Noah Bolanowski


New York, New York


Eerie psychological thriller; was entertaining but predictable at times.

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22 July

Very dark movie, emotionally gutting at times. Phenomenal acting and story telling.

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Choose or Die

Super interesting movie. Centers around the theme of code that’s capable of influencing the material world, existing through a vintage video game. Skipped parts, but found the majority to be very interesting. Has elements of a psychological thriller tied with thought provoking sci fi.

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Yakamoz S-245

Significantly better than it’s ‘prequel,’ “Into The Night” - takes place on the same timeline in the same universe but is much more focused on the plot than individual character narratives. Found myself skipping through parts but finished the whole season in one sitting nonetheless. Could be stronger.

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Funny at moments but doesn’t quite compare to the original film. It didn’t feel grounded in reality like the first film - felt it had potential for more. There’s a lot there but it’s nothing to be exceptionally proud of. It’s “Bad Grandpa” meets “Who Is America?” essentially.

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Mercy Black

Not really worth watching - long and dry movie. Was mildly entertaining in parts but had to skip through some to get to the end. Would’ve been better as a comedy.

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The Outpost

Phenomenal movie depicting a historical account of a US outpost in Afghanistan which was seemingly set up for failure despite the unwavering bravery of the soldiers assigned there. Great action thriller movie, stayed glued to the screen for most of it.

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Great historical account of the Battle of Midway and a short recollection of the events which led up to it. Phenomenal production value and great acting/cast.

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An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn

Really good - humor and acting style similar to Wes Anderson.

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Weird movie, skipped through most of it, but if you make it to the end it’s worth it. Just took waaaay too long to get to that point.

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The Babysitter

Movie in a nutshell was as if Emelie (2015) and Home Alone (1990) had a baby. Andrew Bach John made this movie for me - hilarious overall.

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The Darkness

High production value, moderate to average acting, overall the film was very slow and uneventful. The action only picked up towards the end but left more to be desired. Wasn’t intolerable but was an acceptable horror film to passively watch.

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Wild Oats

I think it was intended for middle aged women but i enjoyed it. Had it’s funny moments and was a good plot.

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Really good drama following the extraordinary life of a top UN diplomat intertwined with a romantic love story up until the very end. The film depicts this through ‘flashback’ like memory sequences but was overall a very good celebration of a real persons life and his dedication to society and his wife.

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Interesting movie. Action starts in first five minutes and is very face paced until the ending. Not the kind of movie to watch passively - have to stay glued to figure out where they are and why they’re going there. That being said, didn’t really feel overly compelled to stay glued to the film. It’s an interesting plot and setting but never really got committed to being interested in the films suspense/mystery elements. Additionally, the song at the end of the movie was horrid - not sure where that came from or why but absolutely unnecessary. Whole movie in one sentence: Woman on a underwater drill platform saves a few people before it mysteriously explodes, there’s no lifepods so they go to the sea floor and trek across, on the way there’s aliens/seacreatures, they tussle for alittle, the original woman nukes the aforementioned sea monster, the company that owns the drill tries to make it sound like a conspiracy theory. Oh there was also a moral message along the lines of we messed with the ocean now the ocean is getting revenge. .

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Coming to America

Reminded me of an older version of The Dictator. Was funny but felt some scenes were drawn out and was overall oversexualized in both script and humor. Mildly entertaining but wouldn’t recommend to a friend.

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Molly's Game

Have been avoiding this film because I’ve seen more poker movies than I care to have seen and figured this was the same trope but with a female lead. Was elated to find that the film resembles more of The Wolf of Wallstreet in its use of narrative storytelling to expose a plot riddled with illicit activities. The film follows the story of a overachieving and very educated woman who enters the ‘high class’ business of illicit gambling and the series of events which led to her downfall. Overall pretty good movie and the female lead is badass.

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The Gentleman Driver

Phenomenal documentary following executives and entrepreneurs who run their business’ during the week and race in the most prestigious endurance races on the weekend. I think this film focused on Le Mans in particular. Great intersection between auto racing and business with several comparisons throughout.

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Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters

Absolutely wild documentary following the creative process of Gregory Crewdson. The guy essentially closes down entire towns and creates whole film sets for a single still image. Every element of his images is planned and staged, was really fascinating to see it in execution. Really gets you to develop a further appreciation for attention to detail.

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Overall was a really good movie following James Hunt and Niki Lauda’s competitive nature through the 1970’s F1 season. Stayed glued to the screen throughout and found myself rooting for Lauda, portrayed as the underdog, throughout the film. Despite the numerous grand prix’s per season, the movie did a phenomenal job at condensing several races to allow time to focus on the few races that counted. Overall was a very well told story.

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Code 8

It was fair. Interesting plot with suspenseful moments but moved kind of slow and it felt like some plot elements were never fully resolved. Ended up skipping through parts and CGI left more to be desired.

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Promised Land

Wasn’t anything special. Great acting, believable plot, maintained my interest throughout. Just was more of a feel good honest farm story than i expected.

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A Patch of Fog

Strange thriller involving an author whose being blackmailed by a store security guard. Some elements of the film were enjoyable in terms of twists and suspense but overall wasn’t anything particularly amazing. That being said, it wasn’t a bad movie but the end left more to be desired.

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Expected a lot less but this film delivered. I figured the ‘evil babysitter’ trope would make for a pretty dry horror movie but the film remained suspenseful and eerie throughout. Was enjoyable to try to figure out the babysitter’s actions and motives but once revealed the movie kind of slowed for me. Lots of action at that point but not much substance.

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Horrid movie but mildly entertaining if you enjoy skipping through movies, live in the NYC area, or don’t mind every single main character dying. Ending was a twist i guess but failed to deliver. The whole idea of this movie - unknown militants invade a Bushwick and the neighborhood fights back - would be a great movie but this isn’t it. Horrible/unnecessary CGI effects and illogical plot lines.

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Expected less but the plot is interesting enough to see through the end. Typical paranormal movie but told through the perspective of the first responders and detectives post haunting. Sounds kinda lame but was enjoyable to see the same paranormal archetype viewed through a different lens.

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The 24 Hour War

Pretty good historical recount of Le Mans 1964-67’. Great companion piece for Ford V Ferrari in terms of documentary vs depiction.

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It was like a scientifically inaccurate Korean rendition of HBO’s Chernobyl with plot elements from the Fukushima disaster. Too long for its own good, plot is dull, and the solution to the meltdown is dull and straightforward

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