

Omicron Persei 8

Star Trek: Discovery: 5x01 Red Directive

you know, if i was watching a show five seasons in and still moaning about it i think I'd probably have given up by now but that might be just me

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Earlier in the season of Chicago PD, I recently watched the crossover with this and Chicago Fire and have decided that I kind of want to start watching this show. Where would I start? Can I jump in with the most recent episode or season? What's the most recent jumping on point?

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x06 Stormy Weather

Would be great if all the people who went out of their way to comment how much they hated the show for like the past four seasons every single week just... stopped watching it.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Star Wars is turning into the MCU, relying on inter-connectivity and cameos, some work better than others - it makes a big universe feel smaller than ever. Some work better than others but at this point this time period has been done to death and I just wish the franchise would try something new. It still can't figure out what it wants its audience to be.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x22 Half a Life

Shout by Milo123

Half a Life (Or: What happens when Star Trek does Midsommar)

In all seriousness though, this episode has a lot in common with Ari Aster's latest. It didn't quite payoff entirely - there's some rough edges around the middle, but I didn't hate this episode. It's perhaps the one that's most at home in Star Trek: The Next Generation out of all of the Star Trek shows. Picard taking a reserve, back seat action to something that feels so inherently wrong a concept as this is certainly not something that Burnham, Sisko or Kirk would have done to name a few examples.

Rather than take the easy route of making the natives of the planet the bad guys or cartoonishly evil, even though they're in the wrong and nobody would argue otherwise (apart from that cult in Midsommar, I guess), the actors do a convincing job of selling their characters' beliefs and the script does an effective job at giving depth to them.

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Line of Duty: 5x02 Episode 2

Hastings better be innocent! That car scene is between Steve & Corbett was so tense and that ending is a really cruel cliffhanger.

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Off to an excellent start so far. Can definitely recommend it.

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Timeless: 1x10 The Capture of Benedict Arnold

Good episode. This and Legends of Tomorrow are the best time travel shows around right now.

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Bridge of Spies

The combination of Spielberg's direction, Hanks' performance and the Coen Brothers' script makes for an awesome film.

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The Americans: 3x13 March 8, 1983

Excellent finale to a terrific season.

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I may be in a minority here, but I'll take Elementary over Sherlock any day. Both are good, just Elementary's better.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x11 Rosetta

Think this episode has pushed me in the camp of Season 4 > 3 as much as I love 3A. Love the attention they're giving to the characters - it's spent the past few episodes addressing the complaint about not spending enough time with the bridge crew and it's moving in a clear direction. Plus, it's always great to see Jett Reno show up!

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x10 The Galactic Barrier

Love how Tarka has become one of the most compelling characters in the show - his arc with Book is just as great as the main one. Such a great stakes raising episode, really care a lot more about the bridge crew than I have done in previous seasons!

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x08 Episode 8

There are more New Order songs out there than True Faith!

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Yellowjackets: 1x09 Doomcoming

Shocking first five minutes - Yellowjackets doesn't really hold back at all. Insane episode, as usual.

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Four Lives

TV as the 6th estate, completely damning of the police and a complete tour-de-force of a performance by Sheridan Smith. Stephen Merchant in an against-type role but Port is never glamourized. Essential.

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Toast of Tinseltown: 1x06 Monster Mash

Shout by Milo123

The running kidnapping gag is probably the best comedy-related thing of the year so far

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Yellowjackets: 1x08 Flight of the Bumblebee

Best show on television right now, a real rollercoaster in every sense. My MVP changes from week to week - and for all the Lost comparisons there's tons of Leftovers DNA here.

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For All Mankind: 2x10 The Grey

A masterclass of a finale to such a terrific season - more than rewarding of the slow start. AppleTV+'s best original series.

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Arcane: 1x08 Oil and Water

Love the show, wish it had a better score as the music has hurt it all season.

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Marvel need to start paying David Aja and given that his influence over the series is absolutely everywhere, it's criminal that he hasn't been yet.

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Doctor Who: 13x02 War of the Sontarans

Excellent. Fantastic portrayal of the Sontarans - arguably the best of the current era - and the Crimean War is a perfect backdrop for them - great visuals with the work of director Jamie Magnus Stone, and the humour that the Sontarans have always had comes through. Chibnall's fantastic at writing classic monsters + historicals so classic monsters + historicals is a match made in heaven, and although his storyline was rather short this week almost echoing The Lie of the Land with the suburban fighting of the Sontarans straight out of The Stolen Earth (and the parents/companion dynamic too!), Dan is already becoming a favourite. The set-up with Swarm and Azure is brilliant - just hope it sticks the landing with both of them. Jodie Whittaker is at her best in the confrontational scenes with the Sontaran/British General - and playing to the Sontarans weaknesses is classic Doctor Who.

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Doctor Who: 7x04 The Power of Three

A bit rushed especially in its climax but there's a lot of novelty to be had about Kate Stewart, UNIT's return and The Doctor adjusting to life outside the TARDIS despite the fact that he handled it quite well in The Lodger and Closing Time.

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Doctor Who: 7x03 A Town Called Mercy

One of the best Doctor Who episodes of an otherwise lacklustre Series 7 - everything Cowboys & Aliens should have been, a complex moral thriller set against a classic Rio Bravo/High Noon-type set-up filled with plenty of planned anachronisms and Who fun that questions the morality of The Doctor and allows the show to explore deeper themes than it normally does in monster of the weeks. Darker edged and hard hitting - Ben Browder is a surprisingly good guest star in his all-too brief appearance. Smith is great in this one.

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Space Jam: A New Legacy

Probably the longest TV commercial I'll ever watch in my life (until WB try the same thing a few years later). Made by committee filmmaking that's capitalism at its absolute worst

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Overcomes a shaky, shock-heavy start and frequently confusing time-jumps that force the show to explain everything that's happening over and over again leading to a lot of repeated exposition, only to plunge you deep into the thick of Roman political intrigue once the early episodes are out of the way. Game of Thrones this isn't, but there's a lot of promise especially for fans of historical period dramas of the more talky side.

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I Hate Suzie

A brilliant, darker-edged, hard-hitting Fleabag-esque dark comedy featuring an astounding performance by Billie Piper - bloody hell, how good is the Baftas right now? Gloriously inventive, completely unafraid to go where it wants to go and might just well end up being one of the best shows of last year.

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Feel Good

A genuine revelation - Mae Martin is an absolute star. Entirely personal, brilliant comedy that is far too easy to get through in one sitting. Savour this, you'll miss it once it's done.

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Gangs of London

Hard-edged, sometimes self-serious modern-day Peaky Blinders. Gets a bit too far fetched at times (there's no way half of this would be possible in modern-day London) and some of the characters are very thinly drawn, but Gareth Evans delivers some of the best possible action on television that not even the likes of Daredevil match. Could have used shorter episodes, especially in its first, though - I don't think it earns its length, or its ending.

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The Beast Must Die

Jared Harris continues his hot streak of appearing in very good things and being very good in them. The on-location shooting on the Isle of Wight is the true star, but Cush Jumbo gives you a character to root for and the Knives Out of it all is suitably compelling. Not bad for Britbox's first original show.

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