


Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

Shout by Arianne

I don't like Sansa - of course she would betray her brother's (ok, cousin's) trust and blab his secret to everyone - but now I don't like Daenerys either. Damn, would she sit down and wait for her army to heal and recuperate? She's gotten increasingly ruthless in the past couple of seasons. It would indeed be a decent strategy if Jon and Daenerys would marry and just rule together, but I don't think that's going to happen now. They killed off Rhaegal, so that's gotta foreshadow something - that there will only be one Targaryen left standing at the end of the series.

Also, poor Ghost. Leaving him to the North definitely signalled Jon's gradual departure from the Stark family and gradual acceptance of his Targaryen heritage. So sad to see him react to Jon like that.

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Riverdale: 2x21 Chapter Thirty-Four: Judgment Night

The "Hot Riverdale Dads" walking into Pop's together is easily the highlight of this episode.

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Riverdale: 2x02 Chapter Fifteen: Nighthawks

OK, real talk. What is up with Cole Sprouse's acting this season? That scene between him and the mayor was awkward af. As was his line delivery of "How many damn years?" - ugh.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

Well then. That Cleganebowl was anti-climatic. Sandor Clegane would never speak to Arya that kindly/tenderly and tell her to save herself. What the fuck.

Also, Jaimie Lannister didn't get to kill Cersei, so that was a huge letdown. That soft romantic music that started playing when they were down in the Red Keep's basement was so jarring. What the fuck.

What was Arya's point in this episode besides run around King's Landing and be scared? What the fuck.

I mean, so many what-the-fuck's in this episode, I don't even. I guess I should have expected all this when I saw in the opening credits that D&D were the writers for this episode. Even good directing couldn't save it from being a complete letdown. Christ.

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Riverdale: 3x01 Chapter Thirty-Six: Labor Day

Seeing the hot Riverdale dads again and getting screen time for the two pet dogs, Hot Dog and Vegas, are easily, easily the top highlights of this season premiere.

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Orphan Black: 3x03 Formalized, Complex, and Costly

The first season is still the best season. Now, everything is far too complicated, with way too many characters to keep track of. I hope they don't add more clones, and just continue to kill people off instead.

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Bridgerton: 1x04 An Affair of Honor

In terms of chemistry between Daphne and Simon, I feel like the actress gives a lot to it, but the actor gives too little. The episodes are getting better though, after the awkwardly paced first two episodes.

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Orphan Black: 4x03 The Stigmata of Progress

Allison and Donnie are my favourite TV couple.

"Donnie, my sister has a robot maggot in her face. You tell me what a solid plan is." "Exactly. Now go rent a jackhammer."
"She's a scientist and a lesbian. She's not gonna let it slide."

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13 Reasons Why: 2x10 Smile, Bitches

Zach publicly confronting Bryce is the scene I've been waiting for.

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Bridgerton: 1x08 After the Rain

Jonathan Bailey's Anthony Bridgerton gets better and better each episode. I can't wait for season two. He's utterly ferocious.

Didn't like the fact that they revealed Whistledon ahead of time either. Unless that was a throwaway to lure us audience members to speculate in a completely direction...

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How to Get Away with Murder: 1x07 He Deserved to Die

How does a body examiner miss the fact that a dead woman was six-weeks pregnant during an autopsy? That sounds unrealistic.

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13 Reasons Why: 2x08 The Little Girl

Shout by Arianne
BlockedParent2018-05-28T01:52:56Z— updated 2018-05-29T10:58:18Z

Brandon Flynn showing off his acting chops as Justin again. My gosh, that kid has a natural talent. The emotional nuances in his acting are always so utterly on point in the character he built and the story he's in. Amazing.

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This Is Us: 1x12 The Big Day

Cried like a motherfucker during this episode. My god, the show producers have exceptional talent in organzing story lines. Also, mad kudos to the scriptwriters.

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Game of Thrones: 6x03 Oathbreaker

So happy to see the Stark family coming to their power now, each in their own individual way: Sansa with Brienne, Arya with her new skills, Jon with his new freedom, Bran with his knowledge, and well, hopefully Rickon gets a lesson of his own too.

I really hope Rickon Stark won't get murdered or tortured by Ramsay Bolton now that he's back in Castle Black, or Osha will protect him until otherwise. Maybe Jon Snow will return and murder people. Also, so happy to see Olenna Tyrell back. I miss that wise old lady.

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Downton Abbey: 3x03 Episode 3

I can't believe any scriptwriter would have the gall to write poor Lady Edith such a devastating plot twist. I mean, you'd think she has suffered enough.

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The Hook Up Plan

Not sure if I want a second season. The story is really cute, and the acting is pretty decent, but goddamn, the main female lead and her love interest have absolutely zero chemistry. There's not much going for the romantic interest (Jules) except for his dimples. His acting is flat and one-dimensional, but I also think the writing around his character also had something to do with it. He really didn't have much to work with in the first couple of episodes when Elsa's getting to know him. He's far too quiet, and his facial expressions aren't nuanced enough to portray the internal conflict he has while he falls in love with her.

This is a really cute show to binge watch, especially if you're a sucker for rom-com's like I am, but I wouldn't rewatch this again.

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Riverdale: 2x22 Chapter Thirty-Five: Brave New World

This episode was way too rushed. They should have made the previous episode, 2x21, the season finale instead. I hope the showrunners does a better job at planning the next season.

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Riverdale: 2x08 Chapter Twenty-One: House of the Devil

I support Archie/Betty, so I loved the final sequence, but damn, my favourite scene of this episode has got to be Alice confronting F.P. at Pop's. My god, the sexual tension between those two is hot! I mean, was that F.P. suggesting Alice to leave Hal, her husband?! There's history between those two, and I can't wait until it's finally revealed.

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Bridgerton: 1x01 Diamond of the First Water

Don't feel the chemistry just yet; there's some pacing issues; and there's some backstory missing between some characters, but it's a good start. Hope to see more of Eloise! She's so charming.

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Riverdale: 2x01 Chapter Fourteen: A Kiss Before Dying

I can finally see why some fans rate Cole Sprouse's acting so poorly. He definitely needs to be more subtle with his angsty sequences.

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Riverdale: 1x07 Chapter Seven: In a Lonely Place

So happy we finally got an episode on Jughead! And so happy we got to see a tiny sliver of happiness from him - aka that scene where he smiles after he walks Betty home.

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Bridgerton: 1x02 Shock and Delight

Some thoughts:

  • I find Simon's/Hastings' acting a bit flat. His eyes look a bit dead compared to the others. I'm still unconvinced of the chemistry between him and Daphne.
  • There are some editing and pacing issues still. I get that they want to make sure every character has their screentime and their character development, but it's gotta be done a bit more organically.
  • Simon's backstory turned so dark at the end there, holy cow. This is the only book of the series that I didn't read, so I didn't expect that.
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Sherlock: 3x03 His Last Vow

Shout by Arianne

That plot twist with Mary was wild! Totally didn't expect that. But it was incredibly clever for the show writers to lay out mini-clues about her history throughout this season. I mean, you always thought she was kinda suspicious, but it's never done to a point where you're like, "Oh she's not who she says she is." 10/10. Simply excellent writing. Plus, the one-liners are hilarious.

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Downton Abbey: 6x03 Episode 3

I admit, I'm kinda annoyed that the return of Tom and Sybbie ended up overshadowing the marriage of Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes.

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Downton Abbey: Special 3 A Journey to the Highlands

The ending is completely wonderful yet completely horrid all at the same time. Also, Edna is a stupid plot device that shouldn't have happened because Tom Branson is a sad character as it is. Watching him cry is just depressing.

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13 Reasons Why: 2x12 The Box of Polaroids

Best episode of season two so far. Clay and Justin looking out for each other is the cutest thing ever. It's like a bright light in all these dark story lines. They couldn't be more different from each other, so the bromance is simply adorable.

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Into the Badlands: 2x03 Red Sun, Silver Moon

The actors in this show really need to work on their line delivery. Neither Aramis Knight (M.K.) or Eve Connolly (Ava) make their scenes believable, which makes the entire 'hidden gift' Abbotts temple seem super tacky.

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High Society

This is one of those Korean dramas that has so much potential at the start, but about five or six episodes in, it just dies out because producers restructure everything for ratings and not for story. ~Throw in all the Korean drama clichés! All of them!~ Ugh. You can pretty much go down a check list of typical Korean drama scenes, and this drama will have them all.

The best (read: only) way to watch this show is to fast forward through all the unnecessary/terrible scenes. First, all the chaebol family scenes, starting from about four or five episodes in. Second, all the Yewon or mistress scenes; they add absolutely nothing to the main plot. Third, all the Yoonha & Joongi scenes, starting from when Yoonha finally figures out Joongi's real intention. What you'll have left are all the scenes with Changsoo and Jiyi. That couple is the only reason why you should even bother with this show.

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Into the Badlands: 1x05 Snake Creeps Down

Daniel Wu is so friggin' talented. It's so refreshing to see an actor who actually has a personal background in the martial arts perform his own stunts! It's just that much more realistic.

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Game of Thrones: 5x05 Kill the Boy

This season has been a lot slower than previous season, and I'm not sure if I like it. On one hand, character development is more intricate, but on the other hand, some scenes are completely unnecessary. Ser Barristan did not need to die though. It's as if he died just so the writers could keep the Grey Worm and Missandei romance side-plot alive. Ugh.

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