



Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


My favorite TV shows and movies.


The Dirty Thirties: Home to dust bowl farmers, reedy-voiced folk singers and rail-riding hobos. Life pretty much sucks unless you're lucky enough to be a rich socialite, in which case you can expect to be involved in a wacky screwball comedy


The Fighting Forties was a memorably turbulent era, forever linked in the public consciousness with World War II (1937/1939-1945), the development of the first atomic weapons and subsequent Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This also marked the start of the Cold War and the Arab–Israeli Conflict.
The technological innovations of the decade included the first digital computers - notably Z3 by Konrad Zuse (1941, German), the Atanasoff–Berry Computer (1942, American), the Colossus Mark 1 and Mark 2 computers


The Fabulous Fifties: An era of identical pink pressboard suburban houses filled with smiling, apron-clad housewives. All the men wear slippers and fedoras and smoke pipes, all the girls are teenaged and wear poodle skirts, and all the boys are cute, freckle faced scamps with slingshots in their pockets. Parents sleep in separate beds and only kiss each other on the cheek.

Anyone who isn't any of these characters are either greasers, Beatniks, gas station attendants, or Elvis (who, in this era, wouldn't be caught dead in a rhinestone jumpsuit). With the possible exception of the gas station attendants, everyone on that list is a direct threat to the upright morals and values of the era and will not be afforded a spot in the basement bomb shelter


The Swingin' Sixties hold a special place in popular culture, mostly because the people who came of age in that decade cannot stop talking about how great it was.


A time when love was free, peace was the sign of the times, people were shouting "me, me, me" through self-esteem, self-discovery and individual identity, and polyester was the fabric of choice


The Excessive Eighties: a time where you wake up before you go-go when you want to kick up your Sunday shoes as you walk the dinosaur like an Egyptian for 500 miles, hear doves cry or feel the Punky power like a virgin while you moonwalk the Thriller.

All the men were preppies who wore pastel suits with narrow ties, drove sports cars that Lee Iacocca personally stood behind and traded stocks on Wall Street - after all, as Oscar Wilde said, nothing says success like excess. (Unless they happened to be teenagers, in which case they were Totally Radical or studied Karate and learnt the meaning of "Wax On, Wax Off".) Everyone had huge hairdos, enough make-up to sink a ship and power suits with shoulderpads .


The Nimble Nineties: The last decade before 9/11 when the world was just getting over the Cold War and starting to fear Y2K.


2016 challenge : Watching the top grossıng fılm of every year sınce 1915


.A dizzy, giddy time of petting parties, bootleg gin, jazz, and flappers. When coffee and movie tickets cost a dime, trolley rides cost a nickel (the same as hot dogs or hamburgers), newspapers cost two cents... and sliced bread was considered the greatest invention ever.
