Doctor Who

The first seasons are good, but ever since Russell T Davies left, the show has mostly turned to crap, with some notable exceptions (like the 50th anniversary, which was entertaining).

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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: 5x18 Crusaders of the Lost Mark

One of the best ever.

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Excellent up until the point where he gets into the black hole, then every element of the film collectively jumps the shark.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x09 AKA Sin Bin

Holy shit those last five minutes. And ugh, Hogarth.

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Doctor Who: 9x08 The Zygon Inversion (2)

Ugh, another «the Doctor holds a crappy sappy 15 minute speech and all is magically resolved and all issues that had before been raised magically dissipate into thin air» ending. Great, just what the show needed. More plot holes than the episode had frames, too. And don't even get me started on the double Oswin representing peace or some bullshit side-plot and the «President of Earth» thing returning.

Especially disappointing because the first episode of this two-parter, despite all of its flaws, at least seemed somewhat promising. On the bright side, Jenna absolutely nailed playing an «evil» character, and Capaldi made the best out of the mess he was given.

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Kidnapping Stella

A bad concept, executed badly. Very predictable and cliché too, you could see the ending from a mile.

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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: 6x14 The Cart Before the Ponies

Silly story (though with a reasonable moral) and weak, uncharacteristic dialogue. Not a fan of the episode.

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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: 6x06 No Second Prances

Twilight is useless, the episode.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

So. much. bad. CGI. Like come on, they couldn't spend a bit more of their budget for that?

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Doctor Who: 9x11 Heaven Sent (1)

Oh wow, an episode that's actually good. Thought they lost the ability to make those halfway through the season. One point of criticism thought: While I understand the repetitiveness was an intentional style choice, it could have done with just a little less in places. Especially in the end.

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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: 5x20 Hearthbreakers

«I sure hope everypony else is having a better time» – That's what I also thought when watching this. All-around crap episode. Weak plot and forced, uncharacteristic & cringeworthy dialogue.

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Lesbian Vampire Killers

The only good thing about this film is the soundtrack.

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