Sam Wight


Omicron Persei 8

About Me

I like good movies.

My rating criteria (stolen shamelessly from Reddit):

  • Masterpiece (10): One of the absolute best movies I've ever seen. Every single element is perfect. Impossibly amazing in every way.
  • Incredible (9): A movie which really blew me away. Near-flawless and near-effortless in its overall effect. Absolutely loved it.
  • Great (8): A movie which I really enjoyed, and whilst it has issues, the positive elements still outweigh the flaws to such an extent that it remains deeply satisfying overall. Definite re-watch material.
  • Very good (7): A movie which has one or more elements which I really liked, but they don't outweigh the flaws quite enough to the extent that it is a deeply satisfying experience overall. Still a solid time.
  • Good (6): A movie which I genuinely enjoyed, but that had no elements which were obvious standouts. A good effort. Perfectly fine casual fun.
  • Average (5): A movie which was actively unengaging and underwhelming in its overall effect, but that still remains watchable due to a one or more redeeming elements.
  • Below average (4): A movie which was so unengaging and underwhelming it in its overall effect, to the extent that you're finding it difficult to fight the urge to want to stop watching. Lethargic and emotionally numbing.
  • Poor (3): A movie which is not merely unengaging and uninteresting, but that felt joyless to watch. Incoherent plotting and technical incompetence dominate. A poorly made movie. Avoid.
  • Bad (2): Bottom-of-the-barrel filmmaking with next to no redeeming qualities. Wastes any potential of premise or talent involved. Simply unbearable. A literal joke.
  • Awful (1): A movie which is guaranteed to make you seriously question your own existence for continuing to live. Beyond detestable. A complete abomination. Represents the worst of films that make it into wide theatrical release.
Last 30 Days
Shows — 1h 16m
(3 eps)

Movies — 9h 34m
(5 movies)
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Shows — 75d 21h 40m
(2,818 eps)

Movies — 15d 5h 2m
(173 movies)
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All Favorites

My favorite TV shows and movies.

Black Swan

Gorgeous movie that does just about everything right.


I rewatch this obsessively just for Mia Goth's performance.

This movie had no business being this good LOL

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0 ratings with an average of 0 hearts.
