

New York

How It Ends

One of the longest Cadillac commercials I've ever seen.

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The Sandlot

One summer in high school i went to the theater almost everyday for a week to watch this movie.

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The Card Counter

Not sure I can make it through this one. It's like Rounders meets Mississippi Grind, except it is void of an engaging storyline.

20 minutes in the director adds a cameo by Willem Defoe followed by a dream sequence, ya I'm done.

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Wristcutters: A Love Story

loved the ending.

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It was good to see Mrs. Kim get out of Stars Hollow for once.

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At first I was like, what? Then I was all, whoa! Then I was like ZOMG!??

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Hall Pass

Fake chowed.

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Gasoline Alley

Brucies improv contributed such winning lines as "uh, huh" and the unforgettable "hmmm." I felt something real was happening the moment Wilson broke character and provided us with his award winning fake-drunk smirk wink combo as seen in Old School. Instant classic this one.

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General Magic

Unwatchable. The background music track to this film is a constantly shifting crescendo and decrescendo of melodramatic string instruments making it impossible to focus on the words anyone is saying as they literally coincide with the speakers pitch.

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Lean On Me

I never realized it until now, but this is one of my favorite movies of all time. This is Anytown, USA. We've all seen these schools and some of us have been to them. Unfortunately, not all of them have Morgan Freeman to clean it up.

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Definitely in my top 5 most unrealistic endings of all time.

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First Reformed

I'm not exactly sure what just happened there, would love to hear an explaination from Paul Schrader and those who understood it.

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The Wackness

so bad, so very bad.. josh peck's career peaked with drake and josh, and that's fine. that's not important, but just sets the ground level for acting expectations. when coupled with ben kingsley you figure that they'll somehow reach a basic level of quality. unfortunately kingsley's new york accent attempts are so unbelievable and vary between takes, it just kills it. speaking of accents, method man, wow! the real nail in the coffin for me was the audio levelling. there is just no vocal clarity coming through making the entire movie fall flat, except for the music which comes through - not all of which is period precise due to slight remixing.

started writing this before seeing the beach scene just now, that was pretty funny.

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Snow Day

Love this movie, even though it's not Christmas related it still gets in the rotation during the holidays. From the writers of Pete & Pete, it has all the classic elements you'd expect from any one of their episodes. Chevy Chase plays a down on his luck weather man, father to the main characters (think of Hal as elder Pete and younger sister Natalie as younger Pete.) It even has a cameo appearance by Iggy Pop, who so often dropped in as James Mecklenberg, the father of Little Pete’s best friend Nona. Chris Elliott rounds out the "Stars" of Snow Day as Roger the Snowplowman. Typical villain who is determined to ruin the day for all the kids!

Great watch on a snowy day for any Pete & Pete fan, or anyone who is willing to watch with a nostalgic state of mind.

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The Broken

The director/writer appears to have lost their train of thought on what the message or reveal was supposed to be. That or there was a severe breakdown in translation from script to film. Either way this film leaves a lot of questions around the events which took place, questions that will never have answers.

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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Hilarious if you view it in that light, reminded me of Evil Dead.

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Cockneys vs Zombies

Cockneys and Zombies, brilliant! Lot's of great actors put together for a seriously silly flick, well worth the watch.

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one of the best love stories i've ever seen. and it's welsh, how brilliant is that!

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Just Mercy

Too many period inaccuracies within the dialogue took me out of the movie watching experience. This, coupled with mannerisms that are more likely to be seen in the last 20 years instead of the 80's made it a difficult watch. I can't say for sure who is to blame for that, the writers, the director, Michael B. Jordan or all of the above.

All that said, the subject matter was more compelling than anything. That alone was enough to evoke emotion.

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Free Fire

B-List actors make a Live Action film of PUBG.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Lack of character depth coupled with a weak copy of an already told story made this extremely difficult to watch. It seems targeted towards newly christened SW fans, which is odd considering the timing of this release. The Force Awakens was a great re-boot to the series, though sadly it seems to have signaled the end of a cycle for those of us who started with the original trilogy. To all the newcomers, you are likely in for a treat and should enjoy this movie and those following it.

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Source Code

Well I guess it's original... oh wait, it's kinda 12 Monkeyeque if you think about it.

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The Riot Club

Could have easily been half the length. The minimum running time for a feature length film is 40 minutes, this one should have come in at around 50-70.

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Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

I'm a sucker for this kinda flick and Mike & Dave delivered on every front.

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Sausage Party

Honestly didn't expect much from this movie, the opening song just about killed my enthusiasm so I had to skip the first 3 minutes. Shortly after I was busting a gut laughing. There were more than a handful of scenes that made me laugh hard and for that it was worth watching for sure.

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really bad, like horribly awful suck bad.

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Hard Ticket to Hawaii

aids snake + exploding toilet = awesome. 80's to the max!

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Moonlight Mile

I think in the lawyer scene (12 minutes in) Jake is wearing the same fur lined jacket he wore in brokeback.

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Paul Dood’s Deadly Lunch Break

Really takes a while to get going, but worth the watch.

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Idiot Box

It was fun, I enjoyed the intent. However, it just felt too paper thin. The ending was enjoyable.

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