoman (with the most annoying voice known to mankind), she runs solely the IT department for a big hospital, she alone fixes this ancient iron lung machine, and does all the software side of her new jointed venture.... Isn't it possible to even try to make this a little bit believable? With those talents she should be running the next Google, Apple or Tesla company....

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The Good Doctor: 5x14 Potluck

It's getting more ridiculous with each episode, and for the majority of the cast some acting lessons would be appropriate.... If I look at this show as science fiction, it just passes, but is this meant to be a serious show about a hospital? Thank goodness that I have my smartphone by my side while my wife is watching this garbage....

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Raised by Wolves

Good start leading to messy stories, and mildly interesting character development.... maybe a third season to really close things off?

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Two Guys and a Girl

This is certainly one of the better comedy's that really holds it's own, even now between the greats like The Office, Parks and recreation, Frasier and so on ...

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Our Flag Means Death

Hilarious in every right way, funny characters, actually a good story and great acting and directing..... superb!

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Old Henry

So good, if you like modern westerns, then this movie has to be on your shortlist.... great acting, directing, and even a bit of a twist ending!

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The Book of Boba Fett

Absolutely recommend for Star Wars fans, it follows the movies and series brilliantly!

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The Big C

this show started out great, but all went downhill really fast. the characters went from a bit annoying to virtually unwatchable... this show is filled with almost only selfish, egocentric and boorish people... Laura Lynn is great in Ozark, and here acting consists almost entirely of annoying everyone around here, and with absolutely everything comes out of her mouth, she smiles... Oliver Platt is just his everyday disgusting self .... The show as a whole really has no clue what it wants to be, comedy or drama, a mix of both? I'm not even going to talk about the son and her brother's characters in this tv show, almost all of theirs decisions are mostly completely un logical and selfish... I've kinda watched the whole show, because my wife wanted to keep watching.... what an awful experience it was....

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Bless This Mess

An refreshing honest, funny and well casted and written show... I loved it, and then it doesn't get a renewal!? Americans are a strange bunch.... what a shame....

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