



Rewatched Baraka and now I'm convinced that my life would be so much more meaningful if I just spent all my time staring intensely at nature while chanting in Sanskrit

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Each passing year, this dystopian comedy gets closer to becoming a documentary.

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What We Do in the Shadows

Watching What We Do in the Shadows (2014) makes me want to become a vampire just so I can have friends that won't judge me for staying up all night and sleeping all day #VampiresNeedLoveToo

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John Wick

Dear John Wick,

You swept me off my feet from the first action scene. Your story, like a passionate symphony, stirred my emotions. The fight choreographies danced with perfection, leaving me breathless. Keanu Reeves' performance was an embodiment of intensity and vulnerability. My heart beats for you, John Wick. Forever yours.


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Trading Places

Trading Places is like the stock market: you never know what's going to happen next, but you can always count on Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy to make you laugh harder than your portfolio's returns.

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Fantastic Mr. Fox

What a delightfully charming film! The stop-motion animation is beautiful, the voice acting is top-notch, and the story is witty and fun.

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Life of Brian

A timeless comedic masterpiece that satirizes religion and human nature with wit and absurdity. From "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" to the infamous "Biggus Dickus" scene, this Monty Python classic never fails to entertain me.

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This is a bad Pocahontas remake

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Coming to America

Coming to America is like a McDonald's burger - you know it's not gourmet, but you still can't help but love it and want more.

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AVP: Alien vs. Predator

I don't understand all the hate towards this movie, it's not a masterpiece, but still better than the most MCU movies

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Ultimamente brado aos quatro ventos que estou completamente farto de filmes (e séries) sobre super-heróis baseados (ou não) em comics.
Este Scott Pilgrim vs. the World é uma das poucas excepções, já o vi umas quantas vezes e nunca me canso.

Foge do estereótipo dos blockbusters actuais de super-heróis (Marvel/DC, a merda é toda a mesma só o cheiro é que é diferente), talvez por isso não tenha sido um sucesso de bilheteira, embora com o tempo se vá tornando num filme de culto.

É dos poucos filmes que consegue ter aquele toque de banda desenhada. A fotografia, os efeitos especiais, a edição, o elenco e a banda sonora (fantástica!!! mesmo não sendo metal) unem-se numa simbiose perfeita sob a direcção de Edgar Wright.

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Last Action Hero

This movie is so underrated

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Shaun of the Dead

Best zombie movie ever .

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10,000 BC

O Roland Emmerich quis realizar um épico pré-histórico, mas falhou epicamente

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John Wick: Chapter 2

Good movie, but I personally feel it's not as great as the first one. The action scenes are exciting, and Keanu Reeves does a fantastic job. However, it lacks the same impact and freshness.

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Once Upon a Time in Mexico

Once upon a time in Mexico, a movie made audiences go "Olé!" and left them craving some spicy salsa and a margarita. It's like a western, but with more tequila and less horse-riding.

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Desperado is a gunslingin' good time! Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek light up the screen with their fiery chemistry and killer performances. The action is non-stop and the humor is on point. The stylish direction and killer soundtrack make for a movie that's impossible not to enjoy. It's the kind of film that leaves you grinning from ear to ear long after the credits roll. Yeehaw!

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El Mariachi

For only $7,000 is a fun and thrilling ride that proves you don't need a lot of money to make a good film. Just a lot of creativity and bullets.

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I would stop to being an atheist for Alanis, but my true goddess is Salma

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A Fistful of Dollars

"a fine movie, but it was MY movie."
- Akira Kurosawa

Este filme do Sergio Leone é sem dúvida um bom filme, mas continuo a preferir o original, o Yojimbo (1961) do Kurosawa.

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The Fighter

O Mark Wahlberg e a Amy Adams estiveram brilhantes neste filme, mas tiveram o azar de também entrar no filme um tal de Christian Bale que os eclipsou por completo.

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The Hunger Games

It is not that bad, but no big deal. It's a movie for teenagers.

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Total Recall

Good movie (7/10), plus an extra point for the prostitute with three breasts.

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The Outfit

Well tailored performance from Mark Rylance, but I got tired pretty quickly from all those twists and turns

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The Father

I want to die young

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

I watched #dungeonanddragons honor among thieves and it was only okay. Some parts were fun, some parts were boring. The cast did their best, but the script was weak. The movie felt like a generic fantasy heist with some #dnd references thrown in. Not worth the hype. #dndmovie

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Don't waste your time, just the equivalent of a big pile of dinosaur dung.

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Fire of Love

Well-crafted documentary from gorgeous footage, beautiful love story and THE MOST BADASS COUPLE EVER ! ! !

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Song of the Sea

Sinceramente não percebo como é que um filme de animação fantástico como é o de Song of the Sea (2014) consegue perder o Oscar para um banal blockbuster como o Big Hero 6 (2014)

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Gran Turismo

Gran Turismo it's an offence against the victims of the Nürburgring crash, racing drivers and motorsport fans in general.

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