Samuel Soares Vaz


Goiânia, Brazil

Anna and the Apocalypse

The overall idea of the movie is a bit interesting, but it is so boring a lot of times to make me quit the movie by the half

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

This one is horrible... I've seen soap operas with a much better dialogue. And about the plot? THERE ISN'T ONE!!!!

Why did it have to be so long? It was painful

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The Platform

Loved the idea, the concept and a lot of the allegories and analogies. I guess the child was put there so she could starve and die - the immigrant one at the lowest level by the system. The mother did a lot to try and make the food last to the ground level, she did a lot of nasty things for her child. Maybe I'm reaching here, but I think when the child goes up, she broke the system... Against all odds she made it to the top, a flaw in the matrix that happens almost never in this much beloved capitalism of ours (irony here)

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The Two Popes

The performances of the main characters are just brilliant, the direction is superb and managed to portray the two popes as humane as possible.

The only thing that made me drift away from the movie was some dramatic interactions that I thought it could be a little unrealistic and the excess of flashbacks.

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Besides the hype, I really enjoyed this movie because of character development and superb acting by Joaquin Phoenix. It troubled me a little the fact that the plot makes Arthur suffer a bit much so we can empathyze with him. Also terrible choice of songs for the soundtrack (too melodramatic for my taste) and why does it have to explain to us that he was really delusional when we could reach that conclusion?

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The Ritual

Wow, that was definitely scary. I'll make a note to never get a shortcut again. I'm trying to figure the metaphorical meaning behind all this... Maybe the ones who are most hurted inside are most prone to worshiping?

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Under the Silver Lake

I love how Garfield carries the character in this movie, he's awesome. You have to admire the cinematography and the score here, it's so beautiful.

I know this is not a movie for everyone, but if you wanna see this, don't expect a coherent plot. Just enjoy the ride and try to find the meaning you want, but only if you want to.

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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

Call it a guilty pleasure, but the action here is superb, no one can deny it. Still, I'd like to se a little more of plot and less unrelenting fight scenes.

You can see why the action is really good when it doesn't get boring or weared off at all during the entire movie.

John Wick 1: 9
John Wick 2: 10
This one: 8 (for the lack of a good story)

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I enjoyed this movie. It keeps a lot of distance from the original Suspiria and that's good. I loved the cinematography and all that 70s aesthetics. The score is perfect, but I think the movie loses point on account of some poor acting and a troublesome plot at times.

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High Life

I love watching this movie. I don't really know if it is a great movie or why, but I really felt relaxed at the end of it. Nihilisticaly beautiful and amusingly contemplative, this piece is not for everyone.

If I have to give a negative comment it would be on the long list of disregards to science related aspectos that harmed a little bit the verisimilitude of the trip taken.

Have you noticed how fecundation seems like flying through a black hole?

PS: I don't recomend watching this movie when you're high because it will never end.

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First of all, it is not an horror movie. I don't even think it is a post-horror movie. That being said, I don't know how people still create expectations for scary stuff and ordinary horror in these kind of movies (please, guys, do your homework).
And I think it is an awesome movie with very good acting, an excelent score and an intriguing story, even if you can't see behind the curtains of it all...
I want nominations for Lupita and for this original score, man.

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Hotel Mumbai

The action of this movie is great and it manages to make the audience really feel the horror those people lived. However, I think it falls in some cliche when it comes to character building, stereotypes are all over the place and all the prejudices and xenophobia are poorly addressed when it tries to do so.

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I find it hard for me to pinpoint the genre of this movie, and that's great. The town (Bacurau) is the best actor/actress presented here, which means all the good acting gave personality to this wonderful place. You'll see a lot of social and political criticism here and it's perfectly done.
Unfortunately, nothing more can be said about this flick without giving away some spoilers, but rest assured, it is one of the best movies Brazil has made in a long time.

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The movie is a little bit boring at some points, but I thought it would be way more because the subject of the movie is boring per si, so I guess the direction did a pretty good job making it very interesting for me nevertheless.
I am not an US citizen, so I really don't care about all the bias complaints, and I really believe there are a lot of facts supporting the movie's view. Besides that, I loved the "meta" approach to the movie and the acting is really superb.

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