Nathan Lellouche



Orphan Black: 5x10 To Right the Wrongs of Many

Tatiana Maslany, I love you so much

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13 Reasons Why: 1x13 Tape 7, Side A
Jane the Virgin: 5x01 Chapter Eighty-Two

wow that monologue was an amazing performance from Gina Rodriguez, and a great tv moment!

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13 Reasons Why: 1x11 Tape 6, Side A

Although i did get prepared for the beauty of this episode when I saw the 89% gradation, but omg how great was that?
Clay/Hannah alternative past where he told her what she needed to hear in order to survive was SO heartbreaking!
The show is defintely THE amazing surprise of the year, I was expecting a light teen drama, and i'm watching at an incredible touching production, which make people truly think about their actions
Thank you Netflix.

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13 Reasons Why: 1x07 Tape 4, Side A

wow that last scene!!
felt so real

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How to Get Away with Murder: 2x14 There’s My Baby

Viola Davis is just amazing! She made me cry… She really deserves her Emmy®!

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A Series of Unfortunate Events: 1x08 The Miserable Mill: Part Two

Netflix has chosen the perfect cast, really! They all are amazing!
Particularly, shout out to NPH who is just excellent and became THE Count Olaf, definitely my favorite actor!
shout out to Patrick Warburton too, I was sceptical when i first heard him in trailers but after all he incarnated Lemony Snickett with a huge class.
This show is a complete success and i'm looking forward for what happen next! I loved reading it and now i love watching it! Thank you!

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The Fundamentals of Caring

Shout by Nathan Lellouche
BlockedParent2016-06-30T16:49:28Z— updated 2016-07-02T19:27:52Z

I have to say I only watched it because of Paul Rudd and Selena Gomez. But I got so surprised. Every cast members are awesome and this is so real, touching, and funny too. Dot/Selena Gomez's insults are just magical. I really really liked this movie !

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Stranger Things: 2x06 Chapter Six: The Spy

An entire episode without Eleven and I honestly haven't missed her… Her storyline might be the less interesting for now…

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Mr. Robot: 2x08 eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12

Oops I think the writers completely forgot to add Elliot scene on postproduction…
No seriously, this was a great episode. We found back the season 1 spirit and that feels great! That's the Mr Robot I loved/love!!

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To Be or Not to Be

So they call me "concentration camp" Ehrhardt
I died laughing, amazing movie!

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Stranger Things: 2x08 Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer

I'm shaking, crying, and so ready to finish this season 2!!!!

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13 Reasons Why: 4x04 Senior Camping Trip

can’t believe this is the same show as season 1

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13 Reasons Why: 4x03 Valentine's Day

could this get even worse at this point...?

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Desperate Housewives: 8x23 Finishing the Hat

cried the first time, and cried again 6 years later

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How to Get Away with Murder: 4x09 He's Dead

Shout by Nathan Lellouche
BlockedParent2018-01-24T14:43:37Z— updated 2019-08-07T13:19:19Z

How are they all doing to be such good actors?? Shoutout to Viola Davis and Aja Naomi King tho, their acting is so powerful! Glad for welcoming back the show, probably the best (acting + scenario + directing) on TV right now!

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Modern Family: 8x22 The Graduates

That's typically the kind of episodes that makes Modern Family as great as it was.
The season was really poor, but this episode was really great!

Each storyline was interesting, plus i loved Cam and Mitch getting to know their daughter isn't a mess ahaha

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The Fosters: 4x10 Collateral Damage

Shout by Nathan Lellouche
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-08-30T17:04:19Z— updated 2016-09-02T19:30:38Z

Can't believe I have to wait few months until the next episodes!
I really don't know what will happen to Jesus, i mean he can't just recover from this punch while he already was recovering from the nail but i would be (too) surprised if they decided to kill him, he'll probably only have sequels. Same for Callie, she won't die anyway. I got really afraid for Sophia contrariwise cause the writers could have decide to kill her… What else? Oh Brandon! What happened to him about not getting into Julliard was totally deserved but seeing him crying in the arm of Lena moved me. That was sincere.
Well that was my longest comment on Trakt (congratulations to me) but this episode worth it aha!

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Modern Family: 7x18 The Party

So good to laugh out loud for real! That's the Modern Family I like!
One of the best episode of this season 7.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x08 Acceptance/Rejection

probably the most obvious plot twist but nice try, too many clues in the first couple of episodes tho

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Modern Family: 9x18 Daddy Issues

That was a great episode, I'm sad that only one episode on ten are funny anymore… But the good thing is when an episode is good, it's very very good !

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x06 Is Someone Really Dead?

I'm still hoping that it's Simon, the new student aka the hated asshole, who died in the house…
I can't imagine one second that Wes or Connor died!!

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UnREAL: 2x09 Espionage

Definitely the best episode of the season 2 yet. So good to have Rachel and Quinn back together! That's the UnREAL I like!

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How I Met Your Mother: 9x24 Last Forever (2)

I didn't think I would cry, but I did. It has been more than a year since I'm starting watching HIMYM on Netflix, it became a routine and now this is over. I really didn't expected this end, finish the show exactly how it started is genius . But I have to say that giving up on everything that has been built (in the previous seasons) in only 2 episodes may be regrettable… Gosh I'm gonna miss this show. Thank you Carter Bays and Craig Thomas for given us the opportunity to meet "the gang"

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Orphan Black: 4x09 The Mitigation of Competition

FINALLY THIS BITCH EVIE CHO IS DOWN!! Thank you Rachel, you nailed it!
Helena is finally back and she is awesome in killing people
Delphine is alive, no surprise on that but I'm looking forward for the Cosima-Delphine reunion!

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Orphan Black: 4x04 From Instinct to Rational Control

A calm episode… Not a lot of things happened but it was quite cool though

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Quantico: 1x17 Care

OMG I was sure Ryan was in the car! My face was approximatively the same than Alex's aha

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Supergirl: 1x18 Worlds Finest

Best episode of the season for sure! I had never seen The Flash and I think I'm going to watch now! But seriously Kara/James is so annoying… We wan't crossover more often!!

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Orange Is the New Black: 7x05 Minority Deport

was that a wrap on Maritza?? that was sad!

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Jane the Virgin: 4x17 Chapter Eighty-One

Wow! Totally loved it! And OMFG this ending twist! Got me so chocked!

and btw I really think they have the biggest transition writing budget ever, that "Shoot" transition was just amazing!!
Humor is what they do best ( after bringing back dead people aha )
Congrats to the writers tho

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