Maria Antonia


hell de janeiro

Obi-Wan Kenobi

I think Kenobi should have been that movie series they talked about. The show was bland and lost. I wish it was better.

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Our Flag Means Death

This is my favorite thing in the whole world right now. I might actually unalive myself if we don't get season 2

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Color Out of Space

Cage killed this movie. The way the character's talk its not very good but Cages delivery's were so funny and bad, killed the whole mood which is sad bc the horror beats were kinda nice.

I liked that the black man was the only one to survive at the end, I love it when they do things that Lovecraft would hate.

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I believe bad movies must be enjoyed in the cinema. Its where they get the most honest chance they got but Morbius... Oh Morbius!

Its truly as bad as everyone says it is. Maybe if it were 2010 the horribleness wouldn't be as strong, but its 2022 and the movie has Jared Leto in it so that's already a big red flag. Cult leaders shouldn't be in big budget Hollywood things, I hope they learned their lesson.

Boring and uninspired everything, from the clothes to the sets. The superhero genre is killing itself as we live and breath and Morbius could be the "Et video game" of it al.

If I can say one good thing about the film is that Matt Smith has the most hilarious dancing scene I ever saw.
I can't remember if he says "It's morbin time" or not... It's that bad...

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 7x09 Covenant

Ok so I will admit... I always liked Dukat. I trully did. He was a interesting and nuanced character at first... then he went in that "I'm a villain" arc and eventually he began his religious path. This episode is nightmare inducing. I can see the anti-cult message here (a staple in ST), and I get why at the time this was a important thing to be put out there, but it was horrid. Not a pleasant one.

A weak episode for sure. And a sad one.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x01 Descent (2)

I like Lore a lot but even I can't let this one be. It's an awfull season finale and even worst as a first episode. Trully bad writing and lazy work overall. There is not a single character this two parter made a good thing with, even Hugh is kinda thrown in there and again in a lazy unpolished way.

DaForge tho. Strong on this one.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x03 Brothers

I'm a simple girl. I see Lore I put a smile on my face. So I like this one.
Brent Spiner as Dr. Soong was a no no, but it's trashy in a way I like unfortunately.
Lal not being mentioned KILLED ME.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x02 Family

Why Worf is like that when his parent's are the sweetest?? Chill dude. I like this episode a lot. It's very predictable but fuck me. I like knowing were things will go sometimes.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x23 Sarek

They did Sarek dirty. I like how they didn't disclose with whom Spock married. I can imagine it was Kirk. Yes, I'm aware it's kinda impossible, but hey, a girl can dream.

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