Manuel Galisteo (kyotocafe)


Omicron Persei 8


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


My favorite TV shows and movies.


Taken from


A list of TV shows which are attached to Marvel Comics properties


A list of films related to Marvel Comics properties


Chronological order

(If you are new to MCU, then you should start with; Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk,
Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America and then Agent Carter.)

There is a S.H.I.E.L.D spin-off mini-series, called Slingshot. It takes place right before Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D season 4.
(can be found at ABC's youtube channel).


  • All Movies
  • WHIH World News
  • Marvel One-Shots
  • Marvel's Agent Carter
  • Marvel's Daredevil
  • Marvel's Jessica Jones
  • Marvel's Luke Cage
  • Marvel's Iron Fist
  • Marvel's Inhumans
  • Marvel's Defenders
  • Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
copied from Marvel Cinematic Universe - Watching Order by Oktavius DeLally

This list includes everything in the MCU by Marvel Studios in the probably best watching order - based on original release dates (e.g. Daredevil was written to be released after Age of Ultron), knowledge which otherwise gets lost in the shuffle (e.g. to understand a certain part of the ending of "Captain America: The First Avenger" you need to have watched "Thor" first. Also, a certain method is mentioned in 2x03 of SHIELD, which has its origin in the later shown first Agent Carter season, etc.) and timeline (when it comes to Netflix shows, as their placement based solely on release dates makes things iffy),

The list does not include movies where the movie rights are somewhere else, like the older Spiderman movies, X-Men (and its spinoffs like Deadpool) or the Fantanstic Four. They are not part of the MCU.

copied from MARVEL by MOVIST

List of films based on Marvel Comics

copied from 80s classics by Zyrus

Best 80s movies. From symbols to unkonws to discover.


The adventure movie is hard to define, but you know it when you see it. Sometimes it’s the search for fortune and glory, sometimes it’s the sweep and spectacle, and sometimes it’s all about how long it takes and how far it is from point A to B. And every once in a while, there’s that special adventure film that has it all. After meeting our criteria of a minimum of 20 reviews, we sorted these movies by Adjusted Tomatometer score to bring you the 60 best adventure films of all time!


2017-08-16: Added The Houses October Built 1 & 2 + Killer Klowns from Outer Space 1 & 2. Films yet to be added (missing in database): Cubed (Cube 4), Beyond the Green Inferno, A Haunting at Silver Falls 2, The House on the Edge of the Park 2, JeruZalem 2, Lights Out 2, "Pumpkinhead", Strangeland: Desciple, Tremors 6, Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil 2

copied from Best Mindfucks by Ben

What’s a mindfuck? A movie that plays with your mind, confuses you, and leads you on. It’s not just a movie with a twist ending. Mindfucks are borderline-incoherent, dreamlike, and surreal.
