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Miss Monochrome - The Animation: 2x05 Scout

Shout by ManiacB

This one's definitely lost it's appeal. Found every episode so far very boring.
This one definitely didn't need a season 2.

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Wagnaria!!: 3x04 Heart Knocker

Shout by ManiacB

Well well, teasing 2 pairings at once are we? Although I'm not really expecting much beyond that, it would be nice if they hooked up. I mean hell, we're 3 seasons in now, cute comedy can only go so far before you want something a bit more to happen between our cast.

I love how this lines up at the same time as Durarara though. Being as a lot of the DRR voice actors are in this too, it's always funny watching them both back-to-back.

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Wagnaria!!: 3x03 Greatest Night

Shout by ManiacB

Very sweet moment at the end there and dare I say... character development... in MY Wagnaria?!

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Charlotte: 1x03 Love and Flame

Shout by ManiacB

Warming to the series now. I enjoyed this episode and Nao continues to be best.

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The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan: 1x16 Fireworks

Shout by ManiacB

An okay ending I suppose. I did laugh at the Endless Eight tease at the end!

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Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x01 Encounter... Changing the Color of Fate

Shout by ManiacB

Cute first episode. Will keep watching since I loves me some shoujo :P

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Charlotte: 1x02 Melody of Despair

Shout by ManiacB

I enjoyed this episode more than the first one. Still don't like main dude, but i like camera girl and teleport guy - they're keeping things fun and interesting for me at the moment.
Be interesting to see where they take this concept. Certainly looks like we're sticking with the tried and tested key formula of comedy x tragedy though. This episode with Nao's brother pretty much confirmed that.

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Non Non Biyori: 2x01 I Became a First Grader

It's back! And it's just as charming and calming as the first series. Although confusingly the first episode seemed to be a kind-of-prequel? Doesn't matter I suppose, the important thing is to have a chill time :)

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Durarara!!: 2x13 Love Thy Enemy

Shout by ManiacB

Might just be me, but that felt like a much better "first" episode back than last time. Hopefully things will stay engaging and good this time.

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High School DxD: 3x12 Any Time, for All Time!

Shout by ManiacB

Aaaand that's it for another season of my guilty pleasure. Some decent moments, although the plot felt very rushed at times. Boob dragon ending song made me chuckle. Also Rossweisse get!

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Prepare yourself, Key fans! Charlotte is coming soon! This will be a Key x P.A. Works project, like Angel Beats was. I'm hoping for good things here!

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Gintama: 7x10 9 + 1 = Yagyu Jyubei

Oh my... that was interesting. Genderbent Gin and Sougo got me all confused.

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Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works: 2x10 Winter Days, A Long Way Home

Shout by ManiacB

Well, I guess that answers the question of whether they were going to keep "that" scene PG. I suppose it's slightly better than bad the bad CG dragon.

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Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend: 1x12 The Ups and Downs at the End of Each Day

Shout by ManiacB

Well, that was an interesting one. Aside from the main plot, it felt a bit disjointed and all over the place. Still, an enjoyable, if cliché-ridden, watch. Definitely found Katou the most likable character though.

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Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend: 1x02 A Girlfriend Without a Raised Flag

Shout by ManiacB

Well, so far Katou isn't just best girl, she's carrying the series for me. I like how her personality seems generally affable and subdued, rather than being a walking stereotype like the other characters we've seen so far. The plot itself isn't particularly original so far either and the otaku meta-humour is pretty hit and miss.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x05 In That Room, There is No Longer the Scent of Tea

Shout by ManiacB

Also (and how could I forget this!), the scene between Hachiman and Komachi was so heartwarming! :)

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU

When I first watched this series, for whatever reason, I wasn't all that taken by it. However after recently going back and rewatching the first series in preparation for series 2, I found myself enjoying it a lot more and wondering why I didn't last time.

A lot of the settings and scenarios are fairly standard high school tropes, but what elevates it above that somewhat is, as @deanzel says, the interactions and dialogue between characters, especially Hachiman, Yui and Yukino. It also does bring up some issues that a lot of us probably had at some point in school and our various social circles. And hell, I'm sure we've all felt like Hachiman at times. And whilst his deeply cynical attitude and outlook do seem to get the job done most of the time, it doesn't do him or those close to him any favours, something which seems to become more and more apparent the further into the series we go. There is some depth to the series and the characters, which is again something that elevates it above a lot of these standard high school shows.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x05 In That Room, There is No Longer the Scent of Tea

Shout by ManiacB

Late to the party with this comment but I have to say that S2 seems to have taken everything that was good about the first season and improved upon it. A definite jump in animation quality, which is quite surprising as studio feel are doing this season, and they're not exactly known for high quality shows (Kissxsis lol), but it also looks like things are becoming a lot more meaningful and important for our three main characters.

Definitely looking forward to seeing where this one ends up.

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Nisekoi: 2x04 Mother

Never thought I'd say this, but I think I might have to defect to #TeamChitoge. Sorry Onodera, you're still lovely but Chitoge is destroying everyone right now.

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Sound! Euphonium: 1x03 The First Ensemble

Shout by ManiacB

Man, there's just something about Kumiko that I really, really like. I just really dig her personality/disposition and I'm enjoying the series enough on her alone. Add in KyoAni's usual high standards of animation quality and yeah, I'm really liking this one.

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The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan: 1x02 Joy to the World

Shout by ManiacB

Well, this certainly isn't on the same level as KyoAni's Haruhi stuff, but I enjoyed the second episode quite a bit more than the first, especially the sweet moments between Kyon and Yuki.

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Knights of Sidonia: 2x01 Conflict

Shout by ManiacB

Wow, that was a pretty intense first episode back.

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Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works: 2x02 The Princess of Colchis

Shout by ManiacB

Blimey, felt like they packed a lot into that episode, including some anime-original ish stuff.

Poor Sella and Liz :(

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Durarara!!: 2x12 Adversity Makes a Man Wise

Welp, here we are at the halfway point (of chapter 2 anyway). I must admit to being somewhat worried at the start. I especially wasn't pleased (and still am not) that this series decided to take the "Nisemonogatari" route and introduce some incest-sisters. C'mon, DRRR, you were better than that.

But at least they have been absent from the last few episodes (although I'm sure we'll be seeing more of them again soon... hurray...) and we've spent time with old favorites and some of the more interesting new cast.

Let's just hope things don't fall apart in the second half this Summer. It's unfortunate that this one ended up quite low on my watching priority this list thanks to the aforementioned annoying additions, especially after how enjoyable I found season 1.

Oh well.

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Shirobako: 1x24 The Delivery That Was Too Far Off

Shout by ManiacB

A perfect final episode and a great end to a very enjoyable series. With a few exceptions I liked pretty much all the characters in the series and it was great to see everything ended up going so well for our 5 heroines.

I'm going to miss this one!

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Shirobako: 1x23 Table Flip Continued

Shout by ManiacB

Hurray! I was starting to worry that Zuka-chan-senpai was going to go the whole series never getting a break. Really loved the final scene with Miyamori watching and getting all emotional.

Last episode next week. I'm gonna miss this show :(

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The Fruit of Grisaia

If you enjoyed the series, the following Kickstarter link may interest you:

Grisaia, as with quite a few other VNs recently, will be getting an official English release. If you liked the anime series and want to see more, you can either pledge to the KS now, or wait for the steam release. It should probably go without saying that the Visual Novels cover the material shown in the anime in a far more detailed way.

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Fans of Clannad may be interested to know there is currently a Kickstarter running to get the Clannad Visual Novel officially released in English. The project is already funded (and then some!) and they are closing in on the last stretch goal. See here for more details:

If you were a fan of the anime you will love the VN. The anime did a great job of adapting the VN (it's probably one of the best when you compare it to most other VN adaptations) but it should go without saying that no matter how good it is, it had to sacrifice or skip some bits of the story to fit within a sensible episode count.

Anyway, at this point the Clannad release is probably a dead cert, so look forward to seeing it on Steam soon :)

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【 Anime Winter Season 2014/2015 】

Shout by ManiacB

@sp1ti Is Milky Holmes worth watching then? So retarded it's fun? All I see is bad ratings so I haven't bothered so far.

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【 Anime Winter Season 2014/2015 】

Shout by ManiacB

@sp1ti Death Billiards was okay. I didn't think it was amazing. Will probably give the series a go though.

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