


Star Wars: Andor: 1x02 That Would Be Me

Great speech, sir. Very inspiring.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x10 My Moon My Man

Man, Night City eats you up and spits you out quick. David did not even last 6 months edge running.

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x08 The World Vs Scott Pilgrim

Overall??? I loved it. Character who gained the most: Young Neil. Character that was barely there: Kim Pine

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Shadow and Bone: 1x06 The Heart Is An Arrow

Jesper continues to be my favorite rogue/gunslinger and the Kit Young just drips with swagger. I love all his scenes. I wonder if he is so cool in the books...

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Lost in Space: 2x06 Severed

Don West is awesome. :o)

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x02 Like a Boy

Man, David. It seemed like you met the one. Then boom! That brutal ending.

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Inside Job: 1x02 Clone Gunman

I snickered at the netflix dig at the end.

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Steven Universe Future: 1x20 The Future

Wow, what a long, fun, emotional, and sweet ride this series has been. I appreciate how the final season dealt with change and emotional trauma and did not wrap everything up in a neat bow. Our emotional scars stay with us and we need to deal with them and not ignore them. Its hard work and most of the time we do not want to do it much like Steven kept looking for answers or saying everything is fine. But in the end its the people we helped along that way that can help us back when we need it. Such a wise show in so many goofy ways. Thank you.

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X-Men '97: 1x01 To Me, My X-Men
Willow: 1x04 The Whispers of Nockmaar

Best episode so far and really spooky. I also thought the sets and lighting were great. Most of episode was well paced and scripted however when Grayden got free from Willow it was just too convenient. I'd have preferred they'd at least show how he got free from Willow. Its not like I was surprised it was a trick. The call backs the Elena's mother and when Willow tricked the queen was pretty cool. I did find the backstory with Grayden the most interesting part of the show however.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x05 Darkside Tango

OMG! New Faye is salty and funny. I love her. Too bad the main story was so obvious. I prayed and prayed it wasn't the obvious that the bad cop was Jet's partner. Otherwise the episode looked really great.

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Shadow and Bone: 1x05 Show Me Who You Are

Great episode. I loved the ending. Just ask. LOL.

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Invincible: 1x05 THAT ACTUALLY HURT

Cool, intense, shocking, sad, and unpredictable.

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Willow: 1x03 The Battle of the Slaughtered Lamb

This episode had good points and bad points. I am really enjoying the characters and the dialogue. However, the wood women (the two ladies with the axes) felt so out of place. One moment muffin girls is lost in a wet dark forest and the next she is in a pleasant, sunny glade with some very odd ladies. The switch was so extreme I was sure it was a hallucination or evil spell of sometime. After it resolved it just felt like episode filler. Also, the sword combat is just poor in this episode and the way Kit or others are saved just in the nick of time felt forced. It was sad to see Willow's friend died and Warwick Davis really carries to show well. Guess we will see what is in the castle next. Nice cliffhanger and outro cover music.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x03 Reckoning

This is what I needed from Disney and Star Wars. The same Star Wars universe but with no light sabers or jet packs. Just down on their luck people trying to make their way in world that doesn't serve them but the rich, powerful and corrupt. And from those people, heroes rise as well as villains. We just saw the birth of both. This is story is so much more personal then I thought at first. I am so excited to see what comes next and I have no idea where it is going.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x01 Kassa

Story quality, direction and overall tension. This is so much better than the Obiwan series. I also enjoy seeing characters and situations that aren't really tied to previous Star Wars lore and therefore not shouldering the burden of staying cannon. Basically, I love it and excited. This is a good step in a new direction for Disney and Star Wars as a whole.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x03 Smooth Criminal

I know this show is crude and ultra violent but there is heart in the story and I am enjoying it.

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The Legend of Vox Machina: 1x11 Whispers at the Ziggurat

That was an awesome cliffhanger.

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Bluey: 2x26 Sleepytime

My favorite bluey episode and makes me tear up every time.

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The Mandalorian: 1x04 Chapter 4: Sanctuary

I thought the daughter did a nice job showing emotion and just being overall cute. The scene where she says goodbye to baby yoda was very believable. It wasn't the greatest episode but I still enjoyed myself and the action was very good again.

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X-Men '97: 1x05 Remember It

100% FIRE! I can't even review this because so MANY things happened in this ONE episode. I thought this was going to be a little love triangle(s) episode but this? If you've watch the episode you know what I mean.

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Carol & the End of the World: 1x01 Pilot

I liked the show but I kept obsessing over who is keeping power running, the bus and trains moving, making and packing food. They show the military is running the supermarket so I guess they are running all the infrastructure via martial law. But I kind of feel like all the infrastructure would fall apart with 7 months til extinction. Looking forward to the next episode.

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x05 Lights. Camera. Sparks?!

Great fight. This show is officially reminding me of Hi-Score Girl from the art style to the humor. Need to see if they are related.

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x04 Whatever

Man, this got meta fast. I like the way the plot is going. I’m definitely enjoying this however this fight with the paparazzi was my least favorite so far. This show is much more about healing than fighting anyway.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x14 Graduation Day

They finally have the mutant rebellion and they save it for the last episode? Still this story had alot more feel and themes of the first season so it was nice it touched upon again even if it was the last episode. Things ended on an interesting cliffhanger. It will be interesting to see how XMen 97 try to pick up the pieces from this great series.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x12 Descent

An okay origin story but would have made more sense to do it in Season 2 when Sinister was the main focus.

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Bob's Burgers: 2x01 The Belchies

I love the taffy butt outro with Cindy Lauper.

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The Mandalorian: 3x04 Chapter 20: The Foundling
Bob's Burgers: 1x09 Spaghetti Western and Meatballs

This show is turning into my comfort food. Too bad I’m not working on my ABS. I should CHOO CHOO..SE that instead.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 3x13 The Dark Phoenix: The Dark Phoenix (3)

I loved the reference in this episode (Dr. Strange, Thor, The Watcher, Eternity). It shows the rich lore of the Marvel Universe and how events touch even these great beings. I also love that Beast keeps a picture of his girlfriend on his computer and the he is left handed. Just those little details show how much the show's creators care about the characters they are creating.

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