
1 follower

Toronto, Ontario

Generation Kill

Generation Kill bears an uncanny resemblance to Jarhead. Yes, it’s a different war. And yes, these soldiers actually do get to fight. But we are still following overly intelligent but somehow still dehumanized, over-trained soldiers given inappropriate missions and placed in bizarre situations that don’t make any sense, even in the context of their mission (and outside of that context, make far less sense).

This show is obviously a little more expansive. More of an ensemble piece. A little more interest in the “why are we here” angle. But it’s it still echoes the Sam Mendes movie. And honestly I think that’s a good thing.

These people have been trained to kill. They are so good at killing they don’t really sustain casualties. And yet their operation is a model of incompetence. And when they are done they will be unbelievably fucked up. And essentially that’s what we need to convey. No matter how much you perfect this, it’s still a terrible thing to subject anyone (victim or victimizer) to.

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The Oblongs

I don’t know what I would have thought about this when I was 20, but now it feels like a missed opportunity. There is a lot to work with here, but instead we get a typical situation comedy, hiding behind animation and a really wacky premise. (I felt like I was watching the logical conclusion of one of the “Premise Beach” ideas from Kids in the Hall.)

It’s only mildly amusing – I think I laughed, on average, once to twice an episode – and I just feel like there is so much potential here. It’s really too bad.

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House of Cards
The Kids in the Hall

Canada's Monty Python. After Flying Circus and SCTV, probably the most important sketch troupe show, right?

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The Singing Detective
Brideshead Revisited
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Battlestar Galactica
I, Claudius
The Bridge
Utopia: Season 1
Nathan for You

This show is pretty brilliant, it is both extremely cringey and also a very revealing satire of late capitalism. But it I found it a little too cringey for my mood at the time.

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The Fall
Burning Bush
Broadchurch: Season 1

This is, on the whole, a pretty good murder mystery. It features a compelling storyline that unfolds slowly, perhaps at the speed of a real police investigation, and universally great performances. Also, unlike American shows – and I’d be willing to guess, unlike the American remake – it features people who look like real people, which is always so refreshing.

For the most part, it transcends the cliches of the British murder mystery. Whereas usually, you’ve seen one, you’ve seen ’em all, this time there is enough going on, enough backstory, enough mystery that you don’t really notice that, for the most part, the same formula is being played out: brilliant-but-troubled detective, numerous suspects, only Our Hero will be able to solve it, etc.

Unfortunately the final reveal reeks a little too much of the genre, but I won’t go into that because it would contain spoilers.

I must say that when I learned of a second season I was severely disappointed. We can’t leave well enough alone.

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The Americans
Rectify: Season 1
House of Cards
Toast of London
Game of Thrones
Frozen Planet

This is yet another pretty good Attenborough nature documentary. However, there is a strong sense of deja vu. I feel like I've seen these scenes before. I probably haven't but you can always watch so many documentaries. But it's pretty.

My favourite part was the last episode, actually, which was more interesting and unusual for one of these documentaries, given that it focuses on humans. I learned something!

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Black Mirror: 1x01 The National Anthem

I liked this much less than most people. Not that I didn’t like it, but I find it weird that this is the one everyone thinks recommends the show.

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Black Mirror

I unfortunately didn’t write reviews of the individual episodes as I went through it. I wish I had done so.

I am the rare person who thinks the show got better when it went to Netflix, I think.

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World's Most Dangerous Roads
Metal Evolution

Prohibition is the shortest Burns mini-series yet, and I am tempted to say it is the best, or at least the most consistent of the mini-series he has helmed to date. It also feels the least mythological, which is refreshing coming from Burns, a man who can never avoid mythologizing or re-mythologizing his country’s history.

Though I knew a fair amount about the era, it’s safe to say there is still plenty to learn about it in such an intensive treatment – it is about 6 hours long or thereabouts – and, as always, Burns provides interesting personal stories and interesting insight from people who have thought about this a lot more than you or I.

This era stands as a lesson to pretty much anyone who wants to change behaviour and it feels particularly relevant given the moralizing of a certain portion of Americans, who are always trying to tell other Americans (and the world) how to live. The fact that they constitutionalized this moralizing and it was an abject failure should have convinced people that these kinds of moral crusades don’t work. Alas.

Anyway, it’s well worth you time.

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Bedlam: Season 1

Let me be clear: I didn’t want to make it one season. However, since I got the show from the library and I figured since I had it, I might as well…

But from the very first episode I knew this was not for me: silly interpersonal drama and ghosts – in the very first episode! (Of course, it’s a new ghost every episode, so that’s necessary…) This is just one of those shows where we’re expected to get attached to all the characters – though one of them is rather awful – and then enjoy their adventures every week, with guest-stars and guest-ghosts (and the mysteries therein).

As I said, had this been on a streaming service, or had I other movies from the library, I wouldn’t have watched another episode after the first one. But it was something stupid to have on while I uploaded podcasts and did maintenance on my website.

PS The things this show thinks are creepy are rarely, if ever, creepy, as they’ve already been used a bunch of times in better movies.

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