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KAGINADO: 2x04 Trauma, Etc.

Shout by ManiacB

S2 has been a step up so far, mainly due to the AB cast and their constant attempts to disrupt things :D
Also there is just something quite funny and cathartic about Key making fun of so many iconic scenes that were heartbreaking back in the day.

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Definitely a "for fans" series. If you're a huge Key fanatic (like I am), you'll probably find humour in this one. It's almost entirely "in-jokes" for Key series, so if you don't know that many (or any) then I doubt you'll get much out of this.

Still, at a breezy 4 minutes per episode, it's not like it's a huge time sink either way.

Oh, and a second season is on the way, with the Angel Beats cast joining in on the silliness :D

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The Promised Neverland: 2x11 Episode 11

I was pretty bewildered watching the last 2 episodes of this. Felt like someone slammed on the accelerator and skipped through a whole season of content in 2 episodes. Very jarring after seemingly taking its time until then.

I haven't read the manga but I daresay it skipped/glossed over a hell of a lot in those last 2 episodes. Hard to call the ending satisfying after that...

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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Shout by ManiacB

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Log Horizon: 3x02 The Duke of Akiba

Shout by ManiacB

It's great to finally see LH come back, although it is definitely a slow start here. A little distracting that some of the character VAs have changed too (although maybe not a huge surprise after the gap between seasons).
The OP isn't great sadly, I mean they couldn't get away with just doing Database a third time but it would have been nice if they had got another Man with a Mission song instead. Oh well.

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Shout by ManiacB

I remember quite enjoying the OVAs for this back in the day. I never got around to reading the manga, but I was immediately invested in the cosy relationship that quickly formed between Hori and Miyamura. A lot of the other side characters I could take or leave to be honest, but hopefully the full series wil be a lot of good feels and not too much angst.

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Laid-Back Camp: 2x01 Curry Noodles Are the Best Travel Companion

It's time to get C O M F Y

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Non Non Biyori: 3x01 I Played the Frog Song

I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that this is back. Pure relaxation, direct dopamine.
The fact that this and Yuru Camp are airing in the same season is an absolute treat. My only concern is whether I can ration these episodes for when I truly need a pick-me-up, which given the state of the world at the moment, is often.

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Redo of Healer: 1x02 The Healer Ruins Princess Flare!

Shout by ManiacB

I normally give these edgelord shows a wide berth but I decided to amuse myself watching the first 2 episodes of this one. Somewhat entertaining with how ridiculous it gets. Someone used the term "soft hentai" to describe shows like this, which I'd definitely agree with. Certainly blurring the lines and testing the limits of what can be broadcast on TV (I mean, AT-X is cable but even they presumably have some limits and won't show full on porn).
Not sure if I'll keep watching and if I do it'll just be to see if they keep this level of edginess going. Fingers crossed they do!

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Kaguya-sama: Love is War

Delighted to hear that this is getting a Season 3. I couldn't help but catch up with the manga and based on that, things are only going to get better!

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 3x06 Once again, Hachiman Hikigaya Makes a Speech

Damn, they're really going out of their way to set up that Yui won't win this. As an ardent member of #TeamYui, this hurts a lot. I can only hope they might subvert things near the end, but probably not :(
Anyway, it was still nice to see a lot of Yui this episode. She's so sweet.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 3x01 In Due Time, the Seasons Change and the Snow Melts

Shout by ManiacB

Finally, after 5 long years, we get the continuation to the story! I ended up really enjoying this series back in the day so very happy to see them finally continue it. And we pick up immediately where we left off too, which is nice.

Animation quality sadly seems to have taken a bit of a dive though, despite being done by the same studio as S2. Still, it was great to see the cast back and some really adorable moments between Hikki and Komachi to boot!

Looks like we get to see sly girl Iroha next episode too! :)

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Kaguya-sama: Love is War: 2x11 Yu Ishigami Closes His Eyes, Part 3 / Miyuki Shirogane and Yu Ishigami / Kyoko Otomo Doesn't Realize

Shout by ManiacB
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-06-21T23:19:58Z— updated 2020-07-13T23:04:21Z

Well, this episode was certainly a deparutre from the norm. Nice to see Ishigami's characetr fleshed out a bit though. And nice to see him actually finding a place to belong with the Cheerleading club, especially as initially it looked like just another gag about him joining something he was completely unsuited for. Colour me surprised!

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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!: 1x04 I Enrolled in the Magic Academy...

Shout by ManiacB

Really enjoying this so far. Very light hearted and fun.
Also is it just me who wants Katarina to conquer everyone and just have a massive harem with all the boys and girls?

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Chihayafuru: 3x23 Like a boatsman adrift

Oh god that was intense, and hurt a lot. 3 seasons and 9 years of build up.
I'm glad that this season Chihaya has finally actually realised how the people around her feel and is actually responding to it. But it hurts to see all these characters I love so unhappy :(

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KONOSUBA – God's blessing on this wonderful world! Legend of Crimson

I saw this in the cinema twice and I regret nothing.

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Chihayafuru: 3x01 May it be that I find

Shout by ManiacB

Hurray! It's finally back! Can't believe how long they've made us wait for S3!
Having only recently re-watched the first 2 in preparation, we very much do continue immediately from where S2 left off.
Absolutely great to see the cast back again (I did notice some VA changes, like Harada-sensei now being voiced by All Might?! But I guess that's somewhat inevitable when you've been off air this long) and we waste no time getting straight into the intense Karuta.

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Kaguya-sama: Love is War

Shout by ManiacB
BlockedParent2019-06-02T20:08:21Z— updated 2020-07-13T23:06:36Z

I ended up enjoying this series far more than I expected. The initial premise sounds like it would lose its novelty fast and it kinda does, but the series does enough new and different in the latter episodes to keep it fresh. I grew to like the 2 protagonists more as time went on which is always a good thing.

By no means an essential watch, but overall a pleasant and enjoyable watch.

Edit: After season 2, my recommendation for this series is a lot stronger. It does a great job at further developing and endearing the cast to us and now I just want a Season 3 too! Guess I'll have to read the manga.

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10 episodes in so far and this show has definitely grown on me. I wasn't totally sold (but was intrigued) by the first couple of episodes and it has built itself up at a good pace since then. There's a nice mixture of story-of-the-week but with an overall narrative going which I think works really well here and gives you time to learn more about Dororo and Hyakkimaru and see them develop.
And wow, I was not expecting the show to be quite so gory or deal with such harsh themes either. Then again, I'm not massively familiar with most of Tezuka Osamu's work (for my sins), other than knowing he was the author of Astro Boy and is considered by some to be the father of manga/anime.

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The Promised Neverland: 1x10 130146

Okay, I'll admit the last couple of episodes have been a lot more compelling. Consider me engaged again... unless they crash out on a bad/non-ending.

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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Started off interesting and with some promise, but really went downhill in the second half. I was bored out of my mind for some episodes. And that last arc was so short and anti-climactic you have to wonder what all that build-up was about.
The animation quality is definitely above-average and there were some good scenes (mostly in the first half), but overall a waste of time really.

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The Promised Neverland: 1x07 011145

Y'know, maybe it's just me, but this show is really frustrating me. It's a cool idea and I feel it could be very interesting, but there's something about the pacing and mood of it that just feels off to me. The conversations often just feel stilted and weirdly-paced and there are some pretty questionable uses of animation as well (not just talking about the overall quality although that isn't great either). It feels like this studio is being more ambitious than they actually have the time/skill to pull off.

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The Rising of the Shield Hero: 1x07 The Savior of the Heavenly Fowl

Shout by ManiacB

The Falling of the Filler Episode?

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Mob Psycho 100: 2x07 Cornered ~True Identity~

Even though I do like One Punch Man too, it's episodes like this that reinforce why I like this series even more.

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Mob Psycho 100: 2x01 Ripped Apart ~Someone Is Watching~

Pretty sweet for a first episode back. Reminded me why I like Mob as a character so much :)

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IRODUKU: The World in Colors: 1x13 The World in Colors

Quite a sweet and well-done ending that bookends the series quite well.
I liked this series but wasn't blown away by it. It felt to me like the middle of the series dragged on a fair amount - I actually wonder if a story like this may have worked better as a movie.

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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai: 1x13 The Dawn After an Endless Night

Ending felt a bit abrupt with a few things still unanswered, but it was a good ride overall. Ended up liking Mai a lot more than I expected to at first and the different arcs and character interactions kept things interesting.

Definitely not a masterpiece but it was engaging and interesting throughout.

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Bloom Into You: 1x13 To the Last Stop / Lighthouse

As sweet as this episode was (loved their Aquarium date), I hope there is more planned, even if it's just a couple of OVAs, as it does leave a fair amount unresolved. Even so I still loved this series and will be buying the manga to hopefully find out what happens next!

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Bloom Into You: 1x09 On Your Marks / The Unheard Start Signal

I guess Yuu is starting to notice senpai :)

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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai: 1x03 The World Without You

This has been an enjoyable watch so far. No way near as raunchy as the title may lead you to believe and actually some quite cute/charming moments. I like the banter between main guy and bunny girl and it'll be interesting to see where things go now he's confessed to her.

Whilst I am enjoying some aspects of it so far, there are a few warning signs. The premise is quite silly for a start, and I get the impression the series may think it's smarter than it actually is. Plus a lot of the supporting cast (who haven't been introduced yet) may derail things a bit if they decide it's their turn to hog the spotlight now. Still, I'm on board for now.

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