Seán McCabe


Lower Hutt, New Zealand

The Book of Boba Fett: 1x01 Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land

Not a particularly exciting episode, it had its moments of it, but overall pretty bland.
Quick glimpse of how he escaped the Sarlac pit, and how he lost his armour, but really felt like a bland first episode (maybe because he was re-introduced in the Mandalorian, and he's was actually doing something?)
Seems to be the base of what's to come.

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Killjoys: 2x01 Dutch and the Real Girl

This episode takes off only a small amount of time after the end of the 1st season. It was nice to see the cliff-hanger was the focus of the episode, mixed in with some classic Dutch bad-assery.
A great first episode, straight back into the Kill-joy.

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The Magicians: 2x01 Knight of Crowns

Fairly decent start, follows directly on from the last season, and sets up nicely for the future. We get our first glimpse of even more Fillory which should be exciting to watch reveal.

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Grimm: 6x12 Zerstörer Shrugged

Damn did not see that coming. Way to start ending the show!

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The Crown: 1x09 Assassins

Shout by Seán McCabe

An episode primarily focused on Churchill and what an episode.
We learn more of Churchills past and the kind of man he thinks he is.
This episode certainly made me think there should be a Churchill series in the same format as The Crown. Of all the characters he is certainly the most intriguing and I think has the most to tell.

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Wayward Pines: 1x01 Where Paradise Is Home

Really enjoyed the first episode, a lot of mystery and really draws you in with all the questions. Nice to see Eureka again, even if they have made some changes. This show does feel a lot like "Persons Unknown" so will be interesting to see if it can outlast it, and address some of the mysteries a bit sooner so it doesn't just keep stringing you along.

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The Flash: 2x10 Potential Energy

Shout by Seán McCabe

It was an interesting first episode back, but probably one of the weakest so far. With Barry stumbling and mumbling deciding whether to reveal The Flash to her. It all ended up too late, which is a shame, as I liked Patty, and I think she was good for Barry. I see her coming back though and tying into Zoom, and Harrison being right.
The second plot was Wally West, who so far as proven to be a wasted character, hes a kid with a chip on his shoulder and Det. West is made to feel like the bad guy. Do something with him or send him back, he's doing nothing.

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The Magicians: 1x01 Unauthorized Magic

This, I'm not sure, there is a lot of story, but you're expected to know the background of the characters and instantly know what's going on in their lives and the story as a whole. I think the pilot perhaps could have been done a little better, but the last 10 minutes more than made up for it and has kept me hooked for the second episode. With any luck this will really set up the season for me to keep watching it.

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