


Leverage: Redemption: 1x16 The Harry Wilson Job (2)

Wish there was more Hardison in the episode.

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DuckTales: 2x24 Moonvasion!

I loved watching Della and Donald interact. :) Siblings are the best.

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Shadowhunters: 3x05 Stronger Than Heaven

The demon looked awesome. Poor Ithuriel.

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iZombie: 3x12 Looking for Mr. Goodbrain (1)

Does anyone else think it is weird Ravi was so interested in the visions Liv saw of him?

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iZombie: 3x10 Return of the Dead Guy

It had to end there?

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Shadowhunters: 2x11 Mea Maxima Culpa

This episode laid the groundwork for a potentially awesome 2nd half of season 2. The cinematography added new camera speeds and angles, making the episode feel a little more put together. The acting seemed better overall than in season 1. Van Spring does a fantastic job as Valentine (as always) and the younger cast members are feeling more natural and showing a wider depth of emotions. With the several new baddies introduced in this episode, I am looking forward to 2x12. :)

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Scorpion: 3x23 Something Burrowed, Something Blew

The wedding scene was beautiful, but I am over the writers overshadowing other characters for the Page/Walter drama and relationship. If Toby and Happy were getting married, shouldn't the episode have really focused on them? Page and Walter could wait an episode -- I mean it has already been 3 seasons.

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Dark Matter: 2x08 Stuff to Steal, People to Kill

Shout by Feebs

They did a great job at surprising us with an alternate universe. I thought for sure it was time-travel.

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The Legend of Tarzan

The movie is very visually stunning. The story telling, however, not so much. It seems to be at a loss of how to give the background information - there are memory recollections, lines about the past, and just plain old scene jumps. They threw all of the background information together with a weak plot; it ended up being a jumbled mess.

I appreciated that the movie was trying to build on the original story, however, I really don't feel as if there was anything original in this adaptation.

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Teen Wolf: 5x20 Apotheosis

Shout by Feebs

The episode was like a love letter to Allison/Crystal Reed. I really appreciate the call backs to all the characters. They seemed to leave quite a few character's lives up for debate. I wish they would be more definite with killing off characters. I think it would make the characters more important.

There should also be more of a response to all of the students and potentially TV stations seeing werewolves attack people -- maybe we will see more of this in season 6?

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Suits: 5x15 Tick Tock

Shout by Feebs

So I thought that the entire episode was awesome -- with one exception that just kinda ruined the whole thing. Mike admitted to the jury that he was a fraud. Really? WTF?

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Sherlock: Special 9 The Abominable Bride

I loved all of the references to the original works and past episodes. I think that the implementation, however, was a little rough. It didn't focus on telling one thing, but many fractured things, which took away from the storytelling. In fact, it was like the episode itself was suffering from a drug induced state, not just one of the characters. While it was still a good episode, but it wasn't the same quality as the normal season's episodes.

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Second Chance: 1x01 A Suitable Donor

Shout by Feebs

A good start. I will definitely give it a few more episodes. Happy to see Tim DeKay back on my screen.

Does anyone else hope that Jimmy actually did the bad stuff they say he did? I just don't want it to be the mid-season reveal that he was set up or took the blame for someone else.

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The Librarians: 2x10 And the Final Curtain

Shout by Feebs

I enjoyed the episode. Completely didn't see Prospero being Shakespeare. The lines that the librarians chose to read during the exorcism were well picked; it really fit the morals their characters learned through this season. It is awesome that Cal is back. I hope he doesn't disappear with Finn next season.

My wish for next season: go more into the Arthurian Legends -- the Lady of the Lake, Jenkins/Galahad and their backgrounds.

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Grandfathered: 1x01 Pilot

Trailers ruined the first episode, but overall it was still cute.

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Blindspot: 1x02 A Stray Howl

Shout by Feebs

I am really tired of drone episodes. That being said, I liked this episode much more than the pilot. Jane is still kinda whiny and constantly repeats "But I don't know who I am", but she felt a little bit more real this episode. If Jane really is Taylor, then they would have uncovered more in the first two episodes than all of season 1 The Blacklist or Lost. I love that the mystery is slowly being revealed right from the get-go.

The secondary characters (other agents) are taking a larger role - I hope that this continues. Series are always better when secondary characters are distinct and well-thought out. Anyways, I look forward to next weeks.

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Heroes Reborn: 1x02 Odessa

I feel like you really have to have seen Heroes before watching Heroes Reborn. They just kinda throw you in there and you either pick up on the background or you are really confused. I think that Reborn is making the same mistake as Heroes by having too many characters with too many story lines. Although, if the story lines start converging, it could really clean up nicely.

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Fresh Off the Boat: 2x01 Family Business Trip

Jessica is still hilarious. :)

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Castle: 8x01 XY (1)

While the rogue thing has been overplayed, this episode was intense and action packed. It definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat. A great start to the season. I hope that the quality is a good indicator for the rest of the season.

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Suits: 5x07 Hitting Home

Awesome episode, but dangit! I wish that Harvey and Louis would get along for more than 5 minutes. Amy Acker did a fantastic job in her role as Louis's sister. Harvey's background scenes with his therapist really flushes out and explains his character. While I think that Jack will be back as a season bad guy, it was awesome to see a more human side in this episode. Kudos to Mike with the sneaky emails thing. Well played, Mike, well played.

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Killjoys: 1x07 Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye

They crammed too much into this episode. It really should have been two or three episodes. I could do without all of the romance drama. But overall, I liked what the episode did for the series and I look forward to next weeks.

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Dominion: 2x04 A Bitter Truth

Shout by Feebs

Best episode of the season so far. I am so glad we got to see more of the electricity guy. The ending was intense and well done. I don't think that Uriel is dead.

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Suits: 5x06 Privilege

It was really awesome to see Louis grow as a character. I want more Donna and Gretchen scenes. :)

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Dark Matter: 1x07 Episode Seven

The episode was OK. I could live without all of the romance drama. Wendy was OK - but it will be more interesting to meet who programmed her. The real highlight of the episode was learning more about 3. It really humanized him.

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Teen Wolf: 5x05 A Novel Approach

The beginning of the episode was intense and very well done. While the end was still good, I felt that it wasn't as tight as the beginning. Still, I can't wait for next week!

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Killjoys: 1x03 The Harvest

Good episode, but the series is missing something. I feel like there needs to be another main cast member or something. Maybe we just need a better picture of the overall plot...

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Inside Out

This is a gorgeous movie. There is no villain or external force to fight. It is about a girl who had a very happy childhood learning to deal with loneliness and accepting other negative emotions like sadness. She is learning how to balance all the little pieces of herself (what separates children from adults). The movie shows little kids how you are dealing with stuff on the inside affects how you deal with stuff on the outside.

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The Flash: 1x23 Fast Enough

If Eddie just decided not to have kids, this entire thing could have been avoided.

Loved the references to Jay and Hawkgirl.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2x22 S.O.S. (2)

Shout by Feebs

I was not expecting that ending.

"It's science, bi-atch."

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New Girl: 4x22 Clean Break

One of the best New Girl episodes ever. Filled with heart and some laughs. Loved the crepe flip scene -- I wonder how many times it took to get that shot. :)

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