

Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Preacher: 1x01 Pilot

Shout by Leco

Best thing on this episode? The soundtrack, by far.

Nice fan service playing Willie Nelson right in the beginning, as it's "playing" on the very first page of the comic book.

Beyond that, just an unfortunate mixture of storylines... If you've watched this as a fan of the comics and for it you are giving it a try (even after this episode), well, sad news: it doesn't improve, it's all downhill from here (at least until the 3rd episode... let's see if they fix at least a bit of this from the 4th and on).

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Preacher: 1x03 The Possibilities

I don't know if this can get any worse.

The dialogues not even by a longshot get close to Garth Ennis',
Cassidy is totally dumbed down (he is silly, but not like on this) and Tulip is just annoying.

JC himself is quite unintelligent in comparison to the source material.

What a sad thing it is to be liking the soundtrack and nothing else...

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Master of None: 1x05 The Other Man

Shout by Leco

Didn't dig as much as usual from the storyline, but am I crazy OR I did catch a Wes Anderson homage here? Loved that!

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Penny Dreadful: 3x04 A Blade of Grass

I feel that I didn't care for the storyline as much as I should have. Still, it's necessary to indicate that it IS getting together, finally. Well, it's a small season...

But my god, Eva Green nails it so damn hard. What an amazing actress!
Rory's one to admire, as well... specially with the difference perceived when he is portraying Dracula. Very nice job!

All in all, what makes me keep coming back for PD is the acting (and, not as much on this episode, but even so) the great photography.

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Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands
Luisa Is Not Home

Beautifully shot, really engaging short. I'd watch more of Luisa's story, definitely.

I'll keep my eyes open for Celia Rico Clavellino!

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Portrait of Jason

I just couldn't watch more than 20 minutes.

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The So-Called Caryatids

A beautiful piece, one that can demonstrate once again why Agnès Varda keeps surprising and involving me. I thought I wouldn't like at all, I thought it'd be tedious... silly me. There's nothing so far that I wouldn't like when it comes to Varda's thoughts, readings. This is a visual poem and it's more dynamic than one can imagine at first glance.

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Elsa the Rose

This is beautiful. Agnès Varda has yet to disappoint me! Simple, but nicely conducted. I don't consider myself as much of a romantic nowadays, but a relationship like that one between Aragon and Elsa kind of stirs that fountain. So well done that it even introduces an Ella Fitzgerald tune from Live in Berlin ("The Man I Love") precisely when that city comes up!

20min in and I'm curious about them both.
This is cinema!

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The Miners' Hymns

As I can acknowledge the beautiful cinematography throughout the film, I still fail relating to it.
Maybe I'm just too far away (both in time and feeling) from what the folks there went through, with the miners 84-85 strike.

Not that I'm unable to empathize, but it'd possibly have been more meaningful if I was more connected to the events - the deal is, the movie failed to connect me.

Jóhann Jóhannsson's soundtrack, though, is a gem.
I can and I will experience that again. I can't say the same for the movie.

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Johnny Gunman

1/4 of it and I had enough. Bad acting, poor script, mediocre photography. I tried to push myself for more minutes but there was this voice in my head shouting nonstop "it will be a waste of time" and I've just decided to take the advice.

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The Night Manager: 1x06 Episode 6

I believe this to be, sadly, the most lukewarm episode of the series. It's a pity, for we all expected a real grand finale.
I don't withdraw my overall feeling, though: this is some good TV. Susanne Bier did a great job directing this!
The cinematography quality is beyond the vast majority of series, the acting by Hiddleston and Laurie while sometimes nothing spectacular, never disappoints.

The fourth episode was the peak, for me - and it made me hope for the whole show keep it up.

Anyway, it is worthwhile.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 2x13 A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen
Lucifer: 1x08 Et Tu, Doctor?

I don't know... 8 episodes in and all I can say is that I expected more (so much more) than what this show got me.

It is too regular a show to bear that brand, I'd say. How many others case-a-week do we have floating around, right?

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The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle

If you dare, beware: this is a weird piece from head to toe, but one packed with an amazing cinematography, really inventive, delivered with a great soundtrack. It really made me wish for the next move by David Russo.

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I think this one deserves some praise for the beautiful cinematography. The colors, the use of light, the angles... they're all a beautiful sight. As for the storyline, it isn't amazing, but together with the visual it makes you follow through the whole movie.

I've seen some critics on the idea that the aliyah is something very much real in France and that the movie doesn't addresses it decently. But I find that this just wasn't the point. The focus lies on Alex's redemption, if I can put it that way. But does he achieve it in the end?

I would recommend the movie, anyhow, for the great photography, even though I recognize that the ending can be disappointing for a lotta people.

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A collection of snapshots in motion so sensible and beautiful, so fluid that makes you think the goddess is in the detail. Amazing. I'll definitely watch again.

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It's just an OK documentary. I'd say very much like some random episode you get your eyes on after some zapping and then you end up watching out of curiosity.

The first installment is by far the least enjoyable. I hated the the tone used on it, an impression rarely lowered throughout. Right afterwards, we get in my opinion the best of this whole doc: the direction and writing for "Pure Corruption" is really good; nice imagery and text. "Purity is a good mask for corruption, [...] it discourages inquiry". Also, the cinematography is great. The final two aren't very good, which makes this doc quite forgettable.

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The Walking Dead: 6x08 Start to Finish

The only thing I hated to like is that's pretty clear some kiddo is going to screw things up next episode...
The rest of it, I'd say: painfully obvious. Just the good ol' cliff-hanger without many surprises.

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The Evil Dead

Well, maybe it's just me, kicking the hornet's nest and all, but it doesn't appeal that much for me. I do understand the cult status it got, though. I myself have seen it as a child and a lot of images got stuck on my head and that's my main point for checking it out again. The final 20 min or so concentrates a lot of decent camerawork, before the last moments they're more scattered through the scenes.

Being a low-budget flick and having in mind the gore it intended, I get its flare.

After this rewatching thing, gonna do it right and head to the latter movies, for everything I remember more vividly about Evil Dead, from my childhood, came from the other two.

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Night of the Demon

Oh, boy! This one is a gem!

I've started watching it lying down and by the final moments, I was sitting up straight, my eyes fixed on the screen, already aware of what was about to happen, but totally interested on how it would be presented.

It's not totally original, but its delivery makes it worthwhile.
For what matters, both the acting and the cinematography are nicely done.
But here, above all, lies is a great script!

What a man of science oughta do when it's someone else's dark moves that can save his own life?
Believe, surrendering to the possibilities of the unknown?
Simply one of the best psychological thrillers, tempered with the supernatural - just for good measure -, that I've seen in my whole life.

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The Kingdom: 1x03 A Foreign Body

Not as good as the former episode, but still leading us to the point where can't help it but to think: this is what horror should always be like. Since the second episode, specially, you really don't mind for the shooting quality, as everything else that really matters stands upfront.

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Requiem for a Vampire

Vampire themed soft porn with some BDSM additions. Nothing much more than that.

Almost insufferable, specially for the acting, I'm surprised I could watch the whole thing.

Sometimes I did appreciate the soundtrack - nothing exceptional and many times not sitting well with the scenes, but fairly enjoyable.
The locations are nice, as well. A few good shots, but so few that they almost go unnoticed.

Unfortunately, those three aspects aren't enough to upgrade the movie... Maybe some imagery will stick around, but I feel that this one is bound to be forgotten.

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Bram Stoker's Dracula

From the costume design to the color palette, the soundtrack to the architecture, weird choices to camera angles and at times the symmetry, the intelligent use of shadow, the persistent sense of dread following every step of the journey, this flick has so many rights that you might as well leave the wrongs in its background - and willfully forget about them.

I wouldn't think of some scenes having what we could call ludicrous acting or even some of the shots presenting odd camera movements - everything's just part of the spectacle.

We're brought to a place where we transit between lust and naïvety, science confronted by the unknown, the supernatural longing through eternity for something so mundane and ever so frail: eternal love.

This movie, along with "Interview with the Vampire" and "Let the Right One In" (curiously those two also being based on books), albeit not up to par with the same flamboyant execution/borderlining pure amazingness, are to me some of the best cinematic renditions on the theme, specially considering contemporary ones.

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Night of the Living Dead
Supergirl: 1x05 How Does She Do It?

Some very quick thoughts:

  • No unbuttoned shirt for Jimmy this episode;
  • I'm still waiting for a decent soundtrack to pop in;
  • Should've watched the former episode 5 as 4 and vice-versa... bullocks.

All in all, it's Melissa Benoist who keeps getting this show together.
Anxious to understand more about Henshaw, though... I believe we've just seen a Super Cyborg skill on that episode.

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Supergirl: 1x03 Fight or Flight
Normal People Are Nothing Exceptional

I don't know if I just wasn't in the mood for this movie, but even sympathizing with Martine for a while, the movie became a real drag for me. Couldn't go further than 60 minutes on it.

Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi has some spark on her, and possibly nothing else but that made me give it a try for more than half a movie. But this film has really nothing exceptional.

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Before Dawn

Sparked my curiosity for other works by Bálint Kenyeres. Nicely done, anyhow.

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The Last Kingdom: 1x07 Episode 7

Make no mistake!
This was, as far as I can remember, what episodes before a season finale are supposed to be: a build-up.
I wouldn't say it excels on that task, though, for I've been hoping to see more of the Alfred's "pagan affair" results on his mind (but, not as much on his faith, Alfred's changed and that can be seen on next and final episode's teaser)... but it's fair to say it achieves the minimum requirements.

Curious to see how it's going to work Alfred & Aelswith's relationship with Uhtred & Iseult from now on...

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