Seán McCabe


Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Kingsman: The Secret Service

This film is epic, you will not be disappointed at all.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x01 Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land

Not a particularly exciting episode, it had its moments of it, but overall pretty bland.
Quick glimpse of how he escaped the Sarlac pit, and how he lost his armour, but really felt like a bland first episode (maybe because he was re-introduced in the Mandalorian, and he's was actually doing something?)
Seems to be the base of what's to come.

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Grimm: 6x12 Zerstörer Shrugged

Damn did not see that coming. Way to start ending the show!

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The Magicians: 2x01 Knight of Crowns

Fairly decent start, follows directly on from the last season, and sets up nicely for the future. We get our first glimpse of even more Fillory which should be exciting to watch reveal.

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The Crown: 1x09 Assassins

Shout by Seán McCabe

An episode primarily focused on Churchill and what an episode.
We learn more of Churchills past and the kind of man he thinks he is.
This episode certainly made me think there should be a Churchill series in the same format as The Crown. Of all the characters he is certainly the most intriguing and I think has the most to tell.

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Star Trek Beyond

A perfect blend of action, comedy, adventure and what makes Star Trek, Star Trek.
As a trekkie I was not disapointed, it had me laughing, touched and captivated just like I was as a kid watching Star Trek.

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King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Has been renamed to King Arthur: Legend of the Sword and the release date shifted to Spring 2017.

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Star Trek Beyond

Based on a sampling of reactions to Star Trek Beyond, the general consensus seems to be that it’s a fun and exciting sci-fi blockbuster that falls in line with Star Trek: The Original Series – and largely improves upon what didn’t quite work in Star Trek Into Darkness.


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Killjoys: 2x01 Dutch and the Real Girl

This episode takes off only a small amount of time after the end of the 1st season. It was nice to see the cliff-hanger was the focus of the episode, mixed in with some classic Dutch bad-assery.
A great first episode, straight back into the Kill-joy.

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Falling Water
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Time After Time

H.G. Wells is on the hunt for Jack the Ripper in first Time After Time trailer

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24: Legacy

Fox has released the first trailer for 24: Legacy

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Incredibly funny and insulting and entirely English. Highly recommend!

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More promos courtesy of Blastr:

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Kill Command

Trailer available to view here:

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The Flash: 2x10 Potential Energy

Shout by Seán McCabe

It was an interesting first episode back, but probably one of the weakest so far. With Barry stumbling and mumbling deciding whether to reveal The Flash to her. It all ended up too late, which is a shame, as I liked Patty, and I think she was good for Barry. I see her coming back though and tying into Zoom, and Harrison being right.
The second plot was Wally West, who so far as proven to be a wasted character, hes a kid with a chip on his shoulder and Det. West is made to feel like the bad guy. Do something with him or send him back, he's doing nothing.

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Suicide Squad

Brand new trailer; this isn't just a little bit awesome at all is it?!

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As a premiere it was ok, I am intrigued, but I certainly wasn't hooked which is disappointing given how much I was looking forward to it.

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The Revenant

Revenant is all that it is cracked up to be; stunning visuals, fantastic score, and superb acting by many of the cast. Leo makes a standout performance, and is greatly supported by Tom Hardy and Domhnall.
Only thing that prevents me giving this 10 stars is the length and the repetition. The film seems longer than it needs to be and I found myself getting bored as Leo's character, Hugh, is constantly finding himself on the brink of death all the while making his way to what we can assume is civilisation. There are only 2 outspoken references for Leo's reason for carrying on, and these are blink and miss it moments. As well as a couple of plot points that leave you wondering how that outcome was reached.
Overall you will enjoy this at the cinema, not sure it's a take home on Blu-ray and re-watch kind of film, but it is certainly a film of 2016 you don't want to miss even if purely to marvel at the beauty of the setting.

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The Magicians: 1x01 Unauthorized Magic

This, I'm not sure, there is a lot of story, but you're expected to know the background of the characters and instantly know what's going on in their lives and the story as a whole. I think the pilot perhaps could have been done a little better, but the last 10 minutes more than made up for it and has kept me hooked for the second episode. With any luck this will really set up the season for me to keep watching it.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

It was really Star Wars, as it should be, full of the old and the new, the light and the dark. What more could you ask for from the film of the year?

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Marvel's Jessica Jones

Intensely awesome show, as much as I wanted to binge-watch I resisted (somehow). It was so good in-fact the wife even watched it with me and commented it was unlike anything she had seen before. The acting, the script, all fantastic. Both Krysten Ritter, and David Tennant on screen separately were great, but together, awe-inspiring.
Certainly cannot wait for Season 2, whether that's before or after Defenders, there is certainly a lot more Jessica Jones left to tell!

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Sleeping with Other People

Alison Brie and Jason Sudeikis are hilarious in this and with the supporting cast will have you laughing out loud almost all the way through.

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Brilliantly shot (especially the single opening shot), and very bond like, but it feels flat. Lots of confusing, pointless and unresolved plot points that can leave you wondering what is really going on before your distracted with something blowing up. Villains were hollow and the rest of the characters were left further unexplored.
Enjoyable as a blu-ray, but not worth a trip to the cinema to view it.

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Black Mass

Based on a true story, as told at the end. It has great potential, but it fails to follow up with the numerous sub-plots it just throws in to make up the two hours, and the main plot lacks real emotion. Sunday-night movie only.

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Jurassic World

Was expecting a great movie and it certainly delivered. It has all your classic Jurassic Park stories and some nice nods back to the past but it certainly stands on its two hind legs ;)
Dont go in expecting the same magic as Jurassic Park and you will enjoy the action and the funny moments fully.

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Watched about ten minutes, was confused and just blasted with poor music, so gave up, there were just no instant hooks. Shame considering the good things I had heard.

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Wayward Pines: 1x01 Where Paradise Is Home

Really enjoyed the first episode, a lot of mystery and really draws you in with all the questions. Nice to see Eureka again, even if they have made some changes. This show does feel a lot like "Persons Unknown" so will be interesting to see if it can outlast it, and address some of the mysteries a bit sooner so it doesn't just keep stringing you along.

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awesome program, been desperately binge watching this to catch-up

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Love Actually

Perhaps the ultimate Christmas film and the pinnacle of British humour.

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