

Omicron Persei 8


What a hidden gem it is !! A must watch for everyone. Just go for it. You will definitely love it !!

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This is the best time paradox movie I have ever seen. Although it is in non-English language, yet it is very easy to understand it with english subtitles if you are you are an English language viewer. The movie explains the whole plot so beautifully, that it makes you enthralled through out the ending. A must watch for everyone. I repeat !! , a must watch for everyone !!

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American Assassin

Fantastic movie!! It makes your eyes glued to screen for the whole time. Superb real life action. A movie worth to watch. So take out your popcorn and go for it.

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Love Actually

This is one of the most under rated movie I have ever seen. A must watch for everyone. Just plug in your Earphone and let the movie run its course. At the end, you will feel refreshed.

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