

Omicron Persei 8

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7x12 Victory and Death
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7x10 The Phantom Apprentice
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7x11 Shattered
The Leftovers: 3x05 It's a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World

Nothing short of a masterpiece. Hands down, the best show currently airing.

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Doctor Who: 4x10 Midnight

That's another stellar episode of Doctor Who - maybe Russell T. Davies' best script for the show? It's a perfect bottle episode (dare I say the best bottle episode of television apart from Breaking Bad's Fly?) A great slice of Twilight Zone-esque brilliance at its finest. Lesley Sharp is terrific. This run from The Unicorn and the Wasp to Journey's End is pretty much perfection.

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Doctor Who: 4x11 Turn Left

Turn Left is a trial run for the brilliant Years and Years - Who at its darkest and most dystopian? Terrifying. This is another 10/10 in a row here, Russell T. Davies firing on all creative cylinders, Catherine Tate (her best performance) & Bernard Cribbins are phenomenal here. "The Stars are going out" is more chilling than it has any right to be. A depressing reminder that it can always get worse.

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Doctor Who: 4x09 Forest of the Dead (2)

Rivals Blink in terms of scare factor, this two parter's terrifying. "Hey, who turned out the lights?" The River Song mystery being introduced so early comes as a surprise, but Alex Kingston has an instant chemistry with David Tennant from the word go - it's completely believable. Hits all the right beats, makes you care about even the side characters who you've met for seconds - I always seem to underrate these two when making lists, but they're just so good! Possibly one of Tennant's better performances as The Doctor in this pair of episodes, too.

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Hell on Wheels: 5x14 Done

Excellent finale to a criminally underrated series.

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Doctor Who: 4x12 The Stolen Earth (1)

The Stolen Earth is the Doctor Who event: the first part of a culmination of everything Russell T. Davies has brought to the show. Big, loud, bombastic & ends with multiple cliffhangers on a sprawling, galaxy-wide scale where the heroes lose. Infinity War, only better.

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Banshee: 4x08 Requiem

One of the greatest series finales that I've seen. Well done, Banshee! You'll be missed.

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Line of Duty: 5x02 Episode 2

Hastings better be innocent! That car scene is between Steve & Corbett was so tense and that ending is a really cruel cliffhanger.

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Black Sails: 4x10 XXXVIII

A perfect series finale to a truly incredible series.

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Yellowjackets: 1x09 Doomcoming

Shocking first five minutes - Yellowjackets doesn't really hold back at all. Insane episode, as usual.

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The Americans: 3x13 March 8, 1983

Excellent finale to a terrific season.

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For All Mankind: 2x10 The Grey

A masterclass of a finale to such a terrific season - more than rewarding of the slow start. AppleTV+'s best original series.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x02 Darmok

Like with Family, Star Trek: The Next Generation is really good at those Picard-centric second episodes after a big blockbuster series opener. The performance here again by Patrick Stewart was excellent as the episode really got what Starfleet was all about and showed it perfectly down to a T. One of the best episodes of the series so far for me, carefully contained.

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Person of Interest: 5x13 return 0

An amazing end to a brilliant series. One of the greatest series finales ever.

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Manhattan: 2x10 Jupiter

Excellent finale to a terrific season. Really hope this show gets a third go. One of my favourites of the year.

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Deutschland: 2x10 Total Onslaught

Wasn't expecting the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Rock of Ages to play such a promient role here. Love it!

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Person of Interest: 5x12 .exe

A really insane episode, incredibly tense and very awesome!

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Person of Interest: 5x04 6,741

AMAZING EPISODE. One of the best of the series so far.

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The Americans: 4x08 The Magic of David Copperfield V: The Statue of Liberty Disappears

One of the best episodes yet!

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Person of Interest: 4x22 YHWH

WOW! What an excellent finale and a terrific end to the season. Loved it.

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The Originals: 3x22 The Bloody Crown

Good ending, finishes an excellent third season.

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Orphan Black: 4x10 From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths

Excellent way to end the season, this one has been the best since the first.

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Yellowjackets: 1x08 Flight of the Bumblebee

Best show on television right now, a real rollercoaster in every sense. My MVP changes from week to week - and for all the Lost comparisons there's tons of Leftovers DNA here.

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x15 Legacy of Mandalore

Well that was an awesome episode.

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Penny Dreadful: 3x07 Ebb Tide

What an episode! Eva Green being excellent as normal.

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Black Sails: 3x01 XIX.

Welcome back Black Sails! Excellent episode. Yay, Blackbeard!

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Doctor Who: 4x13 Journey's End (2)

Quite a comedown after the brilliant Stolen Earth and the weakest of the post Unicorn and the Wasp era episodes, but there are some great ideas in this and it aims big and succeeds in resolving the massive cliffhanger the only way RTD knows how: deus ex machina. The departure for Donna never fails to be emotional even when Rose's send-off is a bit too melodramatic, but as a way to close off one of the best eras of the show, Journeys End does so in style. The Russos blatantly nabbed the whole Infinity War "50% of the population" thing from this.

Murray Gold is at his peak here - Song of Freedom is top-tier. Love the Sarah Jane/Davros reunion too, it's well overdue.

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