

Helsinki, Uusimaa

Slow Horses: Season 3

The last episode almost ruined this season for me. Keep prolonged and silly gun fights in Hollywood where they belong.

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Maya and the Three

Visually stunning, but unfortunately the script has all the tired tropes of Disney & Marvel.

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The Expanse: 6x01 Strange Dogs

More soap opera than space opera. The plot seems to totally deviate from the books, I can't understand why. Also why showing us Laconia as they can't possibly have time for that subplot with 5 episodes remaining.

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Raised by Wolves

Started as weird and interesting but ended up as incoherent mess.

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Surprisingly bland and full of clichés.

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Books of Blood

Unfortunately this movie has very little to do with Clive Barker's original short stories. Disappointing.

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After first two brilliant seasons this show has really gone downhill, too much willy-waving and obnoxious rich twats.

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Harlan Coben's Shelter

What a load of crap. I've never read any of Coben's books and after seeing this I never will.

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Enemy of the State

Pure unintentional comedy, three points for Gene Hackman.

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The Lazarus Project

This show should have been called "Men behaving irrationally". Could not finish.

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Lost did this kind of silly supernatural mystery way better.

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This is not a movie, it's a 2.5 hours long trailer.

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The Newsroom

Too glib, too preachy, too much American exceptionalism. Could not finish.

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Doctor Sleep

Sad and boring reminder of why Kubrick was such a genius.

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Over the Hedge

Somehow they managed to miss everything that was brilliant in the original cartoon and instead gave us this mediocre snooze-fest. Meh.

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Ok premise and good actors but way too long and cliched. This ain't Raging Bull.

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