Todd Landrum


Littleton, Colorado

Better Call Saul: 4x10 Winner

That ending was a real gut punch, delivered solely by the look on Kim's face. What an amazing piece of acting.

How many of you believed Jimmy's speech? I know Jimmy is a bad guy, I know he's a liar, a con artist, a fast-talker; and yet I believed him. I was as bowled over as Kim, "that asshole on the bench was about to cry" was me. How'd I fall for that? Is the show acting/writing/whatevs that good or does that say something about people in general?

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Peaky Blinders: 1x01 Episode 1
Mindhunter: 1x05 Episode 5

A gruesome crime show drama is about the last thing I'd expect to enjoy, but man is this good.

The main characters are quirky, but they each play the quirk with such subtlety they're really charismatic to watch. The writing is amazing - especially the two of them questioning a suspect. Beautiful back & forth like they're in each other's head, Bill throwing tough guy curve balls now and then, and Holden with some emotional twist.

Also loving the cinematography. All the dismal gray & white. Does the sun every come out in this world? Feels like I'm back in Indiana in the winter.

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Fargo: 4x06 Camp Elegance

I gave it some time, but it's nothing more than your standard gangster story. Gaetano is a lazy stereotype over-acted to comical proportions, the rivalry for control another lazy cliche, and Chris Rock is just not compelling in the least. Oraetta and Ethelrida are interesting but not interesting enough to put up with the massive meh of the rest of it. I'm out.

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The Americans: 6x05 The Great Patriotic War

Ditto the tremendous episode. The first 4 episodes have felt so ominous, but this one has really turned it up to 11.

I suspected that Phillip's fatal flaw, his love for Elizabeth, was going to bring him to a sad, pathetic end. After his conversation with Kimmy ("you were right. I'm stuck in a rut"), the stakes have been raised. Phillip may still come to an end - but he's going to go out fighting (the scene with Paige) and it is going to be an ugly, fiery end at that. He now knows Elizabeth does not love him (her having sex with him being just a ploy to get a favor out of him, she sees Phillip as a mark). There's nothing now holding him back.

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Mindhunter: 1x10 Episode 10

Good episode, but an unsatisfying ending for a season. We meet some interesting characters, but didn't get an actual story yet.

Anybody else think Holden is or will be a serial killer? Personality that is a bit off, sexual issues, manipulative to get what he wants (do we know about his mother?). Personally, I think he maybe already is and his ability to fool his partners at the FBI has made him bolder and bolder. The cat/tuna thing with Wendy being a metaphor of her not being able to see the rot right in front of her (why else is that pointless scene in there multiple times?).

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Ozark: 1x02 Blue Cat
Peaky Blinders: 1x05 Episode 5

What's with the modern music blaring away in the episode? Really ruins the mood of the show.

He falls for her...yawn.

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The Handmaid's Tale: Season 2

The most intriguing part of season 1 was Gilead. What would the US look like if the religious righr were to take over? That was compelling and terrifying.

In season 2, we lose quit a bit of that. We just don't learn as much about Gildead and instead the show becomes more of a standard drama - will the lovers be together? Can the protagonist win her adversairies over to her side? what will happen with the baby? None of that was near as compelling.

Not a bad season, not just as compelling as the beginning. I'm likely out for season 3.

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Westworld: 2x10 The Passenger

Terrible, horrible, very bad season. Did not care one wit for any character in the whole friggin show. Writing was a complete mess where a whole host of little things made no sense, nevermind the big things.

And can you take an Emmy away from an actor because Jeffery Wright was absolutely horrible in this. 8 solid hours of "Bernard is confused" was painful to watch. I desperately wanted that character to catch a bullet.

No desire at all to watch any more of this and really kind of mad I stayed til the end.

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The Night Of: 1x01 Part 1: The Beach

Like some of the other commenters said - the deck has been really stacked. It was painful to watch the night unfold, to see every piece of evidence that will be used against him laid out bit by obvious bit.

Still though, it was intense and kept my interest for a very slow burn of 1 hour and fifteen minutes.

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Knives Out

Feel a little cheated that the revealed the solution without letting us see the report or the grandma interview, but those are minor quibbles. A very fun movie.

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Sharp Objects: 1x02 Dirt

So far a fairly standard crime drama. The "All american small town has some DARK secrets!" schtick is tired. But there's something there, some point where this is going to turn the corner into something more interesting. Will stick it out for now.

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The Musketeers: 1x02 Sleight of Hand

A little too obvious what the story was. As the bad guys said "You should have paid more attention". Not sure how D could miss it.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 1x03 High Plains Hardware

Fuck no. I'm not watching some smarmy asshole ruin peoples' lives in his quest to be rich.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 1x01 I/O

Am I supposed to like the salesman, because he's an extremely unlikable asshole. If he's supposed to be the plucky hero whose drive and verve pushes all those around him to be their best - then, fuck that guy, I'm not watching. If someone punches him in the mouth in episode 2, maybe I'll keep going.

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Watchmen: 1x03 She Was Killed by Space Junk

Uh oh, introducing a new character. Usually a sign that the writers don't know what to do with a show so they start a new thread. While being somewhat of a side trek, they do manage to move the story along and teach us a little but more about the world. Still intrigued to learn more.

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Watchmen: 1x01 It's Summer and We're Running Out of Ice

Lots of world building and a ton of just plain weirdness. Many shows attempt this, but it ends up feeling like a pointless gimmick (::cough:: Lost ::cough::). This though is feeling like it's got a definite purpose and is headed somewhere. Intrigued to learn more and really hope it will deliver.

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Shameless: 1x01 Pilot
The Night Of: 1x08 Part 8: The Call of the Wild

The preponderance of circumstantial evidence in the first episode was kind of ominous and heartbreaking to see. The preponderance of exculpatory evidence for the final episode was just a bit too much for me to believe. (Not a lawyer, hoping I got those terms right).

In the end, it ends up being a fairly standard crime drama that moves at a really slow pace - something I'd normally not watch. I'll give it credit that it kept me interested and watching to the end, but all told I didn't find anything special other than Turturo.

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The Florida Project

Holy shit was that depressing.

Was there some great acting? Beautiful cinematography? Good writing? I have no idea. I can't see past the black cloud this movie dropped on me.

Is this even a movie? Is soul-crushing despair a fit topic for a film? I want to think about that, but that means thinking about this movie, which I do not want to do. Which I think means it was a really good movie, but again, I don't want to think about it.

I'm gonna go curl up in the corner now.

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The Americans: 6x10 START

Great series with a good ending - which is saying something since so many shows seem to have bad endings. Ditto everybody else on the greatness of the Stan and Paige scenes.

I do have some quibbles:
1) In the end, they're undone by some random guy we've never meet from the church? With Stan's suspicions and the active work at the FBI, that was an undramatic way to go.

2) The show, for me, was all about Phillips Love for Elizabeth Vs Elizabeth's Love for Country. They somewhat deal with Elizabeth's Love for Country - she realizes it isn't all good, have to make some judgments herself - but that all seems to happen very quickly and somewhat subtly. I didn't feel that they really dealt with Phillps love for Elizabeth (and her not returning that). After one phone call, they are abruptly a team again after all the episodes this season putting them at odds.

All together though, it was a very satisfying conclusion.

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Homeland: 1x12 Marine One

The final three episodes really picked up in intensity and the final showdown of Dad/Daughter was really well done. It made the season worthwhile. Danes for the final three episodes was some great acting - her pain was palpable.

Sidelining your protagonist for the climax and trusting it's resolution to a phone call rather than some boom-boom-action is some gutsy storytelling - which makes the the very straight-forward early episodes of this season all the more aggravating. It was good, could have been great.

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Rick and Morty: 1x01 Pilot

Definitely has the pilot "rough around the edges" feel to it. If I had started here, not sure I'd have become a fan. Rick is a a bit too much on the downer side - drunk, pessimistic, foul - without some of the joy (a strange word to use for it) he has in season 3. Not as over the top, "what the hell did I just watch" of later episodes.

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White Noise

Was prepared for an informative but depressing show. Pleasantly surprised to find this movie absolutely hilarious. The three people are clownish, thoughtless, self absorbed nitwits.

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The Crown: 1x06 Gelignite
Catastrophe: 4x06 Episode 6
Watchmen: 1x05 Little Fear of Lightning

Lots of good story development, loved the opening scene, and enjoy Wade.

A pet peeve though in spoon feeding us - The flashback to the tin foil hat, the tight shot of Angela/Wade/Cactus. I really hate it when the director thinks we're stupid and decide to hit us over the head with revelations. The viewers who need that help quit watching this complicated, involved story long ago. Leave that nonsense for network TV.

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Watchmen: 1x04 If You Don't Like My Story, Write Your Own

Argggggh, another side trek on a new character. Normally I'd hate that, but that scene was just so damn good. Her "it's mine" at the end was deliciously creepy. They keep doling about bits and bits though, moving things along.

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Ballers: 5x08 Players Only

Terrible episode - oh no, our show is wrapping up. Let's quickly give every single character a pat happy ending. I liked that they made sense of the interview gimmick they used all season, but the rest of it was simplistic junk.

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