

Statesboro, Georgia


I wanted to like this movie a lot more than I actually did. I wish I had waited until the price came down before renting it.

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Night of the Killer Bears

I liked this a lot more than I thought I would! Despite being low budget and having an almost incomprehensible premise, this was a fun movie to watch from beginning to end with plenty of gruesome kills and plenty of action.

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Out of Darkness

Wow! This was great. Very intense.

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Black Candles

What did I just watch? Yeah, this movie is a hot mess of WTF, but it’s a very well-made hot mess.

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The Silenced

This movie tried to be so many things, it’s a shame god wasn’t one.

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The Mimic

This movie got off to a great start, but faltered in the final act.

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Watching the third of my Mondo Macabro Bollywood Horror collection and it is easily the best one I’ve seen so far. Very moody and atmospheric, full of unusual photography and a pretty dark story. There is also a hefty dose of European horror influence.

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Purana Mandir

I forget that the things that define Bollywood films sometimes work against the movies I’m trying to watch. This one was over long and had an over complicated plot. However, thanks to Mondo Macabro, the film looked really good. The features and the booklet were also very entertaining.

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A Creature Was Stirring

Kind of a lot going on here, but it was worth it to wait till the end. Big surprise, Chrissy Metz is an amazing actor! Her performance was extremely powerful as the concerned mother dealing with what at first looks like a possessed daughter(but turns out to be so much more).

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The Pit

What the holy heck did I just watch? Buyer beware.

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The Snake Queen

Unapologetically psychedelic Indonesian folk tale gets full-blown fantasy treatment. Wish I had been able to get a better copy of this film because its visuals are extremely stunning.

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Final Cut

This movie was a blast! Laugh out loud, funny, and also very touching and heartwarming.  I am a huge fan of the original and I love this movie just as much.

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Act of Vengeance

Surprisingly, sensitive, rape revenge. The movie delves deeply into the failure of law-enforcement and society to treat victims after sexual assault.

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Godzilla Minus One

Godzilla minus one is probably the best movie I’ve seen this year. Not only is it an action packed and exciting experience, but it also tells a deeply human story of rebuilding and redemption. And the action scenes are some of the most frightening kaiju scenes I’ve ever watched. Miss it on the big screen at your own peril!

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The Sacrifice Game

Stumbled slightly in the final act, but all in all it was a pretty good holiday horror.

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Somebody: 1x01 Episode 1

Imagine Hong Kong Director Wong Kar Wai, making a television series about the isolation of modern life, AI’s failure to fill the void created by the modern world’s need for human contact and an emotionless hunt for a serial killer and you might have an idea what Somebody feels like.

Don’t be fooled by the trailer. This is not a thrilling, edge of your seat journey through unexpected twists and turns. Instead, it is a slow meditation on what people search for in their unfulfilled lives. If you are a fan of shows and movies that feature “lots of space”, filmed in cold, unwelcoming sets decorated with what looks like large concrete blocks for furniture, this may be for you.

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Somebody: 1x03 Episode 3

Imagine Hong Kong Director Wong Kar Wai, making a television series about the isolation of modern life, AI’s failure to fill the void created by the modern world’s need for human contact and an emotionless hunt for a serial killer and you might have an idea what Somebody feels like.

Don’t be fooled by the trailer. This is not a thrilling, edge of your seat journey through unexpected twists and turns. Instead, it is a slow meditation on what people search for in their unfulfilled lives. If you are a fan of shows and movies that feature “lots of space”, filmed in cold, unwelcoming sets decorated with what looks like large concrete blocks for furniture, this may be for you.

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Suitable Flesh

To call this movie, a stemming pile of garbage is to falsely imply that all the sex scenes were hot. This is literally an hour and 39 minutes of my life. I will regret wasting.

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I wanted to like it a lot more than I actually did. I this is one of those movies where the trailer was 1000 times more interesting and exciting than the film actually was. Save your money and just watch the trailer!

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Night of the Demons

Minus points for cringe worthy He dialogue among female characters obviously written by incels.

On the plus side, great soundtrack with bands like Type 0 Negative, Concrete Blonde and 45 Grave. And Linnea Quigley’ cute cameo.

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Candy Land

This is one of the best slasher’s that came out in 2022. A bloody, gory, orgy of violence.

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The Boogeyman

Aside from a few rare creepy moments, this film seems more like bits and pieces of better movies tossed together.

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The Glory

This probably one of the best shows I have ever watched, right up there with shows like The Wire, Hannibal and Midnight Mass. It is bloody, violent and emotionally devastating yet incredibly warm and touching amidst all the chaos.

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It Lives Inside

Well worth the price of admission! Happy to give it an eight out of 10. Great performance, great story, and a very unique creature.

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Surprisingly, I am funny and slow, moving film. Be prepared for lots of time spent watching empty scenery and dialogue and motionless moments.

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Elevator Game

I watched this so you don't have to. I will never get those 94 minutes back, please don't follow my lead.

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That's certainly was a wild ride! It's going to take a while to unpack, but I have to give this a high recommendation. At times it was pretty surreal, almost like a David Lynch movie. Beautifully filmed and the performances were excellent.

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I Am Rage

The latest version of what looks like The Most Dangerous Game, where in the wealthy upper class, literally praise on the lower classes to cover their vapid feelings of insecurity, has been a snoozer.

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Love Brides of the Blood Mummy

This is not some recently unearthed, long forgotten, gem of sleaze or exploitation! Do yourself a favor and give it a pass. You will never get those precious wasted moments back.

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This movie is so bizarre yet I cannot stop watching it.

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