

Bremen, Germany


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


My favorite TV shows and movies.


Movies of 2020 (German release date [including Sneak preview dates]) that I put into my top 10 list.

DISCLAIMER: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I only visited Cinemas from Jan, 1st to Mar. 9th, this year. I manged to catch 17 movies until the first lock down, so this list is somewhat rather limited.

Of course, this list can only include films I manged to catch in cinemas during that year, and I won't retrofit lists, if I later see a movie from that year, that I even liked better, than any position in my Top 10 list.


Movies of 2019 (German release date [including Sneak preview dates]) that I put into my top 10 list.

Of course, this list can only include films I manged to catch in cinemas during that year, and I won't retrofit lists, if I later see a movie from that year, that I even liked better, than any position in my Top 10 list.


Movies of 2018 (German release date [including Sneak preview dates]) that I put into my top 10 list.

Of course, this list can only include films I manged to catch in cinemas during that year, and I won't retrofit lists, if I later see a movie from that year, that I even liked better, than any position in my Top 10 list.


Movies of 2017 (German release date [including Sneak preview dates]) that I put into my top 10 list.

Of course, this list can only include films I manged to catch in cinemas during that year, and I won't retrofit lists, if I later see a movie from that year, that I even liked better, than any position in my Top 10 list.


Movies of 2016 (German release date [including Sneak preview dates]) that I put into my top 10 list.

Of course, this list can only include films I manged to catch in cinemas during that year, and I won't retrofit lists, if I later see a movie from that year, that I even liked better, than any position in my Top 10 list.


Movies of 2014 (German release date [including Sneak preview dates]) that I put into my top 10 list.

Of course, this list can only include films I manged to catch in cinemas during that year, and I won't retrofit lists, if I later see a movie from that year, that I even liked better, than any position in my Top 10 list.


I've got the 10th edition of the German translation of "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die". It's a 960-paged book edited by Steven Jay Schneider, containing the combined knowledge of 77 internationally renowned movie ciritics, with short one to half-sided essays, movie credits, and trivia, throughout all genres and countries.

There are already a number of lists out, however, this book is reviewed every year, and as far as I can tell (I did go through a lot of these lists) non depicts the 2013 edition I possess, which ends with Life of Pi. I then thought of the ideal list being on that includes all movies, starting from the original list from 2003, with all the editions but non of the removals since then. Thanks to the internet, such list exists and therefore I will be adding these here, one by one. I did not "rank" them, because actually the book doesn't either - they are ordered by year and that is as meaningful as any other order I guess. Also, the "ranked lists" all have the problem that some movies are removed, which is why a number of people think about how to renumber this list probably... all things I deem unnecessary.

And yes, I intend to watch them all! If you watch one of them every week, it's just a 20 years task :D


Movies that I possess on blu-ray


Moives that I possess as 3D blu-ray


Movies that I possess on DVD


I love going to sneak previews, i.e. you get a cheap ticket for the cinema to a movie that you don't know the title of until you see it. Those movies are shown even before the official aring date, it's a weekly program, and if possible I'll visit them every week.
People tend to think that sneak previews always only show bad or arthouse movies - this might proof them wrong.
Cinemas I visit for sneak previews:
- CinemaxX, Bremen (2014-..., regulary)
- Studio Filmtheater, Kiel (2010-2014 + occasionally)
- Kino Center, Husum (2005-2010)


Moives I watched at cinema excluding thos at sneak previews (doubles in both lists means I've re-watched them at cinema after the sneak)


Movies I haven't watched yet, but plan to in the (near) future.


Series that got recommended to me and that I haven't come around yet.


Single episodes (especially specials) that I have missed.


... due to them being really horrible to watch! Mostly movies that I borrowed or saw in sneak previews.
