Mike Campos

1 follower

San Diego, California

Malcolm in the Middle

finished that 70's show and I was like now what? Malcolm and the Middle is literally a golden show. Laughs almost in every episode... swear they don't make shows like this anymore.

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Stranger Things: 4x02 Chapter Two: Vecna's Curse

it's all coming together now but damn wtf! The last episode where Jane/El massacres all the kids at the lab was brutal and now knowing this makes all the prior seasons creepier because of what we saw when she attacked Angela at the fucking skating rink like just imagine she had her telekinesis...... it would be "The Boys" season two finale all over again!

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Stranger Things: 4x01 Chapter One: The Hellfire Club

Second best season opener!!!!.....behind season one obviously. Such a nice pace with the new character Introductions wasn't too overwhelming. Looking forward to the rest.

RATING - 88%

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Family Guy: 4x09 Breaking Out Is Hard to Do


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Family Guy: 4x07 Brian the Bachelor

Brian getting a phone thrown at him is so fucking funny

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Family Guy: 4x03 Blind Ambition

First of all Bonnie you've been pregnant for like 6 years

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Family Guy: 3x20 Road to Europe

I feel like I would only give it a 10 because it's the first of many center episodes of Brain & Stewie's adventures. Another memorable epsidoe from my childhood

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Stranger Things: 4x04 Chapter Four: Dear Billy

Dang wtf I haven't cried for a tv series in a while tbh..... Only ones I can think of are Breaking Bad when Jesse was making his wooden box

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First time finally watching it and man I am am so happy and sad. Happy because it's another 10/10 movie that I can add to my list. Sad because I'm realizing all the good movies that are made today aren't as impactful as as used to be. This movie is a must watch if you're a big fan of The Sopranos! Mafia type movies and shows have really become my all time favorites.

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F is for Family: 1x01 The Bleedin' in Sweden

On my 4th re-run now. Definitely my all time favorite adult animation show! If anyone can recommend a show like this please let me know.

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Boardwalk Empire: 1x01 Boardwalk Empire

Oh man for years and years I've been trying look for a replacement for Breaking Bad. Sopranos was pretty close maybe once I rewatch again it could change my mind. But Im glad the Sopranos was the first show I decided to watch on HBO Max because it really set the foundation for these crime/drama series. So hooked on this show and I can't wait to watch 2 episodes per night instead of my usual 1 every other day.

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Family Guy: 5x05 Whistle While Your Wife Works

lmao Peter falling off the stairs in the opening credits is ironic as f

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Family Guy: 4x23 Deep Throats

Chris: Brian's the new Meg!
Meg: Yeah you're the new me
Peter: Shut up Meg

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Family Guy: 4x02 Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High

Peter: HEADS UP!!!!!!!!!
Random Guy: *KO

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My Hero Academia: 1x01 Izuku Midoriya: Origin

And here we go!!!!!!!! This anime has been in my watch list forever. Im pretty hooked so far. The characters, the world setting, the flashbacks (sucker for those).

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Boardwalk Empire: 2x12 To the Lost

WHAT. A. SEASON. FINALE!!!!! Season 2 a step up from season 1 obviously bigger production and more things at stake. Man I'm just pissed off that I figured out the formula to an incredible show...... killing off amazing characters or ones that we The audience want to keep on exploring but no instead we have to live in a reality where we have no choice but see the villian of the story once again be the main protagonist. GENUIS.

SEASON 1 - 87%
SEASON 2 - 90%

I was previously watching "The Wire", seasons 1 & 2 to be exact and decided to take a break and check out "Boardwalk Empire". I told myself after I finish the first two seasons I would go back to "The Wire", but man to be honest I need to finish Boardwalk first or at least just season 3. It's been 4 months since I finished season 2 of "The Wire" so I don't want to reach the 6th month. The Wire is pretty good and I want to see what's the hubbub on the legacy of these awesome gritty shows.

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Family Guy: 5x15 Boys Do Cry


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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 6x06 WWE

WWE was my childhood so this episode is fucking 10/10

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Family Guy: 5x04 Saving Private Brian

They finally killed off Johnny!

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Family Guy: 3x01 The Thin White Line (1)

Shout by Mike Campos

Ahhhh Ragtime Tunes before they were killed off

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Family Guy: 4x01 North by North Quahog

2nd revival of Family Guy

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Two and a Half Men: 12x11 For Whom the Booty Calls

Malcom in the Middle dad cameo what's his name uhhhhhh Abraham?

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Family Guy: 3x16 A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas

This episode is surely the most memorable from my childhood. Adult Swim will forever be a classic channel for airing Family Guy and giving it a 2nd life!

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Family Guy: 3x11 Emission Impossible

God i love classic Family Guy so much!
Cleveland: I SEE NOTHING

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Two and a Half Men: 9x10 A Fishbowl Full of Glass Eyes

Holy shit it's Mike!!!!!!!! Alternate universe where Mike doesn't get killed and gets a new identity as a pawn store clerk

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Two and a Half Men: 9x03 Big Girls Don't Throw Food

I don't see why the hate on A.K. so much it's not that bad....... well fart jokes yeah I can see

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Peacemaker: 1x05 Monkey Dory

Woah this epsiode was totally unexpected with some gruesome kills and I do love that HBO is letting James Gunn whatever he wants.

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My Hero Academia: 1x02 What It Takes to Be a Hero

Woah ok now I'm hooked. So much emotion in just the 2nd epsiode of the season. I really expected All-Might to be a villian when the smoke was unveiling his real physical form.

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Medium: 4x07 Burn Baby Burn (1)

I forgot this was an iconic episode

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King of the Hill: 3x02 And They Call It Bobby Love

Ahhhh an OG KOTH episode!

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