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Chainsaw Man: 1x08 GUNFIRE

Damn, I can finally see why the manga has so many fans. It doesn't pull any punches.

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Inside Job: 1x18 Appleton

What a season finale. I feel like there wasn't a real arc for it, but I guess that comes with the episodic format.
Power corrupts all.

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1899: 1x08 The Key

Shout by Problematist
BlockedParent2022-11-17T21:32:19Z— updated 2022-11-28T16:45:39Z

Damn, the ol' switcharoo. Didn't expect this to make sense in the end at all. Bravo bo Odar & Jantje Friese!

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FIFA Uncovered: 1x01 Episode 1

I'm sure with Johansson we wouldn't have the corruption scandals and sportswashing of countries, but the documentary didn't talk about him at all.

To an extend I get it because a documentary wants to tell a story, but you can't just include a clip of him saying "Everybody knows my plan" and then at the vote what his values are, when the truth is even articles from back then criticized that both didn't have plans. Reform proposals were even simply copied from one another.

During Johansson's reign before the election the UEFA already proposed reforms that would bring transparency and ethics, but also give the UEFA more influence. Another one would give the best performing countries more revenue from TV broadcasting.
Definitely not as enticing to other regions as corruption.

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The Crown: 5x08 Gunpowder

To think The Queen watched The Crown in her last years, but used to make such a fuss on exclusively watching the BBC.
It doesn't even make sense. It's assuming the workers of the other stations weren't her "subjects".

Surely her wanting a return on the investment has nothing to do with it and it's entirely a sense of tradition.

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The Crown: 5x05 The Way Ahead

Shout by Problematist
BlockedParent2022-11-11T15:21:40Z— updated 2022-11-21T08:26:00Z

I was like "They better not show text how good the charity funded by the Bin Laden family and the Qatari government is for society"
Welp, they did. At least highlight how charities are used to give them more money and influence. Not make it seem like he cares about POC when he refused to even shake hands of black people in his coronation (edit: Elizabeth's funeral). Also him dancing screams "How do you do, fellow kids."

It's not the worst charity judging from CharityNavigator, but c'mon he literally made Diana's life hell and they only show her in 2 scenes here.

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The Crown: 5x04 Annus Horribilis

"That was middle class. Promise me we'll never do this again"
Just after this show made me cry for the characters it gut-punches me with aristocratic decadence.
Good thing I couldn't care less about the real monarchy except maybe Diana.

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Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story: 1x02 Please Don't Go

Racism, homophobia and classism. Oh baby it's a triple. They show this so on the nose, but somehow people here still chalk it up to incompetence. These cops thought they could get HIV by going into a bedroom, come on.

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Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story: 1x01 Episode One

Least deranged The Exorcist III fan.

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Bee and PuppyCat: 2x10 Did You Remember

Puppycat truly is the best.

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Bee and PuppyCat: 2x09 My Favorite

Wow, Contrapoints is in this?! That rules.

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Rilakkuma's Theme Park Adventure: 1x08 The last parade

This world confuses me. People can just do whatever they want on the job, found companies successfully on the spot but there still are bosses that can overwork you? Guess it's true that people will be able to think of a world with the most handsome man (Rilakkuma) in existance before the end of capitalism.

All in all, it was still a great message to end on for a show about endings.

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Rilakkuma's Theme Park Adventure: 1x07 Strategy meeting in the dark

Kaoru made Rilakkuma sad just because that stupid clown forgot to eat his damn breakfast. This is unforgivable.

Man, I just wanted them to picnic and get their pancake.
This franchise just worked better with chill wholesome stories.
I'm not complaining tho. I'm happy Netflix greenlit this in the first place.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x02 Like a Boy

Never trust anyone in Night City. Worst mistake of my life.
I'm actually glad this episode had a classic Trigger twist, because him just finding the one he's been searching for right after losing everything and then falling in love would've been even more of a trope. She did seem to genuinely like him before money was involved tho...

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x01 Let You Down

Shout by Problematist
BlockedParent2022-09-18T07:54:24Z— updated 2022-11-12T21:24:30Z

Hearing all my favorite artists finally hit the screen was so dope. Studio Trigger truly knows how to make you cry in the first episode.
Same happened in BNA for me. Hope they don't have the same Trigger tropes here, but I doubt they will in an adaptation.

Fuck that bully. Neoliberal corpo scum.

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Bee and PuppyCat: 2x05 Little Fingers

Ahhh. I love this show so much. First wanting to squat and now saying property is an illusion. Based comrade Puppycat.

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Ghost Stories: 1x02 A Hand Reaches Out of the Toilet... Akagami Aogami

Hand in a toilet? Hear me out...

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Ghost Stories: 1x01 Tonight the Spirits Will Be Resurrected! Amanojaku

Probably the first dub I have ever preferred to the original.
They should do this to every show that flops in Japan, but they're cowards and probably lesbians.

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Breaking Bad: 5x13 To'hajiilee

Are you kidding me? Hank had every chance to just drive away. Also they see people with guns and don't immediately get into cover?

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Breaking Bad: 5x12 Rabid Dog

That the father waiting for his daughter was straight up looking at Jesse the entire time was a bit contrived.
He could've just looked around for her and it would've looked just as suspicious to him and been more believable.

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Breaking Bad: 5x04 Fifty-One

That dubstep aged like milk. Glad Mike is a feminist now.

"Y'know the guy that gifted me this watch hated my guts so bad he wanted to kill me."
Imagine being so narcissistic you don't even think twice telling a morally good person that.

What I love about this show is that there are consequences for everyone's actions and, boy, Skyler really dug a hole for herself. All she had to do was stick to her initially insanely strict law-abiding principles and let the lawyer talk to the police.

I don't blame her, but it was inevitable. I never got the massive amount of hate (what just because she complains a lot?) but anyone hopefully agrees she doesn't deserve any of this emotional abuse from Walt; which is a form of domestic violence.

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Breaking Bad: 4x11 Crawl Space

If you think about it it's Walt's actions that made Skyler do this. His pride never let himself be described to be in "danger," then he puffs himself up as this threat in "the guy who knocks" speech which ironically describes Jesse.

In reality all the people he killed, in a much less badass way, just put him and his family in more danger without ever telling her.
She took a long-term measure, but since Walt rushed everything it was bound to only work out in the short term.

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Breaking Bad: 3x12 Half Measures

Only issue I got is that Mike made him go to Gus despite that being just another half measure. I would never want to see my boy Jesse harmed, but it just doesn't make sense.

I did not expect Walt to be that cold blooded already, but maybe I'm just naive.

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Kleo: 1x08 The Purple Witch

Can't wait for Kleo to single-handedly defeat the US government in season 2.

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Kleo: 1x01 Big Eden

You gotta respect having the same drip as "Das Sams" from german childrens books/movies.

Although this episode does have some scenes with overacting, it is pretty fun.

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Breaking Bad: 2x10 Over

We stan a transmasc Kangaman king

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Breaking Bad: 2x09 4 Days Out

Men will rather wish their cancer to be back than go to therapy.

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Breaking Bad: 2x08 Better Call Saul

"That stakeout. You really think a man just happens to drive by like that?!" - Hank Schrader, probably.

Not to spoil Better Call Saul but man, me chaotically rewatching everything before this and then BCS really paid off.
I can't believe Jimmy turned into such an asshole and would disrespect Francesca like that tho.

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Better Call Saul: 6x13 Saul Gone

Now in prison he can be Jimmy because he accepted responsibility for his actions, he can be Saul by conning people, but he stays Gene by being a cook, but also having the same reputation and admiration he got without the risks associated. Plus he finally sees how proud Kim is and largely used to be and can keep it that way by still being himself.

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Better Call Saul: 6x12 Waterworks

Shout by Problematist
BlockedParent2022-08-10T09:00:42Z— updated 2022-08-12T00:43:23Z

Watching Jimmy's Mesa Verde ads with Kevin Wachtell's father going "Yup" hits different now.

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