

Swansea, Wales.

The Santa Clauses: Season 2

Not quite as fun nor inventive as the first season but still worth a watch for fans of the series. Does some things very well like Mad Santa and lets other plot elements simply repeat themselves from the first season like Cal's regression. Great production design like last time but the way it's shot and the editing seems to have fallen to the wayside.

Fun to see some more connections to the original film and this time to the second one too like Judy's "return" and a nod to what happened to Curtis....

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Only Murders in the Building: Season 3

Fuck the Pickwick Triplets.

This season has it's moments but it's slow and meaningless. Oliver, Charles and Maybelle all still have a good screen presence but the start is poorly paced with imagination scenes throughout that just "do not sing". Speaking of which, whenever a show makes itself into a musical, there's going to be a descent into crassness. It's the case here too. Musicals are gimmicks in of themselves. This season seems to be too. Hopefully season 4 will ground itself again.

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The Mandalorian: Season 1

For the most part, this is a poorly written and dull sci-fi show. Plotholes galore, goofy videogame cutscene delivery from the cast, and dull narrative arcs. How Disney managed to make something as cool as space bounty hunting this drab is a marvel in its own right. Yes, it looks incredible - we have some stellar CGI, detailed props, costumes and puppetry but there's very little else there. Certainly worth a watch if you're a Star Wars fan like myself but I can't imagine people not into the series would gain anything worthwhile from this.

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American Born Chinese
What We Do in the Shadows: Season 3

Takes a bit of a dive in quality compared to the first two seasons, the peak being the second. There's still a lot of solid comedic takes in this but placing our humble vampiric quattro into the Vampiric Council getup gets old fast. Still heartfelt, funny for the most part and damn gorgeous to look at of course.

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Starts off quite amusing and novel with a storyline that focuses on a society where most have superpowers but the show quickly plummets. The writing and performance of the actors both come across childish, tepid and unfunny. More and more as episodes go on. Although set in a "British Metropolis", it feels very much like it's a comedy written for an American audience. Perhaps that's the Disney+ formula. If you want a similar show which is darkly amusing then Misfits from the 00s if the place to go.

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His Dark Materials: Season 1

Very enjoyable first season that feels like they adapted the source material well to the medium of television. Some great special effects, costuming and set design from a great Cardiff production company, Bad Wolf. The casting and acting are decent, although the writing in dialogue isn't always lucid, coming across forced. Perhaps that has more to do with Pullman's original contributions though. Lorne Balfe does a great job of scoring this. I'll have that theme song in my head for a while for sure.

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Boo, Bitch

I thought the concept of an embodied ghost stressing about leaving a legacy and whether to prom or not prom was novel but overall it's very poorly executed. Slow, boring at times, riddled with plot holes by its end but enjoyable enough characters - many of which give this show a surreal tone (like the mother and her baby). Would have worked better as a 90min film.

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Cobra Kai: Season 5

This was an exasperating watch. Took a while to get through it. I thought few of the stories made much sense, the action faltered in places and the dialogue was a struggle. Chozen was the standout character. Season 6 should be the end of the show.

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Man Vs Bee

Just a really crappy premise. In a world where we're meant to be protecting pollinators, Atkinson vows to destroy one poor solitary bee? There were times where I thought he had a change of heart, but then the writing double-downed on killing the insect. Did Atkinson's agent not veto this before he took it on? It was weird to find myself rooting not for our "humble" protagonist Atkinson's Trevor but the pretentious wealthy homeowners. Trevor was a lunatic. The CG bumblebee though is top-notch and it's worth watching a few episodes simply for the work that went into that. Man vs. Bee's biggest offence though? It's not even that funny.

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Charmed: Season 1

Really fun but also kinda dumb. Sort of a try-hard Buffy but for the 30 year old age bracket. Wouldn't have appreciated this when it came out half as much as I do now. Ridiculously cheesy acting and silly storylines, but the chemistry of the Charmed Ones is second to none. Hopefully season 2 improves on the disjointed nature of the first season.

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Cobra Kai: Season 4

After a middling second and third season, Cobra Kai returns with some force this time around. There's some incredibly talented martial artist performers used throughout the season which makes this show such a joy to watch. Many of the mainstay actors here are performing some of their best choreography that they've done. Story steps up a gear or two as well with the reintroduction of old antagonists. Yes, many of the minor characters lack any distinct acting gravitas, but I think we can let some of that slide.

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Peep Show: 7x05 Seasonal Beatings

Captures the British Christmas experience perfectly.

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The Vampire Diaries: Season 1

Somewhat engaging even with all the filler episodes. Not terrible for a first season, although if compared to the first seasons of other vampire TV giants like Buffy and True Blood, this pales in comparison. Perhaps it's the lackluster dialogue, or the character motivations being a little shoddy. Something felt off but I'm willing to give it another season.

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Wizards: Tales of Arcadia

An unfortunate end installment to a great animated series. Wizards' story was overly confusing due to its rushed production, with elements rarely explained or brushed over. Whereas Trollhunters suffered from the occasional filler episode, Wizards would have done well to double its length to really flesh out character motives (I'd say 3below struck a decent balance). Stunning to look at of course, and with fantastic animation and voice acting, Wizards will satisfy but you can't help thinking that it could have been more.

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