

Ann Arbor. MI

Project U.F.O.: Season 1

Propaganda films to add credibility to the false impression given that project sign and later project blue book found no evidence that UFOs are anything other than unidentified phenomena and misinterpretations, of said.

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Secret of the Incas

Secret of the Incas. The Original Indiana Jones.

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The Vampire

Cautionary tale of drug addiction with a side effect of vampirism.

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The Colossus of New York

You think Lucas will ever give credit to this movie for "Darth Vader"?

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Marvel's Agent Carter

Season 2 looks even bette!

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The Seven Deadly Sins

Very good for a Netflix partial production credit. They picked a good Manga. Translated well into a story. the pig kinda threw me at first but with a large cast and new characters I feel like there was more to give. Watched in two sessions surprisingly enthralling and it sucks you in.

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Rick and Morty: Season 2

Man , second season as good or better so far. Lovin it.

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Jupiter Ascending

Nice to look at. That's about it. Reminded me of when they made Dune 2 and 3 almost parities of the original.

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The Quiet Ones

Kinda like most films on Amazon Prime. Completely forgettable.

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Battle For SkyArk

Sounds like a good idea on paper. Lack of different sets added to the problem battle for skyark yet we see almost none of sky ark. Predicable

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Edge of Tomorrow

yea, not the hugest fan of Tom, but just like the Matrix, you have a great sci-fi script, money to spend on it and a good actor I tend to forget who the hero is in reality and view them as character. and that's what makes a good actor and a great film. Really great stuff. Had no expectations, but it was a great watch. No spoiler's here you should watch it.

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First Men in the Moon

I love this movie for some reason. Effects were rotoscope. Its got great dry humor only the British can master. Its so satirical. Great 1960's period adaptation of the original wells book. Worked well as a movie. And staring out in the current age (late 60's) and then telling the story from one man's point of view years after I event happens. Great play with time.

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The Dark Corner

Great shadows and lighting. Ending is great by the way

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Strange mix of whodunit military espionage and sci-fi. The science for the rocket is very much how nasa did the first rockets. Strange that they show a space station on the poster since there never was one in the movie, They mentioned building one in the future.

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The Drums of Jeopardy

Warner Oland, know for playing Charlie Chan, with a somewhat average plot.

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Ten Great Anime Feature-Films

"I haven't seen is Grave of the Fireflies, which I know I absolutely should. I just need to mentally prepare myself for it, I think."

Man I am so with you on that. Just seems pretty emotional mind rockin' stuff.

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some of the set and effects are really fairly impressive, acting is not so hot.

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A Band Called Death

Being from the detroit area this first album is mind blowing

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Swamp Women

watchalble rober corman movie. With great footage of new orleans mardi gras mid fifties

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Gatchaman Crowds

A++ For Character Design and art.

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Samurai Girls

the art is amazing though.

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The Artwork of the whole series blows me away every time I watch it. As a graphic designer I's have to say that a massive amount of time was spent on some of the backgrounds and typography.

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The First World War

What's strange is that we here so little about WW1 and constant stream of movies and documentaries about WW2.

You can watch it here:

Trench Warfare: Chemical weapons, bi-plane battles, the first tanks, the first submarines used in battle. The beginning of the end of imperialism.

And the fact that the war actually ended because the soldiers refused to fight and the workers rebelled in the factories at home.

A disatarious landgrab by the major powers, the rich, the industrialist and the old world royalty.

This was the begging of everything we see today

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From the New World

IF you are into anime than you need to watch this. Very well done. Interesting story and characters! Not the typical plot structure story like takes place over a whole life time and references 1000s of years of history.

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The Hideous Sun Demon

Slow start, boring but strangely compelled to keep watching. The end was a lot like White Heat with out the explosion.

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Crash of Moons

I girls are cute. Nice hair styles short skirts.

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