


Best Time

This drama had a lot of potential in the first half of the show, but it takes absolutely forever in getting down to the romance triangle. But when it does, the show becomes all sorts of melodramatic - hospital scenes start happening, people become super close to dying, parents disown children, people get fired at work, people get pregnant, etc. You know, the atypical Asian drama requirements. To top it all off, the TV direction becomes super lazy in the second half of the show. It's as if the director sort of gave up too. Wallace Chung does what he can with the script near the end, but even then, the show is still super tacky.

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I Am Sorry, I Love You

This TV drama really shows how talented Bryant Chang (now Ray Chang) is, and how deserving he is of the Best Newcomer award he received some years ago at the Golden Horse Awards. It kinda sucks that his career didn't take off after that award win, because he's one of the few "idol" actors in Taiwan right now who can pull off such a geeky character so genuinely.

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My Love from Another Star

The second half of the show kinda drags a bit - the way Korean shows add scenes that don't add much to the story, and you can tell the scriptwriter changed things to accommodate the TV ratings - but the first half of the story, and some of the side story lines (e.g. Lee Jaekyung conspiracy, and the detectives) make the show worth finishing to the end.

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High Society

This is one of those Korean dramas that has so much potential at the start, but about five or six episodes in, it just dies out because producers restructure everything for ratings and not for story. ~Throw in all the Korean drama clichés! All of them!~ Ugh. You can pretty much go down a check list of typical Korean drama scenes, and this drama will have them all.

The best (read: only) way to watch this show is to fast forward through all the unnecessary/terrible scenes. First, all the chaebol family scenes, starting from about four or five episodes in. Second, all the Yewon or mistress scenes; they add absolutely nothing to the main plot. Third, all the Yoonha & Joongi scenes, starting from when Yoonha finally figures out Joongi's real intention. What you'll have left are all the scenes with Changsoo and Jiyi. That couple is the only reason why you should even bother with this show.

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Tree in the River
I Don't Love You Yet
The Hook Up Plan

Not sure if I want a second season. The story is really cute, and the acting is pretty decent, but goddamn, the main female lead and her love interest have absolutely zero chemistry. There's not much going for the romantic interest (Jules) except for his dimples. His acting is flat and one-dimensional, but I also think the writing around his character also had something to do with it. He really didn't have much to work with in the first couple of episodes when Elsa's getting to know him. He's far too quiet, and his facial expressions aren't nuanced enough to portray the internal conflict he has while he falls in love with her.

This is a really cute show to binge watch, especially if you're a sucker for rom-com's like I am, but I wouldn't rewatch this again.

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Love Catharsis

There are two major issues with this TV drama that can quickly summarize the entire show:

  1. Emi Takei and Hideaki Takizawa have absolutely no chemistry with each other. They act at each other, not with each other.
  2. This show is essentially a 10-hour long commercial for Tiffany & Co., with a dash of Jimmy Choo and Manolo Blahnik on the side.
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The Honourable Woman

There are some pacing issues in the beginning and middle of this show, but Maggie Gyllenhaal puts in such a stunning performance, you'll be willing to ignore it. Lubna Azabal is also incredible in this. Good spy thriller for those interested in learning about the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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Triad Princess

Got my hopes when I saw on Netflix that they released a six-episode Taiwanese romantic comedy just four hours long because Asian dramas have a tendency to drag out their stories, but whomp whomp, the first season is just build-up for the second season. It's still a cute four-hour binge watch, and it's probably higher quality and more succinct than most Asian dramas of this genre, but man, some of the pacing and tonal switches during the show could still use some work.

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Summer's Desire

The premise is simple enough, but everything else is like an overly melodramatic soap opera. The script, the direction, the sounding editing, the soundtrack usage... Everything is bad. More often than not, scenes cut in and out without much connection between each other, and when the drama emphasizes important plot devices, the plot device doesn't end up being too featured or too talked about in the aftermath. It's a horribly cheesy, horribly melodramatic Taiwanese drama. I skipped 8 episodes in between (out of 14 total episodes - I watched the Taiwanese version, and not the Mainland version), and I still give this review. So all in all, watch at your own risk of wasting your precious time, lol.

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Bad Guys
Lost in Austen
Death Comes to Pemberley

I think this mini-series would have been miles better if another actress was cast as Elizabeth Bennett. There's just no charm to Anna Maxwell Martin's portrayal.

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Riverdale: 1x07 Chapter Seven: In a Lonely Place

So happy we finally got an episode on Jughead! And so happy we got to see a tiny sliver of happiness from him - aka that scene where he smiles after he walks Betty home.

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My Love from Another Star: 1x14 Episode 14

This is easily the best episode of the entire series – all the subplots finally converge to one. The protagonists, the antagonists, the detectives, and the supporting characters all react to one single event where they are all connected to in some way.

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13 Reasons Why: 1x11 Tape 6, Side A
High Society: 1x16 Episode 16

Shout by Arianne

So in the end:
• Yoonha's older brother stages his own disappearance with barely any consequences, because his father still welcomes him back.
• Changsoo is suddenly able to control both Jiyi and his mother, even though in 60% of the drama, he couldn't.
• Yoonha suddenly becomes VP in one year, and takes her sister's place somehow.
• Changsoo is still a flop in his own company.
• The mistress has no influence over the story line at all.

You can essentially fast forward all the scenes that don't feature the four main leads, and you'll still be able to understand the ending.

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High Society: 1x14 Episode 14

Mandatory must-have scenes in every Korean idol romance drama: The leading men grabbing hands with the leading ladies and running down a sidewalk or pathway. (Optional: In the pouring rain.)

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High Society: 1x11 Episode 11

Park Hyungsik is so handsome. Like in a way where he can both be handsome yet adorable at the same time. Korean casting directors are real good at finding those kinda talent, eh.

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High Society: 1x01 Episode 1

Oh god, this is one of those terribly clichéd Korean dramas where rich people fall in love with poor people, and vice versa. Cue lots of longing stares, hands slamming on tables, overdramatic rants etc. Even Uee can't save this, the script is just that bad.

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

Shout by Arianne

I don't like Sansa - of course she would betray her brother's (ok, cousin's) trust and blab his secret to everyone - but now I don't like Daenerys either. Damn, would she sit down and wait for her army to heal and recuperate? She's gotten increasingly ruthless in the past couple of seasons. It would indeed be a decent strategy if Jon and Daenerys would marry and just rule together, but I don't think that's going to happen now. They killed off Rhaegal, so that's gotta foreshadow something - that there will only be one Targaryen left standing at the end of the series.

Also, poor Ghost. Leaving him to the North definitely signalled Jon's gradual departure from the Stark family and gradual acceptance of his Targaryen heritage. So sad to see him react to Jon like that.

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Riverdale: 2x21 Chapter Thirty-Four: Judgment Night

The "Hot Riverdale Dads" walking into Pop's together is easily the highlight of this episode.

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Riverdale: 2x02 Chapter Fifteen: Nighthawks

OK, real talk. What is up with Cole Sprouse's acting this season? That scene between him and the mayor was awkward af. As was his line delivery of "How many damn years?" - ugh.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

Well then. That Cleganebowl was anti-climatic. Sandor Clegane would never speak to Arya that kindly/tenderly and tell her to save herself. What the fuck.

Also, Jaimie Lannister didn't get to kill Cersei, so that was a huge letdown. That soft romantic music that started playing when they were down in the Red Keep's basement was so jarring. What the fuck.

What was Arya's point in this episode besides run around King's Landing and be scared? What the fuck.

I mean, so many what-the-fuck's in this episode, I don't even. I guess I should have expected all this when I saw in the opening credits that D&D were the writers for this episode. Even good directing couldn't save it from being a complete letdown. Christ.

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Riverdale: 3x01 Chapter Thirty-Six: Labor Day

Seeing the hot Riverdale dads again and getting screen time for the two pet dogs, Hot Dog and Vegas, are easily, easily the top highlights of this season premiere.

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Orphan Black: 3x03 Formalized, Complex, and Costly

The first season is still the best season. Now, everything is far too complicated, with way too many characters to keep track of. I hope they don't add more clones, and just continue to kill people off instead.

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Bridgerton: 1x04 An Affair of Honor

In terms of chemistry between Daphne and Simon, I feel like the actress gives a lot to it, but the actor gives too little. The episodes are getting better though, after the awkwardly paced first two episodes.

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Orphan Black: 4x03 The Stigmata of Progress

Allison and Donnie are my favourite TV couple.

"Donnie, my sister has a robot maggot in her face. You tell me what a solid plan is." "Exactly. Now go rent a jackhammer."
"She's a scientist and a lesbian. She's not gonna let it slide."

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