Steve & Robin McNally


Colorado Springs

Martha Marcy May Marlene

Really liked this, don't agree with the weak ending comment - much happier with it being left hanging than seeing a disappointing conclusion crowbarred in... I thought it was fairly clear what was going on at the end, but there was enough wriggle room left for you to draw a number of different conclusions.

Elizabeth Olsen was fantastic. Excited now to see her in Kill Your Darlings, the Oldboy remake and of course the next Avengers. Very talented.

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In relation to the only other comment on this film, I was quite relieved that there wasn't some huge exposition at the end, as it would have killed the tensions that had been brooding throughout - you are left to come to your own conclusions as to whether Dave has to pay his dues or not. To my mind, it was fairly clear cut, but there is no need to expand on what I feel the natural outcome beyond the fade to black would have been.

Magnificent performance by Woody, and a great cast all round. No one does this source material like Ellroy, and while this isn't as conventional as his other work and lacks a satisfying Hollywood ending to satisfy the masses, it's a very high quality companion piece to sit alongside his broader (yet still kind of narrow) canon.

Haunting, bleak, depressing and as flawed in many ways as its lead character, yet still essential viewing. Not for everyone, but if you can stomach it then you will find a way to enjoy the experience if not perhaps the film itself. Don't take that as a criticism - our enjoyment was clearly not high on the filmakers' list of priorities on this occasion.

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We Need to Talk About Kevin

Fantastic adaptation of a brilliant book that I'd always considered to be unfilmable.

Yes it's a difficult watch, but the intensity of the performances helps you through. The only reason I haven't given it ten is, compared to the book at least, at times it lacks a little subtlety but I can understand why as they needed to attract as wide an audience as possible for what is undoubtedly a tough sell to the mass market.

A good example is the scene of the actual 'incident' itself - while nothing is actually shown in violence terms I still felt it was more powerful without it - by that point everyone should know exactly what happened, without seeing it, and it felt a little like they were pandering to people whose attention had maybe wandered.

It's a minor nitpick though, as on the whole the film is a masterpiece of subtlety as it slowly reveals itself in all it's gut-wrencing horror. Essential viewing for all lovers of film, and even all prospective parents!

There's no twist at the end though!

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World War Z

Thought this was much better than I'd been led to believe, or than the trailer made it out to be. Fan of the book, and it is utterly unfilmable, so this could only ever be 'inspired by' really, and it does a good job in that respect.

Took Brad a long time to figure out what the weakness was though! Considering his reputation he really should have seen it when they met the soldiers in Korea... Massive signpost.

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The Imposter

This interview in the Telegraph actually answers some of the questions the film left me with, worth a read:

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The Imposter