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Young Sheldon: 7x04 Ants on a Log and a Cheating Winker

it's probably an unpopular opinion, but all this newfound love between George and Mary sounds constructed and artificial to me

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Red Oaks: 2x02 Memorial Day

Is Barry 30? :zipper_mouth: I'd have given him 10 more

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Pequeñas Coincidencias: 3x03 Cravings

I'm still watching this because I want to know the stories of the secondary characters, Marta and Javier are quite boring :sleeping:

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Pequeñas Coincidencias: Season 2

I didn't like what they did with Marta character in this season.. it's like as long she was single she was also a worker and an artist, but now that she has found love all this things don't count anymore, in all this 2' season there isn't a scene about her work, even the fact that she owns a shop in Madrid and is going to live in Mexico seems so normal :confounded::no_mouth:

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Pequeñas Coincidencias: Season 2

I didn't like what they did with the character of Marta in this season .. it 's like as long as she was single she was a worker and an artist, but since she found love all of this didn't matter anymore. In all this second season there isn't a single scene about her work, it even seems the most normal thing for a shop owner to go to live in another continent :no_mouth::confused:

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Pequeñas Coincidencias: 2x03 My house is your house

This serie would be so much better if there wasn't Marta, she is such a selfish and immature character :sleeping:
Anyway, Javier was able to fill the bar for the wine course when he was looking for a woman and now he can't do anything for his friend?!

Ah, obviously Madrid is a so small city that everyone is connected and related :laughing:

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My Brilliant Friend: 3x07 Try Again

reading the book it was much easier to identify and empathize with Elena... but in this episode:unamused:

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My Brilliant Friend: 3x02 The Fever

quanta bellezza! it's nice to be back in the world of Lila and Lenù

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Downton Abbey: 6x08 Episode 8

It's just me can't see this great love between Mary and Henry? It was a pretty obvious end (even both Tom and Edith insist that he is perfect for her ?!) no surprises or suspense at all :neutral_face:

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Downton Abbey: 4x02 Episode 2

skirmishes between the servants begin to be a bit boring

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Harlem: 1x10 Once Upon a Time in Harlem

oh, poor Mira

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Superstore: 2x04 Guns, Pills and Birds

I'm probably too sensitive, but I found the scene where the crow is killed very annoying

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Elite: 4x08 Before I Go (2)

but is it normal for a teenager to drop out of school (private school which he attends only thanks to his mother's ex job) in the middle of the year to go backpacking??!

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Elite: 4x06 I Love You All Wrong

it will probably be my problem, but I don't take Ari's charm, she doesn't seem like a really good character... she's light years away from Nadia

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Elite: 4x04 I'm a...

hating what they did to Guzman's character, it's like all his development has disappeared

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Say It Loud

the film is also enjoyable, but I didn't understand the meaning of it

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Tutta colpa di Freud: 1x02 Episode 2

Not realistic at all! Io bho

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

after six films in which they have reduced everything to the bone (especially the last three) in this it was impossible to do it while maintaining a logical sense of the events, but the result is rather boring

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

the worst, it doesn't even seem the transposition of the book but a movie totally on its own

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 3x04 Hands!

Is there anything more mundane than a drunk wedding in Vegas?

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The Sunday Woman

Country: France?? Is filmed in Turin, Italy

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Call Me by Your Name

Trivially: The book was better

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The Office: 7x05 The Sting

It were a lots of episodes without any references to Italy.. I was almost missing it

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Young Adult

I don't understand how it could be classified as comedy. It's an interesting movie, with some more light moments, but certainly not funny or the movie that left you with a smile

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The Office: 6x04 Niagara

I loved it, so beautiful

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Modern Family: 11x13 Paris

I really enjoyed Mitchel's scenes... intstead the story of Claire and the date after 30 years was rather stupid

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Modern Family: 11x11 Legacy

it seems that in this final season they want to end all the stories, but in a somewhat quick and confusing way just to end

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Money Heist: 2x16 The Paris Plan

I was hoping it would end with this episode, instead...

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Modern Family: 10x12 Blasts from the Past

It's my impression or all the last episodes were so full of rhetoric about family, love, etc? I didn't believe for a second that they'd go for a trip (the scenes where they spoke Italian, however, were fun)

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Money Heist: 2x10 Berlin's Wedding

funny how is easy moving around the Spain without meet police, even to arrive in to the center of Madrid ... MHA

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