

New York

Monster Hunter

Shout by Matt D
BlockedParent2021-02-18T04:19:09Z— updated 2022-07-28T20:42:15Z

This movie offers a unique experience. It gives you one of the most genuine and undoctored glimpses into the soulless eyes of corporate Hollywood

There is no love for making movies
There is no love for the source material
The only interest is making something with the specific goal of being a "Blockbuster".
There is nothing to it but the intent of making money.

There's legit nothing to this movie.
Every shot you see is made just for cool trailer moments....
The Characters have no life or personality to them, They don't make any emotional connection with the viewer.
The acting........ no
There's no real plot or pacing
The effects can be good at times but its far and few in-between
The fighting and action scenes are rendered useless with the unprecedented amount of jump cuts done in editing....

I enjoy movies that might have glaring flaws, or even be considered bad, I'm not a heartless critic... But there are no redeemable qualities about this movie.
You can't even spin it as a "So Bad It's Good" movie, its just that incompetent on every imaginable level.

0/10 - Genuinely

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@mattdeezly1996 I was going to comment on the movie, but after reading your shout decided to just upvote your take on it.

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First Reformed

Do not be deceived, this is an art film. Don't expect a clear cut plot with any attempt at a reasoned outcome. Paul Schafer is re-imaging two films (DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST and WINTER LIGHT*) and when asked to comment on the possible explainations of his ending "during an appearance on the A24 podcast, Schrader admitted to Sofia Coppola that he isn’t sure, either — but he has some ideas"^. RANT - I'm getting very tired of pretentious art film - END RANT. I could have forgiven a heavy-handed political agenda film or a choreographed decent into insanity but this film was a waste of time . It was all promise and no payoff. I give this film a 4 (fail) out of 10. [Surreal Drama]

* https://www.vulture.com/2018/06/lets-talk-about-the-ending-of-first-reformed.html
^ https://www.indiewire.com/2018/05/first-reformed-ending-explained-paul-schrader-1201970200/

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@nancy-l-draper Thank you so much for this write-up. I was utterly confused by the final phase of the film, unfortunately it sounds like that was not entirely the intention of the film which is a shame. If there was intent to confuse the audience they wen't about it poorly.

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Twas the Night Before Christmas!

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@sgrdddy Oh ya! Classic..I remember this one.

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No Sudden Move

Shout by PorterUk
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-07-30T23:00:29Z— updated 2023-07-31T14:08:55Z

I'm fairly enraged at this moment... This was shit.

A weak plot that tries to be clever with a dozen double-crosses. Not only that but it limps along for the first 2/3s and then tries its hand at a 'get out of jail free card' with an unexpected cameo... Unexpected if you didn't realise that the cast of this thing is whoever is not jaded after Ocean's 13...

Terrible pacing, silly plot, lacklustre script, and that fish-eye lense was a ridiculous choice. Just pointless - achieves nothing yet irritates the viewer.

If this had the cast originally chosen, then it'd be trying to do Ocean's 1965. But it didn't and it feels like Baby Driver with the driving and music removed.

But shit movies appear all the time, and good directors lose their touch - as Soderbergh has this last decade... The thing tat has me hopping mad is that it closes with some righteous nod to the corruption of the automobile industry. Ha! Talk about a damp squib.

4.5/10 - for Don Cheadle being a classy guy and Benicio Del Toro for at least showing up to set each day.

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@porteruk Brutally honest, but very spot on.

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Altered Carbon

Reply by outspoken

Very disappointed so far. Seems like they just threw a bunch of ideas at the wall hoping something stuck. Four episodes in and didn't care to finish

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@benhanchett completely agree with that assessment, thankfully I pulled out after 20 minutes into the first episode. it's as if they watched black mirror and the matrix and thought "hey, let's go for it."

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Westworld: Season 1

Reply by outspoken

The show started off "slow"-ish, but quickly picked up after Ep:1. I am really excited for the next episode, and can say this show is truly genius, and psychological.

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@mrbowzer Heavily disagree. Episode 1 was enthralling and the pace was perfectly set. I ended up watching that episode twice due to the narrative that had hidden gems in it. The rest of the series was as you say, truly genius.

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The Informer

Reply by outspoken

You know when you watch a movie and you have seen literally every single scene like a billion times before? The Informer is very generic cop / mafia drama. USA = good, Poland = bad. Yes, yes, we get it.

I don’t wanna talk too much about the clownery, but I just wonder where the outrage is for this movie? I guess people can over look the racist undertones in this movie because the target ethnic group doesn’t have tan?! The constant racist jokes, barely have any actual Polish actors … but ummmm, that’s okay I guess. How come Mexicans weren’t portrayed offensively in Bad Boys for Life or Terminator Dark Fate but they can’t do the same with Polsih people? The mafia boss is Polish and I think they mentioned being Polish, like, every other line or something, that’s their sole characteristic. "Woke" crowd only cancels at their own convenience, their double standards or asymmetric nature of “woke” politics does not apply consistent principles of behavior to all races and ethnic groups.

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@cutecruel Agreed. Personally, I thought this movie was quite poor overall. So many moments just lacked conviction from the actors. The extras were unfortunately overdramatic with their actions when they had no lines. Plot is extremely generic and has been done way too many times, there are dozens of films that have done it better. New decade, new remakes, they gave it a try.

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House of the Dragon: 1x05 We Light the Way

Reply by outspoken

Is this just me or the fifth episode was just a weak sauce, pathetic king, a looser hand, a childish groom and what a disaster fight scene. I can't see any good coming out of this series so far. Even CGI look very unfinished.

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@johncoffey 100% just you, this episode was fucking amazing.

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Reply by outspoken

That was a trippy journey I didn't expect! Flashback is a mind-bending thriller constantly jumping different timelines back and forth. The concept is incredibly unique and perfectly executed. It starts out pretty confusing at first but keeps drawing me in and won't let me look away. Just don't think too much because it all comes together in the end. The over stylized visuals and soundtrack create this uneasy feel from start to finish. Dylan O'Brien performance was insanely good! He's able to take me to his journey and really shows his range as an actor. It's one of those films that need your undivided attention and repeat viewings. Can't wait to revisit this and I'm excited to check out The Conspiracy!

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@csrz Check out his episode in Amazing Stories, it is related to this movie's concept.

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Reply by outspoken

Watched 3 episodes was funny at the start but got a little boring. I guess that's why it was cancelled.

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@roo17 ouch. I'm not there yet, only on episode two. It kind of feels like when I started watching You're the worst - except that show lasted a few seasons before it sucked.

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Don't Think Twice

Reply by outspoken

This was a really good movie and an amazing look at how much SNL looms over the entire improv world. I feel like every moment in this movie I've heard described by a comedian on a podcast. Like how new students come in hot with a catchphrase and ready to go right to the big leagues, how they watch SNL, how some perform when they know a bigwig is in the audience, etc. It was all spot on and extremely uncomfortable most of the time. Just cringeworthy. I never want to watch this movie again but I think it was very good. Does that make sense? I feel like I'm contradicting myself. This movie was better than how much I enjoyed watching it? Is that clearer? Nope. I will say the version of "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright" played over the credits made me cry. That song and this movie were very powerful.

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@kurtmoney I agree completely with what you're saying, minus the cringeyness. Maybe it was the pace of it all and how they didn't really linger on moments. For me, a show like Curb Your Enthusiasm is just unwatchable due to the lingering uncomfortableness.

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Superstore: 1x01 Pilot

Reply by outspoken

Worst sitcom ever. Almost quit the pilot episode
three times but I just had to see if it could possibly get worse - and it did. Sad that it ever got on the air.

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@linrey Glad I'm not alone in thinking this is a terrible show. No idea where the 73% like votes came from.

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