

Gold Coast, Australia


Yet another movie devoid of any depth, logical character development, logical scenarios or decent acting. Poorly paced, should have been 30 minutes shorter,cliche ridden tripe. Somehow the director even managed to make Kate Winslet look like a B-grad actor. Utter nonsense pandering to the teen market.

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Sex Tape

A genuinely terrible movie. A wafer thin plot supported by a cast that doesn't get out of first gear.

I literally only laughed once, and that was thanks to a very small cameo by the always hilarious (just looking at his face cracks me up) Kumail Nanjiani. He's a very funny man who deserves his own lead in a movie or two.

Diaz and Segal are cringeworthy to the extreme. Nowadays, it seems that script writers and actors think that the more a character can swear, the "edgier" and funnier they are. This movie proved that premise patently false. Also, seeing two forty-somethings going so hard "at it" is cringe inducing - and I'm a forty-something myself.

Cameron Diaz's face looks like someone left an apple in the sun for a week too long. Her arse is still quite fine though.

In addition to the terrible plot, terrible premise and terrible acting, the entire 90 minutes is essentially a thinly disguised advertisement for Apple. So much blatant product placement and frothy product endorsement. I'm wondering if the Apple execs are regretting their decision given how much of a steaming turd the movie is...

Please, don't watch this. Phone your parents and chat to them for an hour. Take your dog for a walk. Go fishing. Drink alcohol until you can't feel feelings. Curl up in the fetal position and cry for an hour and a half. All are preferable to sitting through this. Do whatever it takes to avoid this disaster.

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