


Sonic the Hedgehog 2

The plot is what you would expect from such a movie. And, as usual in American productions, it is imbued of annoying and childish American moralism, that makes the viewing bothersome. Children deserve really deeper plots and topics, something Japanese (who are probably not that satisfied of how one of their flagship characters have been used) are perfectly aware of but Americans are not.

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The Bad Guys

All these American animation studios keep proposing "children" (often driven to these movies only due to the abnormal strictness of UK and US film censorships) the same stuff over an over. Yet again anthropomorphic animals, yet again the American silly moralism between good and bad, a plot which does not spark any interest, and also a lackluster animation style. For children and grownups alike, to see good animations go to Japan.

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The Woman King

This is what happens when the Americans attempt to make a film based on an Indian movie script. Film a bit fake in its setting, not historical accurate, and with a representation of the people represented (African, European and South American) a bit too modern and clean (likely to satisfy American tastes and not reality). This is even fine, but while the Indians often add complexity to the plot with a lot of twists to keep the attention and enhance the surprise, here instead the first half is plain, with some recover in the second half, but without many emotions triggered.

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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

If you are a fan of Nicholas Cage, this movie is a good performance by him, with an honest plot and good acting overall. If you, like me, do not care about the star protagonist, it quickly becomes a lackluster experience.

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Top Gun: Maverick

Uninspiring and predictable plot, full of the genres cliches. Tom Cruise is quite mediocre, he does not add any particular added value if not his fame. It is a film to watch for the action scenes, enhanced by the Dolby audio, as well as by a good soundtrack.

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It was advertised as an horror film, but had little horror in it. It suffered from all the weaknesses and inconsistencies of the prior movie, together with a very slow first half where little happens. Peele does not really seem my cup of tea.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

The screenplays of these Marvel movies seem more and more tired every time, the same things and plot twists seem to happen every time. Does it still make sense to keep dumping millions of dollars on them?

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The Banshees of Inisherin

First half an hour a bit boring, the rhythm is mostly maintained by the multiple dark jokes made every now and them, not always centered. Then the drama kicks in well, though some developments are not so logical. Ok overall, could have been better.

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Bullet Train

Idiot plot and almost non-existent, disgusting cinematography with abused CGI almost everywhere (it was very clear it was filmed in studio throughout), flat acting. Very little can be savaged here.

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Nightmare Alley

The overall atmosphere seems nice and well built. The film is however long, and in spite of the length the plot seems scattered and not fully developed or explained throughout. I had to rely on an external detailed review to make full sense of what was happening, as I probably missed some important bits due to the boredom and the not so clear narration, and still I would not find it so interesting (except for the highlight of the historical fact of these kind of funfairs). Characters were also not always properly developed. I guess, overall, that in general I may not like this kind of movies and plots.

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No Hard Feelings

Simple but poorly written light comedy, with a terrible climax, but overall quite entertaining. In some scenes it takes quite a good snapshot of the current social situation in the US.

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What's Love Got to Do with It?

Film which could not effectively disentangle the comedy (Emma Thompson was often out of place and timing in this respect), and the romantic drama (extremely predictable).

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The Whale

Drama which does not impress. Reasons include the acting and the plot a bit flat, the plot construction a bit predictable and the ending a bit silly, the unimpressive cinematography, and the fact that in Europe such plot would not be realistic.

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Quite boring as a musical. The way it is represented is way too modern, and the songs seem often out of place, with recitatives a bit too long that break the pace.

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Jackass Forever

Just one hour and a half of gratuitous vulgarity.

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The King's Man

Boring, and in general a franchise with quite terrible theme.

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Good first half, it introduces the plot quite well, and even if slow, it works to give a good atmosphere. But I found the second half inconclusive, you can indeed hint what has happened, but that is all, just an hint.

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How to Blow Up a Pipeline

First half boring as hell, second half more eventful, but in general a script more suited for a short film.

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If we exclude the monsters becoming bigger proportionally to the film length, and several scientific mishaps, the movie was not too trashy. But it was really empty: too little action, too little sci-fi, usual plot based on chained coincidences and misfortunes.

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Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris

Classic channel-surfing TV film, the classic pleasant comedy of little depth that you would leave on the telescreen during an old-fashioned zapping session.

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Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

Totally based on nostalgia effect, it follows the exact same plot device of the original series, without any sign of novelty whatsoever. Completely useless for whoever knows already the story, for the others is the summary of what to expect watching the 450+ episodes of the animated series.

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Dirty Dancing

Trivial plot, and the dancing element is almost useless, as well as unbalanced throughout the movie. Can be passed without remorse.

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The Quiet Girl

Nice and sweet, not exceptional due to some passages not well explained which could have deepened the background and the overall meaning.

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The plot is quite trivial, it does not make any sense and is not built on solid foundations. Many of the unlucky episodes happening seem forced just to lengthen the screening. True that Sonic 2, likely the most direct competitor, was more childish and irritating than this, which overall did not insist excessively on the usual American cliches. However the Sega film had a more engaging plot, this did not leave anything, no engagement and no emotions. The animation style is likely the best part.

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Father Stu

It would have been a standard biography, but the protagonist characterization was exaggerated way too much, making him completely out of character and not realistic.

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The Northman

Mediocre. The plot yields no engagement at all and it is quite predictable, the scenography seems too modern, and the overall setting too generic. And, often, at least on the big screen, the CGI is very noticeable. Overall, it does not leave anything, in spite of the unexplainable enthusiastic reviews by the critics.

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Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

Boring in general, everything happens in the last 30 minutes or so, and the rest of the quite long movie is just an extended prologue, not even well narrated. It also seems a lot more a James Bond and/or a superheros film than an Harry Potter ones, wizards here seem to have almost unlimited powers.

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On the surface a relatively dull film, with a standard and non-original plot and mediocre acting. Could be enough to spend less than 2 hours resting in front of the screen.
Looking more in depth, the plot and the (lack of) credible explanation of many passages make the overall results worse than it seem. But the worst aspect is the actual setting and excessive CGI usage. Plenty of scenes are actually shot in London (!), and the scene in the London tube disguised as the New York subway (!!) is particularly representative of all the weaknesses of what should have been an high-budget film.

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More than two hours of uneventful car chase are boring. Thin plot good for a 40 minutes TV episode, not for a full-length movie.

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The Godfather: Part II

While many put this even above the first Godfather, I believe here the plot is a bit messier to make it so. A very good film in any case, which completes the first, but the atmosphere was already set.

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